structs — Simple data holders for common data types

These classes provide a way to hold structured data which is commonly encountered in the XMPP realm.

Stanza types

class aioxmpp.IQType(value)[source]

Enumeration for the RFC 6120 specified IQ stanza types.

See also


Type attribute of IQ stanzas.

Each member has the following meta-information:


True for the ERROR type, false otherwise.


True for request types (GET and SET), false otherwise.


True for the response types (RESULT and ERROR), false otherwise.


The is_error, is_request and is_response meta-information attributes share semantics across MessageType, PresenceType and IQType. You are encouraged to exploit this in full duck-typing manner in generic stanza handling code.

The following types are specified. The quotations in the member descriptions are from RFC 6120, Section 8.2.3.


The "get" IQ type:

The stanza requests information, inquires about what data is needed in order to complete further operations, etc.

A GET IQ must contain a payload, via the payload attribute.


The "set" IQ type:

The stanza provides data that is needed for an operation to be completed, sets new values, replaces existing values, etc.

A SET IQ must contain a payload, via the payload attribute.


The "error" IQ type:

The stanza reports an error that has occurred regarding processing or delivery of a get or set request[…].

IQ objects carrying the ERROR type usually have the error set to a Error instance describing the details of the error.

The payload attribute may also be set if the sender of the ERROR was kind enough to include the data which caused the problem.


The "result" IQ type:

The stanza is a response to a successful get or set request.

A RESULT IQ may contain a payload with more data.

IQType members compare and hash equal to their values. For example:

assert IQType.GET == "get"
assert "get" == IQType.GET
assert hash(IQType.GET) == hash("get")

Deprecated since version 0.7: This behaviour will cease with aioxmpp 1.0, and the first assertion will fail, the second may fail.

Please see the Changelog for Version 0.7 for further details on how to upgrade your code efficiently.

class aioxmpp.MessageType(value)[source]

Enumeration for the RFC 6121 specified Message stanza types.

See also


Type attribute of Message stanzas.

Each member has the following meta-information:


True for the ERROR type, false for all others.


False. See is_response.


True for the ERROR type, false for all others.

This is intended. Request/Response semantics do not really apply for messages, except that errors are generally in response to other messages.


The is_error, is_request and is_response meta-information attributes share semantics across MessageType, PresenceType and IQType. You are encouraged to exploit this in full duck-typing manner in generic stanza handling code.

The following types are specified. The quotations in the member descriptions are from RFC 6121, Section 5.2.2.


The "normal" Message type:

The message is a standalone message that is sent outside the context of a one-to-one conversation or groupchat, and to which it is expected that the recipient will reply. Typically a receiving client will present a message of type “normal” in an interface that enables the recipient to reply, but without a conversation history. The default value of the ‘type’ attribute is “normal”.

Think of it as somewhat similar to “E-Mail via XMPP”.


The "chat" Message type:

The message is sent in the context of a one-to-one chat session. Typically an interactive client will present a message of type “chat” in an interface that enables one-to-one chat between the two parties, including an appropriate conversation history.


The "groupchat" Message type:

The message is sent in the context of a multi-user chat environment […]. Typically a receiving client will present a message of type “groupchat” in an interface that enables many-to-many chat between the parties, including a roster of parties in the chatroom and an appropriate conversation history.


The "headline" Message type:

The message provides an alert, a notification, or other transient information to which no reply is expected (e.g., news headlines, sports updates, near-real-time market data, or syndicated content). Because no reply to the message is expected, typically a receiving client will present a message of type “headline” in an interface that appropriately differentiates the message from standalone messages, chat messages, and groupchat messages (e.g., by not providing the recipient with the ability to reply).

Do not confuse this message type with the subject member of Messages!


The "error" Message type:

The message is generated by an entity that experiences an error when processing a message received from another entity […]. A client that receives a message of type “error” SHOULD present an appropriate interface informing the original sender regarding the nature of the error.

