PyXWF – eXtensible Web Framework Documentation ============================================== Welcome to the documentation of PyXWF, an extensible web framework for Python. It is written in pure python, using the *lxml* and *WebStack* libraries. To learn more about PyXWF, please have a look at `the official PyXWF page `_. Hints on notation ----------------- Throughout the documentation, we'll be talking about XML nodes and attributes. XML nodes are referenced by ```` or ``ns:name``, where *ns:* is the namespace prefix (if any) and *name* is the local-name of the Node. XML attributes are referenced by ``@ns:name``, with *ns:* and *name* having the same meanings as before. Some namespaces are used commonly with PyXWF and thus have some prefixes we consider default and useful: * ``h:`` maps to ````, the XHTML namespace. * ``py:`` maps to ````, the namespace for PyWebXML documents. * ``site:`` maps to ````, the namespace for ``sitemap.xml`` files. Table of contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 tutorial/index sitemap/index plugins/index pywebxml/index reference/index Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`