Source code for aioxmpp.e2etest.provision

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see
# <>.
import abc
import ast
import asyncio
import enum
import fnmatch
import json
import logging

import aioxmpp
import aioxmpp.disco
import aioxmpp.security_layer
import aioxmpp.connector

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Quirk(enum.Enum):
    Enumeration of implementation quirks.

    Each enumeration member represents a quirk of an implementation. A quirk is
    a behaviour of an implementation which does not directly violate standards,
    but which is unfortunate in a way that it disables some features of

    One example of such a quirk is the rewriting of message stanza IDs which
    some MUC implementations do when reflecting the messages. This breaks the
    stanza tracking of :meth:`aioxmpp.muc.Room.send_tracked_message`.

    The following quirks are defined:

    .. attribute:: MUC_REWRITES_MESSAGE_ID

       This quirk must be configured when the environment the provisioner
       provides rewrites the message IDs when they are reflected by the MUC

       The quirk does not need to be set if the environment does not provide a
       MUC implementation at all.


def fix_quirk_str(s):
    if s.startswith("#"):
        return "" + s
    return s

[docs]def configure_tls_config(section): """ Generate keyword arguments for use with :meth:`.security_layer.make` from the configuration which control the TLS behaviour of the security layer. :param section: Configuration section to work on. :return: Keyword arguments for :meth:`.security_layer.make` :rtype: :class:`dict` The generated keyword arguments are ``pin_type``, ``pin_store`` and ``no_verify``. The options in the config file have the same names and the semantics are the following: ``pin_store`` and ``pin_type`` can be used to configure certificate pinning, in case the server you want to test against does not have a certificate which passes the default OpenSSL PKIX tests. If set, ``pin_store`` must point to a JSON file, which consists of a single object mapping host names to arrays of strings containing the base64 representation of what is being pinned. This is determined by ``pin_type``, which can be ``0`` for Public Key pinning and ``1`` for Certificate pinning. There is also the ``no_verify`` option, which, if set to true, will disable certificate verification altogether. This does not much harm if you are testing against localhost anyways and saves the configuration nuisance for certificate pinning. ``no_verfiy`` takes precedence over ``pin_store`` and ``pin_type``. """ no_verify = section.getboolean( "no_verify", fallback=False ) if not no_verify and "pin_store" in section: with open(section.get("pin_store")) as f: pin_store = json.load(f) pin_type = aioxmpp.security_layer.PinType( section.getint("pin_type", fallback=0) ) else: pin_store = None pin_type = None return { "pin_store": pin_store, "pin_type": pin_type, "no_verify": no_verify, }
[docs]def configure_quirks(section): """ Generate a set of :class:`.Quirk` enum members from the given configuration section. :param section: Configuration section to work on. :return: Set of :class:`.Quirk` members This parses the configuration key ``quirks`` as a python literal (see :func:`ast.literal_eval`). It expects a list of strings as a result. The strings are interpreted as :class:`.Quirk` enum values. If a string starts with ``#``, it is prefixed with ```` for easier manual writing of the configuration. See :class:`.Quirk` for the currently defined quirks. """ quirks = ast.literal_eval(section.get("quirks", fallback="[]")) if isinstance(quirks, (str, dict)): raise ValueError("incorrect type for quirks setting") return set(map(Quirk, map(fix_quirk_str, quirks)))
def configure_blockmap(section): blockmap_raw = ast.literal_eval(section.get("block_features", fallback="{}")) return { aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(entity): features for entity, features in blockmap_raw.items() } def _is_feature_blocked(peer, feature, blockmap): return any( fnmatch.fnmatch(feature, item) for item in blockmap.get(peer, []) ) @asyncio.coroutine
[docs]def discover_server_features(disco, peer, recurse_into_items=True, blockmap={}): """ Use :xep:`30` service discovery to discover features supported by the server. :param disco: Service discovery client which can query the `peer` server. :type disco: :class:`aioxmpp.DiscoClient` :param peer: The JID of the server to query :type peer: :class:`~aioxmpp.JID` :param recurse_into_items: If set to true, the :xep:`30` items exposed by the server will also be queried for their features. Only one level of recursion is performed. :return: A mapping which maps :xep:`30` feature vars to the JIDs at which the service is provided. This uses :xep:`30` service discovery to obtain a set of features supported at `peer`. The set of features is returned as a mapping which maps the ``var`` values of the features to the JID at which they were discovered. If `recurse_into_items` is true, a :xep:`30` items query is run