This is the only message type which is used in direct response to another message, in the sense that the Stanza ID is preserved in the response.

MessageType members compare and hash equal to their values. For example:

assert MessageType.CHAT == "chat"
assert "chat" == MessageType.CHAT
assert hash(MessageType.CHAT) == hash("chat")

Deprecated since version 0.7: This behaviour will cease with aioxmpp 1.0, and the first assertion will fail, the second may fail.

Please see the Changelog for Version 0.7 for further details on how to upgrade your code efficiently.

class aioxmpp.PresenceType(value)[source]

Enumeration for the RFC 6121 specified Presence stanza types.

See also


Type attribute of Presence stanzas.

Each member has the following meta-information:


True for the ERROR type, false otherwise.


False. See is_response.


True for the ERROR type, false otherwise.

This is intended. Request/Response semantics do not really apply for presence stanzas, except that errors are generally in response to other presence stanzas.


True for the AVAILABLE and UNAVAILABLE types, false otherwise.

Useful to discern presence state notifications from meta-stanzas regarding presence broadcast control.


The is_error, is_request and is_response meta-information attributes share semantics across MessageType, PresenceType and IQType. You are encouraged to exploit this in full duck-typing manner in generic stanza handling code.

The following types are specified. The quotes in the member descriptions are from RFC 6121, Section 4.7.1.


The "error" Presence type:

An error has occurred regarding processing of a previously sent presence stanza; if the presence stanza is of type “error”, it MUST include an <error/> child element […].

This is the only presence stanza type which is used in direct response to another presence stanza, in the sense that the Stanza ID is preserved in the response.

In addition, ERROR presence stanzas may be seen during presence broadcast if inter-server communication fails.


The "probe" Presence type:

A request for an entity’s current presence; SHOULD be generated only by a server on behalf of a user.

This should not be seen in client code.


The "subscribe" Presence type:

The sender wishes to subscribe to the recipient’s presence.


The "subscribed" Presence type:

The sender has allowed the recipient to receive their presence.


The "unsubscribe" Presence type:

The sender is unsubscribing from the receiver’s presence.


The "unsubscribed" Presence type:

The subscription request has been denied or a previously granted subscription has been canceled.


The Presence type signalled with an absent type attribute:

The absence of a ‘type’ attribute signals that the relevant entity is available for communication […].


The "unavailable" Presence type:

The sender is no longer available for communication.

PresenceType members compare and hash equal to their values. For example:

assert PresenceType.PROBE == "probe"
assert "probe" == PresenceType.PROBE
assert hash(PresenceType.PROBE) == hash("probe")

Deprecated since version 0.7: This behaviour will cease with aioxmpp 1.0, and the first assertion will fail, the second may fail.

Please see the Changelog for Version 0.7 for further details on how to upgrade your code efficiently.

class aioxmpp.ErrorType(value)[source]

Enumeration for the RFC 6120 specified stanza error types.

These error types reflect are actually more reflecting the error classes, but the attribute is called “type” nonetheless. For consistency, we are calling it “type” here, too.

The following types are specified. The quotations in the member descriptions are from RFC 6120, Section 8.3.2.


The "auth" error type:

retry after providing credentials

When converted to an exception, it uses XMPPAuthError.


The "cancel" error type:

do not retry (the error cannot be remedied)

When converted to an exception, it uses XMPPCancelError.


The "continue" error type:

proceed (the condition was only a warning)

When converted to an exception, it uses XMPPContinueError.


The "modify" error type:

retry after changing the data sent

When converted to an exception, it uses XMPPModifyError.


The "wait" error type:

retry after waiting (the error is temporary)

When converted to an exception, it uses (guess what) XMPPWaitError.

ErrorType members compare and hash equal to their values. For example:

assert ErrorType.CANCEL == "cancel"
assert "cancel" == ErrorType.CANCEL
assert hash(ErrorType.CANCEL) == hash("cancel")

Deprecated since version 0.7: This behaviour will cease with aioxmpp 1.0, and the first assertion will fail, the second may fail.

