# encoding=utf-8
# File name: Site.py
# This file is part of: pyxwf
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
# of the GNU General Public license (the "GPL License"), in which case
# the provisions of GPL License are applicable instead of those above.
# For feedback and questions about pyxwf please e-mail one of the
# authors named in the AUTHORS file.
The heart of PyXWF is beating in the :class:`~Site` instance. It accepts requests
and passes them through the tree defined in the sitemap xml.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import itertools
import os
import importlib
import copy
import mimetypes
import warnings
import re
import sys
import logging
import platform
from PyXWF.utils import ET, _F, threading, blist
import PyXWF
import PyXWF.Types as Types
import PyXWF.ContentTypes as ContentTypes
import PyXWF.Errors as Errors
import PyXWF.utils as utils
import PyXWF.Namespaces as NS
import PyXWF.Parsers.PyWebXML as PyWebXML
import PyXWF.Message as Message
import PyXWF.Document as Document
import PyXWF.Registry as Registry
import PyXWF.Cache as Cache
import PyXWF.Templates as Templates
import PyXWF.Resource as Resource
import PyXWF.Tweaks.CoreTweaks
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Site(Resource.Resource):
Represent and maintain a complete PyXWF framework instance. The sitemap is
loaded from *sitemap_file*. Optionally, one can specify a *default_url_root*
which is used if no URL root is specified in the sitemap XML.
.. attribute:: parser_registry
An instance of :class:`~PyXWF.Registry.ParserRegistry` local to the
current site. This is the preferred method to access parsers.
.. attribute:: hooks
An instance of :class:`~PyXWF.Registry.HookRegistry` for this site.
See :ref:`site-hooks` for a reference of existing hooks.
urn_scheme = re.compile("^\w+:")
def __init__(self, sitemap_file, default_url_root=None, **kwargs):
"Initializing PyXWF/{pyxwf_version} at {pid} with {python}/{python_version} lxml.etree/{etree_version}, {threading}, blist/{blist_version}",
super(Site, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.startcwd = os.getcwd()
self.default_url_root = default_url_root
self.final_transform = Templates.XSLTTemplate(
os.path.join(PyXWF.data_path, "final-transform.xsl")
# self.savepoint = ImportSavepoints.RollbackImporter()
def LastModified(self):
return self.sitemap_timestamp
def _require(self, value, name):
Chech whether the given *value* is None, and if so, raise a ValueError.
*name* is needed to format a nice error message.
if value is None:
raise ValueError("Sitemap requires a valid {0} tag.".format(name))
def _load_meta(self, root):
Process the meta element from a sitemap XML tree.
meta = root.find(NS.Site.meta)
if meta is None:
raise ValueError("meta tag must be present.")
# pyxwf instance name; passed to templates as site_title
self.title = unicode(meta.findtext(NS.Site.title))
# file system root when looking for site content files
self.root = meta.findtext(NS.Site.root) or self.startcwd
# URL root in the web server setup for absolute links inside the
# framework (e.g. CSS files)
self.urlroot = meta.findtext(NS.Site.urlroot) or self.default_url_root
# validate
self._require(self.title, "title")
self._require(self.root, "root")
self._require(self.urlroot, "urlroot")
# set of authors which can be referred by their IDs in documents
self._authors = {}
for author in meta.findall(NS.PyWebXML.author):
authorobj = Document.Author.from_node(author)
if authorobj.id is None:
raise ValueError("Authors must be referrable by an id")
self._authors[authorobj.id] = authorobj
# (default) license of content
license = meta.find(NS.PyWebXML.license)
if license is not None:
self._license = Document.License.from_node(license)
self._license = None
def _load_plugins(self, root):
Load the python modules for plugins
self.nodes = {}
plugins = root.find(NS.Site.plugins)
if plugins is None:
for plugin in plugins.findall(NS.Site.p):
if not isinstance(plugin.tag, basestring):
module = importlib.import_module(plugin.text)
def _load_tree(self, root):
Load the whole sitemap tree recursively. Nodes which accept children
have to load them themselves.
# find the tree root. This is kinda complicated as we do not
# know its namespace ...
for node in root:
if node.tag.endswith("tree"):
self.tree = Registry.NodePlugins(node, self, None)
raise ValueError("No tree node.")
def _load_crumbs(self, root):
Load crumbs and associate them to their ID.
self.crumbs = {}
crumbs = root.find(NS.Site.crumbs)
if crumbs is None:
for crumb in crumbs:
if not isinstance(crumb.tag, basestring):
self.add_crumb(Registry.CrumbPlugins(crumb, self))
def _load_tweaks(self, tweaks):
Load extended configuration (called tweaks).