against `peer`. For each JID discovered that way, :func:`discover_server_features` is re-invoked (with `recurse_into_items` set to false). The resulting mappings are merged with the mapping obtained from querying the features of `peer` (existing entries are *not* overriden -- so `peer` takes precedence). """ server_info = yield from disco.query_info(peer) all_features = { feature: [peer] for feature in server_info.features if not _is_feature_blocked(peer, feature, blockmap) } if recurse_into_items: server_items = yield from disco.query_items(peer) features_list = yield from asyncio.gather( *( discover_server_features( disco, item.jid, recurse_into_items=False, ) for item in server_items.items if item.jid is not None and item.node is None ) ) for features in features_list: for feature, providers in features.items(): all_features.setdefault(feature, []).extend(providers) return all_features
[docs]class Provisioner(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for provisioners. Provisioners are responsible for providing test cases with XMPP accounts and client objects connected to these accounts, as well as information about the environment the accounts live in. A provisioner must implement the following methods: .. automethod:: _make_client .. automethod:: configure The following methods are the API used by test cases: .. automethod:: get_connected_client .. automethod:: get_feature_provider .. automethod:: has_quirk These methods can be used by provisioners to perform plumbing tasks, such as shutting down clients or deleting accounts: .. automethod:: initialise .. automethod:: finalise .. automethod:: setup .. automethod:: teardown """ def __init__(self, logger=_logger): super().__init__() self._accounts_to_dispose = [] self._featuremap = {} self._account_info = None self._logger = logger self.__counter = 0 @abc.abstractmethod @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def _make_client(self, logger): """ :param logger: The logger to pass to the client. :return: Client with a fresh account. Construct a new :class:`aioxmpp.PresenceManagedClient` connected to a new account. This method must be re-implemented by subclasses. """
[docs] def get_connected_client(self, presence=aioxmpp.PresenceState(True), *, services=[], prepare=None): """ Return a connected client to a unique XMPP account. :param presence: initial presence to emit :type presence: :class:`aioxmpp.PresenceState` :param prepare: a coroutine run after the services are summoned but before the client connects. :type prepare: coroutine receiving the client as argument :raise OSError: if the connection failed :raise RuntimeError: if a client could not be provisioned due to resource constraints :return: Connected presence managed client :rtype: :class:`aioxmpp.PresenceManagedClient` Each account used by the clients returned from this method is unique; all clients are guaranteed to have different bare JIDs. The clients and accounts are cleaned up after the tear down of the test runs. Some provisioners may have a limit on the number of accounts which can be used in the same test. Clients obtained from this function are cleaned up automatically on tear down of the test. The clients are stopped and the accounts deleted or cleared, so that each test starts with a fully fresh state. A coroutine may be passed as `prepare` argument. It is called with the client as the single argument after all services in `services` have been summoned but before the client connects, this is for example useful to connect signals that fire early in the connection process. """ id_ = self.__counter self.__counter += 1 self._logger.debug("obtaining client%d from %r", id_, self) logger = self._logger.getChild("client{}".format(id_)) client = yield from self._make_client(logger) for service in services: client.summon(service) if prepare is not None: yield from prepare(client) cm = client.connected(presence=presence) yield from cm.__aenter__() self._accounts_to_dispose.append(cm) return client
def get_feature_providers(self, feature_nses): """ :param feature_ns: Namespace URIs to find a provider for :type feature_ns: iterable of :class:`str` :return: JIDs of the entities providing all features :rtype: :class:`set` of :class:`aioxmpp.JID` If there is no entity supporting all requested features, the empty set is returned. """ providers = set() iterator = iter(feature_nses) try: first_ns = next(iterator) except StopIteration: return None providers = set(self._featuremap.get(first_ns, [])) for feature_ns in iterator: providers &= set(self._featuremap.get(feature_ns, [])) return providers
[docs] def get_feature_provider(self, feature_nses): """ :param feature_ns: Namespace URIs to find a provider for :type feature_ns: iterable of :class:`str` :return: JID of the entity providing all features :rtype: :class:`aioxmpp.JID` If there is no entity supporting all requested features, :data:`None` is returned. """ providers = self.get_feature_providers(feature_nses) if not providers: return None return next(iter(providers))