Please see the Changelog for Version 0.7 for further details on how to upgrade your code efficiently.

Jabber IDs

class aioxmpp.JID(localpart, domain, resource)[source]

Represent a Jabber ID (JID).

To construct a JID, either use the actual constructor, or use the fromstr() class method.

  • localpart (str or None) – The part in front of the @ of the JID, or None if the localpart shall be omitted (which is different from it being empty, which would be invalid).

  • domain (str) – The domain of the JID. This is the only mandatory part of a JID.

  • resource (str or None) – The resource part of the JID or None to omit the resource part.

  • strict (bool) – Enable strict validation


ValueError – if the JID composed of the given parts is invalid

Construct a JID out of its parts. It validates the parts individually, as well as the JID as a whole.

If strict is false, unassigned codepoints are allowed in any of the parts of the JID. In the future, other deviations from the respective stringprep profiles may be allowed, too.

The idea is to use non-strict when output is received from outside and when it is reflected, following the old principle “be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you receive”. Otherwise, strict checking should be enabled. This brings maximum interoperability.

classmethod fromstr(s, *, strict=True)[source]

Construct a JID out of a string containing it.

  • s (str) – The string to parse.

  • strict (bool) – Whether to enable strict parsing.




The parsed JID

Return type


See the JID class level documentation for the semantics of strict.

Information about a JID:


The localpart, stringprep’d from the argument to the constructor.


The domain, stringprep’d from the argument to the constructor.


The resource, stringprep’d from the argument to the constructor.


True if the JID is bare, i.e. has an empty resource part.


True if the JID is a domain, i.e. if both the localpart and the resource are empty.

JID objects are immutable. To obtain a JID object with a changed property, use one of the following methods:


Create a copy of the JID which is bare.


This JID with the resource set to None.

Return type


Return the bare version of this JID as new JID object.

replace(*[, localpart][, domain][, resource])[source]

Construct a new JID object, using the values of the current JID. Use the arguments to override specific attributes on the new object.

All arguments are keyword arguments.

  • localpart – Set the local part of the resulting JID.

  • domain – Set the domain of the resulting JID.

  • resource – Set the resource part of the resulting JID.




A new JID object with the corresponding substitutions performed.

Return type


The attributes of parameters which are omitted are not modified and copied down to the result.


Return an escaped version of a string for use in a JID localpart.

See also


for the reverse transformation


s (str) – The string to escape for use as localpart.


ValueError – If the string starts or ends with a space.


The escaped string.

Return type



JID Escaping does not allow embedding arbitrary characters in the localpart. Only a defined subset of characters can be escaped. Refer to XEP-0106 for details.


No validity check is made on the result. It is assumed that the result is passed to the JID constructor, which will perform validity checks on its own.


Un-escape a JID Escaped localpart.

See also


for the reverse transformation


localpart (str) – The escaped localpart


The unescaped localpart.

Return type



JID Escaping does not allow embedding arbitrary characters in the localpart. Only a defined subset of characters can be escaped. Refer to XEP-0106 for details.


class aioxmpp.PresenceShow(value)[source]

Enumeration to support the show element of presence stanzas.

The enumeration members support total ordering. The order is defined by relevance and is the following (from lesser to greater): XA, AWAY, NONE, CHAT, DND. The order is intended to be used to extract the most relevant resource e.g. in a roster.

New in version 0.8.

XA = "xa"

The entity or resource is away for an extended period (xa = “eXtended Away”).

RFC 6121, Section


Alias to XA.

AWAY = "away"

The entity or resource is temporarily away.

RFC 6121, Section

NONE = None

Signifies absence of the show element.

PLAIN = None

Alias to NONE.

CHAT = "chat"

The entity or resource is actively interested in chatting.

RFC 6121, Section

FREE_FOR_CHAT = "chat"

Alias to CHAT.

