Source code for PyXWF.Templates

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A basic XSLT template implementation.

import abc
import itertools
import os
import copy
import logging

from PyXWF.utils import ET, _F
import PyXWF.utils as utils
import PyXWF.Resource as Resource
import PyXWF.Cache as Cache
import PyXWF.Namespaces as NS
import PyXWF.Document as Document
import PyXWF.Registry as Registry
import PyXWF.ContentTypes as ContentTypes
import PyXWF.Parsers.PyWebXML as PyWebXML

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Template(Resource.Resource): """ Baseclass for templating, which is not bound to XSLT yet. It provides some shared mechanims, like being file-bound and a finalization method which does the final transformation (including PyXWF specific transformations which are provided by the Site object). """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, site, filename): super(Template, self).__init__() = site self.filename = filename self._last_modified = utils.file_last_modified(filename) @property def LastModified(self): return self._last_modified @abc.abstractmethod def transform(self, body, template_args={}): pass
[docs] def final(self, ctx, document, license_fallback=None): """ Do the final transformation on *document*. This includes adding keywords and author information, setting up the title, loading crumbs, replacing local links and more. """ template_args = template_args.update(document.get_template_arguments()) metapath = NS.PyWebXML.meta licensepath = metapath + "/" + NS.PyWebXML.license page = document.to_PyWebXML_page() if license_fallback is not None and page.find(licensepath) is None: page.find(metapath).append(license_fallback.to_node()), page) newdoc = self.transform(page, template_args) newdoc.title = newdoc.title or document.title body = newdoc.body if body is None: raise ValueError("Transform did not return a valid body.") html = ET.Element(NS.XHTML.html) head = ET.SubElement(html, NS.XHTML.head) ET.SubElement(head, NS.XHTML.title).text = \ newdoc.title or document.title html_ns = unicode(NS.XHTML) valid_ext_ns = set((unicode(NS.XHTML), unicode(NS.PyWebXML))) for hmeta in newdoc.hmeta: head.append(hmeta) for helement in newdoc.ext: tag = helement.tag if not isinstance(tag, basestring): continue ns, name = utils.split_tag(tag) if ns in valid_ext_ns: head.append(helement) for link in newdoc.links: rel = link.get("rel") if rel == "script": link = ET.Element(NS.XHTML.script, attrib={ NS.LocalR.src: link.get("href"), "type": link.get("type") }) else: ielimit = link.get("ie-only") if ielimit is not None: link = copy.copy(link), link) link.tag = "link" del link.attrib["ie-only"] ET.cleanup_namespaces(link) s = ET.tostring(link, method="html", xml_declaration="no", encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8") s = "[{0}]>{1}<![endif]".format(ielimit, s) link = ET.Comment() link.text = s link.tail = "\n" head.append(link) if len(newdoc.keywords) > 0: ET.SubElement(head, NS.XHTML.meta, attrib={ "name": "keywords", "content": ",".join(newdoc.keywords) }) html.append(body) html =, html) return ET.ElementTree(html)
[docs]class XSLTTemplate(Template): """ A specific templating implementation which uses XSLT as backend. """ def __init__(self, site, filename): super(XSLTTemplate, self).__init__(site, filename) self._parse_template() def update(self): last_modified = utils.file_last_modified(self.filename) if last_modified > self._last_modified: self._last_modified = last_modified self._parse_template() def _parse_template(self): self.xslt_transform = ET.XSLT(ET.parse(self.filename)) def raw_transform(self, body, template_args): return self.xslt_transform(body, **template_args) def transform(self, body, template_args={}, custom_body=NS.XHTML.body): newdoc = self.raw_transform(body, template_args) return[ContentTypes.PyWebXML].parse_tree(newdoc.getroot(), header_offset=0)
[docs]class XSLTTemplateCache(Cache.FileSourcedCache): """ A :class:`~PyXWF.Cache.FileSourcedCache` which is specialized for :class:`~XSLTTemplate` instances. """ def _load(self, path): logger.debug(_F("requesting template at {0}", path)) tpl = XSLTTemplate(, path) logger.debug(_F("template at {0} loaded ok", path)) return tpl