:mod:`PyXWF.Site` — A whole Website =================================== .. automodule:: PyXWF.Site :members: .. _site-hooks: Hooks available on :class:`~PyXWF.Site.Site` objects --------------------------------------------------- The following hooks are available on every :class:`~PyXWF.Site.Site` instance. They're called with the specified arguments and their return value is ignored. See :class:`PyXWF.Registry.HookRegistry` for more information on hooking. .. currentmodule:: None .. function:: tweaks-loaded() All nodes in ```` have been processed. This is useful to do something smart with the configuration you received. .. function:: tree-loaded() The tree root has been found in the sitemap and is completely loaded. This implies that all node IDs are accessible by the time this hook is called. .. function:: crumbs-loaded() The whole ```` has been processed. .. function:: loading-finished() The whole sitemap was successfully processed. .. function:: handle.pre-lookup(ctx) :meth:`~PyXWF.Site.Site.getMessage` has just been called, no lookup has been done yet. This is useful to place site-wide redirects. *ctx* is the :class:`~PyXWF.Context.Context` instance of the request.