DND = "dnd"

The entity or resource is busy (dnd = “Do Not Disturb”).

RFC 6121, Section


Alias to DND.

class aioxmpp.PresenceState(available=False, show=<PresenceShow.NONE: None>)[source]

Hold a presence state of an XMPP resource, as defined by the presence stanza semantics.

available must be a boolean value, which defines whether the resource is available or not. If the resource is available, show may be set to one of "dnd", "xa", "away", None, "chat" (it is a ValueError to attempt to set show to a non-None value if available is false).

PresenceState objects are ordered by their availability and by their show values. Non-availability sorts lower than availability, and for available presence states the order is in the order of valid values given for the show above.


As per the argument to the constructor, converted to a bool.


As per the argument to the constructor.


Apply the properties of this PresenceState to a Presence stanza_obj. The type_ and show attributes of the object will be modified to fit the values in this object.

classmethod from_stanza(stanza_obj, strict=False)[source]

Create and return a new PresenceState object which inherits the presence state as advertised in the given Presence stanza.

If strict is True, the value of show is strictly checked, that is, it is required to be None if the stanza indicates an unavailable state.

The default is not to check this.

PresenceState objects are immutable.


class aioxmpp.structs.LanguageTag(*, tag=None)[source]

Implementation of a language tag. This may be a fully RFC5646 compliant implementation some day, but for now it is only very simplistic stub.

There is no input validation of any kind.

LanguageTag instances compare and hash case-insensitively.

classmethod fromstr(s)[source]

Create a language tag from the given string s.


This is a stub implementation which merely refers to the given string as the print_str and derives the match_str from that.


The string which is used for matching two language tags. This is the lower-cased version of the print_str.


The stringified language tag.

class aioxmpp.structs.LanguageRange(*, tag=None)[source]

Implementation of a language range. This may be a fully RFC4647 compliant implementation some day, but for now it is only very simplistic stub.

There is no input validation of any kind.

LanguageRange instances compare and hash case-insensitively.

classmethod fromstr(s)[source]

Create a language tag from the given string s.


This is a stub implementation which merely refers to the given string as the print_str and derives the match_str from that.


Strip the rightmost part of the language range. If the new rightmost part is a singleton or x (i.e. starts an extension or private use part), it is also stripped.

Return the newly created LanguageRange.


The string which is used for matching two language tags. This is the lower-cased version of the print_str.


The stringified language tag.

class aioxmpp.structs.LanguageMap[source]

A dict subclass specialized for holding LanugageTag instances as keys.

In addition to the interface provided by dict, instances of this class also have the following methods:


Perform an RFC4647 language range lookup on the keys in the dictionary. language_ranges must be a sequence of LanguageRange instances.

Return the entry in the dictionary with a key as produced by lookup_language. If lookup_language does not find a match and the mapping contains an entry with key None, that entry is returned, otherwise KeyError is raised.


Returns any element from the language map, preferring the None key if it is available.

Guarantees to always return the same element for a map with the same keys, even if the keys are iterated over in a different order.

Functions for working with language tags

aioxmpp.structs.basic_filter_languages(languages, ranges)[source]

Filter languages using the string-based basic filter algorithm described in RFC4647.

languages must be a sequence of LanguageTag instances which are to be filtered.

ranges must be an iterable which represent the basic language ranges to filter with, in priority order. The language ranges must be given as LanguageRange objects.

Return an iterator of languages which matched any of the ranges. The sequence produced by the iterator is in match order and duplicate-free. The first range to match a language yields the language into the iterator, no other range can yield that language afterwards.

aioxmpp.structs.lookup_language(languages, ranges)[source]

Look up a single language in the sequence languages using the lookup mechanism described in RFC4647. If no match is found, None is returned. Otherwise, the first matching language is returned.

languages must be a sequence of LanguageTag objects, while ranges must be an iterable of LanguageRange objects.