Source code for aioxmpp.e2etest

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see
# <>.
:mod:`~aioxmpp.e2etest` --- Framework for writing integration tests for :mod:`aioxmpp`

This subpackage provides utilities for writing end-to-end or intgeration tests
for :mod:`aioxmpp` components.

.. warning::

   For now, the API of this subpackage is classified as internal. Please do not
   test your external components using this API, as it is experimental and
   subject to change.


The basic concept is that tests are written like normal unittests. However,
tests are written by inheriting classes from :class:`aioxmpp.e2etest.TestCase`
instead of :mod:`unittest.TestCase`. :class:`.e2etest.TestCase` has the
:attr:`~.e2etest.TestCase.provisioner` attribute which provides access to a
:class:`.provision.Provisioner` instance.

Provisioners are objects which provide a way to obtain a connected XMPP client.
The JID to which the client is bound is unspecified; however, each client gets
a unique bare JID and the clients are able to communicate with each other. In
addition, provisioners provide information about the environment in which the
clients act. This includes providing JIDs of entities implementing specific
protocols or features. The details are explained in the documentation of the
:class:`~.provision.Provisioner` base class.

By default, tests which are written with :class:`.e2etest.TestCase` are skipped
when using the normal test runners. This is because the provisioners need to be
configured; this is handled using a custom nosetests plugin which is not loaded
by default (for good reasons). To run the tests, use (instead of the normal
``nosetests3`` binary):

.. code-block:: console

   $ python3 -m aioxmpp.e2etest

The command line interface is identical to the one of ``nosetests3``, except
that additional options are provided to configure the plugin. In fact,
:mod:`aioxmpp.e2etest` is simply a nose test runner with an additional plugin.

By default, the configuration is read from ``./.local/e2etest.ini``. For
details on configuring the provisioners, see :ref:`the developer guide

Main API

Decorators for test methods

The following decorators can be used on test methods (including ``setUp`` and

.. autodecorator:: require_feature

.. autodecorator:: skip_with_quirk

General decorators

.. autodecorator:: blocking()

.. autodecorator:: blocking_timed()

.. autodecorator:: blocking_with_timeout

Class for test cases

.. autoclass:: TestCase

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.e2etest.provision


.. autoclass:: Provisioner

.. autoclass:: AnonymousProvisioner

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.e2etest

.. autoclass:: Quirk

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.e2etest.provision

Helper functions

.. autofunction:: discover_server_features

.. autofunction:: configure_tls_config

.. autofunction:: configure_quirks
import asyncio
import configparser
import functools
import importlib
import os
import unittest