# further information, warn about unknown tags in our namespace
for child in tweaks:
if child.tag is ET.Comment:
ns, name = utils.split_tag(child.tag)
except Errors.MissingTweakPlugin as err:
def _replace_child(self, parent, old_node, new_node):
old_idx = parent.index(old_node)
if new_node is None:
del parent[old_idx]
parent[old_idx] = new_node
def _place_crumb(self, ctx, crumb_node, crumb):
parent = crumb_node.getparent()
idx = parent.index(crumb_node)
del parent[idx]
for i, node in enumerate(crumb.render(ctx, parent)):
parent.insert(idx+i, node)
def _load_optional_transformations(self):
if self.remove_xhtml_prefixes:
self.prefixless_xhtml = Templates.XSLTTemplate(
os.path.join(PyXWF.data_path, "prefixless-xhtml.xsl")
self.prefixless_xhtml = None
def get_template_arguments(self, ctx):
# XXX: This will possibly explode one day ...
return {
b"site_title": utils.unicode2xpathstr(self.title),
b"deliver_mobile": "1" if ctx.IsMobileClient else "0",
b"mobile_client": "1" if ctx.IsMobileClient else "0",
b"host_name": utils.unicode2xpathstr(ctx.HostName),
b"url_scheme": utils.unicode2xpathstr(ctx.URLScheme),
b"url_root": utils.unicode2xpathstr(self.urlroot),
b"full_uri": utils.unicode2xpathstr(ctx.FullURI)
def transform_relative_uri(self, ctx, uri, make_global=False):
if uri is None or self.urn_scheme.search(uri): # non local href
return uri or ""
if uri.startswith("/"):
if not make_global:
return uri
uri = os.path.join(self.urlroot, uri)
if make_global:
uri = "{0}://{1}{2}".format(ctx.URLScheme, ctx.HostName, uri)
return uri
def _get_node(self, ctx):
Find the node pointed to by the *Path* stored in the Context *ctx*.
path = ctx.Path
if len(path) > 0 and path[0] == "/":
path = path[1:]
node = self.tree.resolve_path(ctx, path)
except Errors.InternalRedirect as redirect:
ctx.Path = redirect.new_location
return self._get_node(ctx)
return node
[docs] def add_crumb(self, crumb):
Add the given *crumb* to the Sites crumb registry. May throw a
ValueError if the ID is invalied or duplicated with an already existing
registry entry.
if crumb.ID is None:
raise ValueError("Crumb declared without id.")
if crumb.ID in self.crumbs:
raise ValueError("Duplicate crumb id: {0}".format(crumb.ID))
self.crumbs[crumb.ID] = crumb
[docs] def register_node_id(self, ID, node):
Nodes may have IDs under which they can be referred using the Site. This
method is used to register the *node* under a given *ID*. This will
raise a ValueError if the ID is duplicated.
self.nodes[ID] = node
def unregister_node_id(self, ID):
del self.nodes[ID]
[docs] def get_node(self, ID):
Retrieve the node which has the ID *ID*.
return self.nodes[ID]
def _setup_cache(self, key, cls, *args):
Setup a cache with *key* and class *cls* passing *args* to its
constructor as a specialized Cache in our *cache* attribute.
del self.cache[key]
except KeyError:
return self.cache.specialized_cache(key, cls, *args)
[docs] def load_sitemap(self, sitemap_file):
Load the whole sitemap XML from *sitemap_file*.
# set this up for later auto-reload
self.sitemap_file = sitemap_file
self.sitemap_timestamp = utils.file_last_modified(sitemap_file)
# reinitialize cache
self.cache = Cache.Cache(self)
# parse the sitemap
root = ET.parse(sitemap_file).getroot()
# load metadata
# setup specialized caches
self.template_cache = self._setup_cache((self, "templates"),
Templates.XSLTTemplateCache, self.root)
self.file_document_cache = self._setup_cache((self, "file-doc-cache"),
Document.FileDocumentCache, self.root)
self.xml_data_cache = self._setup_cache((self, "xml-data-cache"),
Resource.XMLFileCache, self.root)
self.parser_registry = Registry.ParserRegistry()
self.tweak_registry = Registry.TweakRegistry()
self.hooks = Registry.HookRegistry()
# load plugins
# instanciate sitletons, so they're ready when the tweaks come in
self.sitletons = Registry.Sitletons.instanciate(self)
# load extended configuration
tweaks = root.find(NS.Site.tweaks)
if tweaks is None:
tweaks = ET.Element(NS.Site.tweaks)
# load site tree
# setup the default template
if self.default_template is None:
self.default_template = self.tree.Template or "templates/default.xsl"
# load crumbs
logger.debug("Sitemap loaded successfully, executing post-config")
[docs] def update(self):
If neccessary, reload the whole sitemap. This works as long as the new
sitemap does not depend on any python code changes.
sitemap_timestamp = utils.file_last_modified(self.sitemap_file)
if sitemap_timestamp > self.sitemap_timestamp:
logger.info("sitemap xml changed -- reloading complete site.")
