Source code for PyXWF.Message

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In PyXWF, we call all content we send over the wire a Message. Messages thus
contain information about their mime type, encoding and of course their payload.

They represent it internally however they like, but must be able to serialize
the payload to a properly encoded bytes object for conversion in a MessageInfo

import abc, copy

from PyXWF.utils import ET
import PyXWF.utils as utils
import PyXWF.Namespaces as NS
import PyXWF.ContentTypes as ContentTypes
import PyXWF.Errors as Errors

[docs]class Message(object): """ Baseclass for any message. For proper function, messages must implement the :meth:`get_encoded_body` method. It handles sending the message in a given transaction context if all properties and methods are set up properly. *mimetype* is the MIME type according to RFC 2046. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, mimetype, status=Errors.OK, encoding=None): super(Message, self).__init__() self._mimetype = mimetype self._encoding = encoding self._last_modified = None self._status = status @property
[docs] def MIMEType(self): """ The internet media type (aka *content type*) of the :class:`~Message`. """ return self._mimetype
@property def Encoding(self): """ Encoding (charset in the Content Type context) of the message. """ return self._encoding @Encoding.setter
[docs] def Encoding(self, value): self._encoding = value
[docs] def get_encoded_body(self): """ Return the bytes object resembling the contents encoded in the encoding set up in :attr:`Encoding`. Derived classes must implement this method. """
@property def StatusCode(self): return self._status.code @property def Status(self): return self._status @Status.setter def Status(self, value): self._status = value def __eq__(self, other): try: return (self._status.code == other._status.code and self._encoding == other._encoding and self._mimetype == other._mimetype and self.get_encoded_body() == other.get_encoded_body()) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): result = self == other if result is NotImplemented: return result return not result def __str__(self): return """\ {0} {1} Content-Type: {2}; charset={3} Last-Modified: {5} {4}\n""".format( self._status.code, self._status.title, self._mimetype, self._encoding, self.get_encoded_body(), self._last_modified.isoformat() if self._last_modified else "None" ) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class XMLMessage(Message): """ Represent a generic XML message. *doctree* must be a valid lxml Element or ElementTree. *content_type* must specify the MIME type of the document. If cleanup_namespaces is True, :func:`lxml.etree.cleanup_namespaces` will be called on the tree. """ def __init__(self, doctree, content_type, cleanup_namespaces=False, pretty_print=False, force_namespaces={}, **kwargs): super(XMLMessage, self).__init__(content_type, **kwargs) self._doctree = doctree self._pretty_print = pretty_print if cleanup_namespaces: try: # this is only available with lxml backend ET.cleanup_namespaces(self._doctree) except AttributeError: pass if force_namespaces: root = self._doctree.getroot() # this is an ugly hack nsmap = root.nsmap nsmap.update(force_namespaces) newroot = ET.Element(root.tag, attrib=root.attrib, nsmap=nsmap) newroot.extend(root) self._doctree = ET.ElementTree(newroot) """for prefix, uri in force_namespaces.viewitems(): root.set("{{{0}}}{1}".format("", prefix), uri)""" @property def DocTree(self): return self._doctree @DocTree.setter def DocTree(self, value): self._doctree = value def get_encoded_body(self, **kwargs): simpleargs = { "encoding": self.Encoding or "utf-8", "xml_declaration": "yes", "pretty_print": self._pretty_print } simpleargs.update(kwargs) return ET.tostring(self.DocTree, **simpleargs )
[docs]class XHTMLMessage(XMLMessage): """ Represent an XHTML message. *doctree* must be a valid XHTML document tree as lxml.etree node. Conversion to bytes payload is handled by this class automatically. """ def __init__(self, doctree, minify_namespaces=True, **kwargs): myargs = { "cleanup_namespaces": True } myargs.update(kwargs) super(XHTMLMessage, self).__init__(doctree, ContentTypes.xhtml, **myargs) self._minify_namespaces = minify_namespaces def get_encoded_body(self): kwargs = { "doctype": "<!DOCTYPE html>" } return super(XHTMLMessage, self).get_encoded_body(**kwargs)
[docs]class HTMLMessage(Message): """ Represent an HTML message. *doctree* must be a valid HTML document tree (the same as the XHTML tree, but without namespaces) as lxml.etree node. Conversion to bytes payload is handled by this class automatically. You can specify the HTML version via *version*, which is currently restricted to `HTML5`. """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_xhtml_tree(cls, doctree, version="HTML5", **kwargs): """ Return an :class:`~HTMLMessage` instance from the given XHTML *doctree*. This performs automatic conversion by removing the XHTML namespace from all elements. Raises :class:`ValueError` if a non-xhtml namespace is encountered. """ doctree = copy.copy(doctree) utils.XHTMLToHTML(doctree) try: # this is only available with lxml backend ET.cleanup_namespaces(doctree) except AttributeError: pass return cls(doctree, version=version, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, doctree, version="HTML5", pretty_print=False, **kwargs): if version != "HTML5": raise ValueError("Invalid HTMLMessage version: {0}".format(version)) super(HTMLMessage, self).__init__(ContentTypes.html, **kwargs) self._doctree = doctree self._pretty_print = pretty_print @property def DocTree(self): return self._doctree @DocTree.setter def DocTree(self, value): self._doctree = value def get_encoded_body(self): encoding = self.Encoding or "utf-8" return ET.tostring(self.DocTree, encoding=encoding, doctype="<!DOCTYPE html>", method="html", pretty_print=self._pretty_print )
[docs]class TextMessage(Message): """ Represent a plain-text message. *contents* must be either a string (which must be convertible into unicode using the default encoding) or a unicode instance. """ def __init__(self, contents, **kwargs): super(TextMessage, self).__init__(ContentTypes.plaintext, **kwargs) self.Contents = contents @property def Contents(self): """ Contents of the plain text message. Assigning to this property will convert the assigned value to unicode if neccessary and fail for anything which does not inherit from str or unicode. """ return self._contents @Contents.setter
[docs] def Contents(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): self._contents = value.decode() elif isinstance(value, unicode): self._contents = value else: raise TypeError("TextMessage contents must be string-like.")
def get_encoded_body(self): return self._contents.encode(self.Encoding)
[docs]class EmptyMessage(Message): """ Represent a message without a body. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("status", Errors.NoContent) super(EmptyMessage, self).__init__(None, **kwargs) def get_encoded_body(self): return None