Source code for PyXWF.Sitleton

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[docs]class Sitleton(object): """ .. note:: If you want to create a sitleton, you probably want to be able to configure it. For that purpose, :class:`~PyXWF.Tweaks.TweakSitleton` is the correct baseclass. This is a pretty dumb baseclass which does nothing more than storing the value of *site* as :attr:`site`. However, this is useful when doing multiple inheritance to bring the diamond shape together at the right point (namely at :class:`Sitleton`), which doesn't break calling super() on init. """ def __init__(self, site, **kwargs): super(Sitleton, self).__init__(**kwargs) = site @classmethod
[docs] def at_site(cls, site): """ Return the sitleton instance of the class at which this method is called which has been instanciated at the :class:`~PyXWF.Site.Site` *site*. Raises :class:`~PyXWF.Errors.SitletonNotAvailable` if the sitleton has not been instanciated with exactly the class this method was called on at the given *site*. """ try: return site.sitletons[cls] except KeyError: raise Errors.SitletonNotAvailable(cls, site)