[docs] def handle_not_found(self, ctx, resource_name):
Handle a NotFound exception if it occurs while traversing the sitetree
in the search for a node to handle the current request.
tpl = self.template_cache[self.not_found_template]
except Exception as err:
body = ET.Element(NS.XHTML.body)
section = ET.SubElement(body, NS.XHTML.section)
header = ET.SubElement(section, NS.XHTML.header)
h2 = ET.SubElement(header, NS.XHTML.h2)
h2.text = "Resource not found"
p = ET.SubElement(section, NS.XHTML.p)
p.text = "The resource {0} could not be found.".format(resource_name)
p = ET.SubElement(section, NS.XHTML.p)
p.text = "Additionally, the specified (or fallback) error template\
at {0} could not be loaded: {1}.".format(self.not_found_template,
return Document.Document("Not found", [], [], body)
err = ET.Element(NS.PyWebXML.error, attrib={
"type": "not-found"
ET.SubElement(err, NS.PyWebXML.resource).text = resource_name
return tpl.transform(err, {})
[docs] def get_message(self, ctx):
Handle a request in the given Context *ctx*.
# mark ourselves as a used resource
# call a hook used by some tweaks
self.hooks.call("handle.pre-lookup", ctx)
# prepare iterable with loaded html transformations
html_transforms = itertools.imap(self.template_cache.__getitem__, \
# default status code
status = Errors.OK
# attempt lookup
logger.debug("dispatching request")
node = self._get_node(ctx)
except Errors.NotFound as status:
logger.debug("no target node found, generating error page")
if status.document is not None:
data = status.document
template = status.template
data = self.handle_not_found(ctx,
status.resource_name or ctx.Path)
template = None
if template is None:
template = self.template_cache[self.default_template]
logger.debug("preparing context")
# setup the context
ctx.PageNode = node
logger.debug("load & announce template")
# load the template and mark it for use
template_path = node.Template or self.default_template
if template_path is None:
raise ValueError("no valid template -- neither node nor default template is properly set.")
template = self.template_cache[template_path]
logger.debug("load & announce transformations")
# evaluate the iterable as we need the list multiple times in this
# code path
html_transforms = list(html_transforms)
logger.debug("checking content type")
content_type = node.get_content_type(ctx)
if content_type == ContentTypes.xhtml:
if not ctx.HTML5Support and self.html4_transform:
if self.disable_xhtml:
ctx.CanUseXHTML = False
logger.debug("XHTML disabled in config")
if not ctx.CanUseXHTML:
# we'll do conversion later
content_type = ContentTypes.html
if self.client_cache:
logger.debug("probing for cache early out")
# raise NotModified if the result is already known to
# the client (as per If-Modified-Since header)
# no client-side caching allowed.
logger.debug("client side caching disabled")
logger.debug("asking node for document to return")
# otherwise, create the document and return it
data = node.handle(ctx)
if isinstance(data, Document.Document):
logger.debug("got Document, rendering")
# do the final transformation on the content fetched from the node
result_tree = template.final(ctx, data,
logger.debug("performing additional transformations")
for xslt in html_transforms:
result_tree = xslt.raw_transform(result_tree, {})
if not ctx.HTML5Support and self.html4_transform:
logger.debug("xhtml5->xhtml1 transformation")
transform = self.template_cache[self.html4_transform]
result_tree = transform.raw_transform(result_tree, {})
if not ctx.CanUseXHTML:
logger.debug("xhtml->html transformation & pass result")
message = Message.HTMLMessage.from_xhtml_tree(result_tree,
status=status, encoding="utf-8",
logger.debug("pass result")
if not ctx.PrefixedXHTMLSupport and self.remove_xhtml_prefixes:
logger.debug("Client is unable to deal with prefixed XHTML, performing transform")
result_tree = self.prefixless_xhtml.raw_transform(
message = Message.XHTMLMessage(result_tree,
status=status, encoding="utf-8",
elif isinstance(data, (ET._Element, ET._ElementTree)):
logger.debug("got Element(Tree)?, returning XML document")
message = Message.XMLMessage(data, content_type,
status=status, encoding="utf-8",
cleanup_namespaces=True, pretty_print=self.pretty_print
elif isinstance(data, basestring):
logger.debug("got string, returning plain text")
message = Message.TextMessage(data, content_type,
status=status, encoding="utf-8"
raise TypeError("Cannot process node result: {0}".format(type(data)))
# only enforce at the end of a request, otherwise things may become
# horribly slow if more resources are needed than the cache allows
return message
def handle(self, ctx):
return self.get_message(ctx)
except Errors.Handler.InternalServerError as err:
return Message.HTMLMessage.from_xhtml_tree(err.xhtml, status=Errors.HTTP500,
except Errors.MethodNotAllowed as status:
ctx.Cachable = False
ctx.set_response_header("allow", ",".join(status.allow))
except Errors.HTTPStatusBase:
except Exception as err:
xhtml = Errors.Handler.InternalServerError(ctx, *sys.exc_info()).xhtml
return Message.HTMLMessage.from_xhtml_tree(xhtml, status=Errors.HTTP500,