def get_feature_subset_provider(self, feature_nses, required_subset): required_subset = set(required_subset) candidates = {} for feature_ns in feature_nses: providers = self._featuremap.get(feature_ns, []) for provider in providers: candidates.setdefault(provider, set()).add(feature_ns) candidates = sorted( ( (provider, features) for provider, features in candidates.items() if features & required_subset == required_subset ), key=lambda x: (len(x[1])) ) try: return candidates.pop() except IndexError: return None, None
[docs] def has_quirk(self, quirk): """ :param quirk: Quirk to check for :type quirk: :class:`Quirk` :return: true if the environment has the given quirk """ return quirk in self._quirks
def has_pep(self): """ :return: true if the account has PEP support, false otherwise. """ if not self._account_info: return False return any(ident.category == "pubsub" and ident.type_ == "pep" for ident in self._account_info.identities) @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def configure(self, section): """ Read the configuration and set up the provisioner. :param section: mapping of config keys to values Subclasses will implement this to configure their account setup and servers to use. .. seealso:: :func:`configure_tls_config` for a function which extracts TLS-related arguments for :func:`aioxmpp.security_layer.make` :func:`configure_quirks` for a function which extracts a set of :class:`.Quirk` enumeration members from the configuration :func:`configure_blockmap` for a function which extracts a mapping which allows to block features from specific hosts """
[docs] def initialise(self): """ Called once on test framework startup. Subclasses may run service discovery code here to detect features of the environment they are connected to. .. seealso:: :func:`discover_server_features` for a function which uses :xep:`30` service discovery to find features. """
[docs] def finalise(self): """ Called once on test framework shutdown (timeout of 10 seconds applies). """
[docs] def setup(self): """ Called before each test run. """
[docs] def teardown(self): """ Called after each test run. The default implementation cleans up the clients obtained from :meth:`get_connected_client`. """ futures = [] for cm in self._accounts_to_dispose: futures.append(asyncio.async(cm.__aexit__(None, None, None))) self._accounts_to_dispose.clear() self._logger.debug("waiting for %d accounts to shut down", len(futures)) yield from asyncio.gather( *futures, return_exceptions=True )
[docs]class AnonymousProvisioner(Provisioner): """ This provisioner uses SASL ANONYMOUS to obtain accounts. It is dead-simple to configure: it needs a host to connect to, and optionally some TLS and quirks configuration. The host is specified as configuration key ``host``, TLS can be configured as documented in :func:`configure_tls_config` and quirks are set as described in :func:`configure_quirks`. A configuration for a locally running Prosody instance might look like this: .. code-block:: ini [aioxmpp.e2etest.provision.AnonymousProvisioner] host=localhost no_verify=true quirks=[] The server configured in ``host`` must support SASL ANONYMOUS and must allow communication between the clients connected that way. It may provide PubSub and/or MUC services, which will be auto-discovered if they are provided in the :xep:`30` items of the server. .. note:: Make sure to disable PEP (:xep:`163`) support on the server, to avoid the ``…pubsub#publish`` feature to be bound to the server instead of the pubsub component. This is unfortunate because it prohibits testing PEP properly. This may be fixed in a future release when anything PEP-specific is implemented. """ def configure(self, section): super().configure(section) self.__host = section.get("host") self.__domain = aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(section.get( "domain", self.__host )) self.__port = section.getint("port") self.__security_layer = aioxmpp.make_security_layer( None, anonymous="", **configure_tls_config( section ) ) self.__blockmap = configure_blockmap(section) self._quirks = configure_quirks(section) @asyncio.coroutine def _make_client(self, logger): override_peer = [] if self.__port is not None: override_peer.append( (self.__host, self.__port, aioxmpp.connector.STARTTLSConnector()) ) return aioxmpp.PresenceManagedClient( self.__domain, self.__security_layer, override_peer=override_peer, logger=logger, ) @asyncio.coroutine def initialise(self): self._logger.debug("initialising anonymous provisioner") client = yield from self.get_connected_client() disco = client.summon(aioxmpp.DiscoClient) self._featuremap.update( (yield from discover_server_features( disco, self.__domain, blockmap=self.__blockmap, )) ) self._logger.debug("found %d features", len(self._featuremap)) if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for feature, providers in self._featuremap.items(): self._logger.debug( "%s provided by %s", feature, ", ".join(sorted(map(str, providers))) ) self._account_info = yield from disco.query_info(None) # clean up state del client yield from self.teardown()