from nose.plugins import Plugin

from .utils import blocking
from .provision import Quirk  # NOQA

provisioner = None
config = None
timeout = 1

[docs]def require_feature(feature_var, argname=None, *, multiple=False): """ :param feature_var: :xep:`30` feature ``var`` of the required feature :type feature_var: :class:`str` :param argname: Optional argument name to pass the :class:`FeatureInfo` to :type argname: :class:`str` or :data:`None` :param multiple: If true, all peers are returned instead of a random one. :type multiple: :class:`bool` Before running the function, it is tested that the feature specified by `feature_var` is provided in the environment of the current provisioner. If it is not, :class:`unittest.SkipTest` is raised to skip the test. If the feature is available, the :class:`FeatureInfo` instance is passed to the decorated function. If `argname` is :data:`None`, the feature info is passed as additional positional argument. otherwise, it is passed as keyword argument using the `argname`. If `multiple` is true, all peers supporting the given feature are passed in a set. Otherwise, only a random peer is returned. This decorator can be used on test methods, but not on test classes. If you want to skip all tests in a class, apply the decorator to the ``setUp`` method. """ if isinstance(feature_var, str): feature_var = [feature_var] def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global provisioner if multiple: arg = provisioner.get_feature_providers(feature_var) has_provider = bool(arg) else: arg = provisioner.get_feature_provider(feature_var) has_provider = arg is not None if not has_provider: raise unittest.SkipTest( "provisioner does not provide a peer with " "{!r}".format(feature_var) ) if argname is None: args = args+(arg,) else: kwargs[argname] = arg return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
def require_feature_subset(feature_vars, required_subset=[]): required_subset = set(required_subset) feature_vars = set(feature_vars) | required_subset def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global provisioner jid, subset = provisioner.get_feature_subset_provider( feature_vars, required_subset ) if jid is None: raise unittest.SkipTest( "no peer could provide a subset of {!r} with at least " "{!r}".format( feature_vars, required_subset, ) ) return f(*(args+(jid, feature_vars)), **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator def require_pep(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global provisioner if not provisioner.has_pep(): raise unittest.SkipTest( "the provisioned account does not support PEP", ) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def skip_with_quirk(quirk): """ :param quirk: The quirk to skip on :type quirk: :class:`Quirks` If the provisioner indicates that the environment has the given `quirk`, the test is skipped. This decorator can be used on test methods, but not on test classes. If you want to skip all tests in a class, apply the decorator to the ``setUp`` method. """ def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global provisioner if provisioner.has_quirk(quirk): raise unittest.SkipTest( "provisioner has quirk {!r}".format(quirk) ) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def blocking_with_timeout(timeout): """ The decorated coroutine function is run using the :meth:`~asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.run_until_complete` method of the current (at the time of call) event loop. If the execution takes longer than `timeout` seconds, :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` is raised. The decorated function behaves like a normal function and is not a coroutine function. This decorator must be applied to a coroutine function (or method). """ def decorator(f): @blocking @functools.wraps(f) @asyncio.coroutine def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): yield from asyncio.wait_for(f(*args, **kwargs), timeout) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def blocking_timed(f): """ Like :func:`blocking_with_timeout`, the decorated coroutine function is executed using :meth:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.run_until_complete` with a timeout, but the timeout is configured in the end-to-end test configuration (see :ref:`dg-end-to-end-tests`). This is the recommended decorator for any test function or method, to prevent the tests from hanging when anythin goes wrong. The timeout is under control of the provisioner configuration, which means that it can be adapted to different setups (for example, running against an XMPP server in the internet will be slower than if it runs on localhost). The decorated function behaves like a normal function and is not a coroutine function. This decorator must be applied to a coroutine function (or method). """ @blocking @functools.wraps(f) @asyncio.coroutine def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global timeout yield from asyncio.wait_for(f(*args, **kwargs), timeout) return wrapper
@blocking @asyncio.coroutine def setup_package(): global provisioner, config, timeout if config is None: # AioxmppPlugin is not used -> skip all e2e tests for subclass in TestCase.__subclasses__(): # XXX: this depends on unittest implementation details :) subclass.__unittest_skip__ = True subclass.__unittest_skip_why__ = \ "this is not the aioxmpp test runner" return timeout = config.getfloat("global", "timeout", fallback=timeout) provisioner_name = config.get("global", "provisioner") module_path, class_name = provisioner_name.rsplit(".", 1) mod = importlib.import_module(module_path) cls_ = getattr(mod, class_name) section = config[provisioner_name] provisioner = cls_() provisioner.configure(section) yield from provisioner.initialise() def teardown_package(): global provisioner, config if config is None: return loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(provisioner.finalise()) loop.close() class E2ETestPlugin(Plugin): name = "aioxmpp-e2e" def options(self, options, env=os.environ): options.add_option( "--e2etest-config", dest="aioxmpp_e2e_config", metavar="FILE", default=".local/e2etest.ini", help="Configuration file for end-to-end tests " "(default: .local/e2etest.ini)" ) def configure(self, options, conf): self.enabled = True global config config = configparser.ConfigParser() with open(options.aioxmpp_e2e_config, "r") as f: config.read_file(f) @blocking @asyncio.coroutine def beforeTest(self, test): global provisioner if provisioner is not None: yield from provisioner.setup() @blocking @asyncio.coroutine def afterTest(self, test): global provisioner if provisioner is not None: yield from provisioner.teardown()
[docs]class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ A subclass of :class:`unittest.TestCase` for end-to-end test cases. This subclass provides a single additional attribute: .. autoattribute:: provisioner """ @property
[docs] def provisioner(self): """ This is the configured :class:`.provision.Provisioner` instance. If no provisioner is configured (for example because the e2etest nose plugin is not loaded), this reads as :data:`None`. .. note:: Under nosetests and the vanilla unittest runner, tests inheriting from :class:`TestCase` are automatically skipped if :attr:`provisioner` is :data:`None`. """ global provisioner return provisioner