Source code for aioxmpp.tasks

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:mod:`~aioxmpp.tasks` -- Manage herds of running coroutines

.. autoclass:: TaskPool
import asyncio
import logging

[docs]class TaskPool: """ Coroutine worker pool with limits on the maximum number of coroutines. :param max_tasks: Maximum number of total coroutines running in the pool. :type max_tasks: positive :class:`int` or :data:`None` :param logger: Logger to use for diagnostics, defaults to a module-wide logger Each coroutine run in the task pool belongs to zero or more groups. Groups are identified by their hashable *group key*. The structure of the key is not relevant. Groups are created on-demand. Each coroutine is implicitly part of the group ``()`` (the empty tuple). `max_tasks` is the limit on the group ``()`` (the empty tuple). As every coroutine is running in that group, it is the limit on the total number of coroutines running in the pool. When a coroutine exits (either normally or by an exception or cancellation), it is removed from the pool and the counters for running coroutines are adapted accordingly. Controlling limits on groups: .. automethod:: set_limit .. automethod:: get_limit .. automethod:: get_task_count .. automethod:: clear_limit Starting and adding coroutines: .. automethod:: spawn(group, coro_fun, *args, **kwargs) .. automethod:: add """ def __init__(self, *, max_tasks=None, default_limit=None, logger=None): super().__init__() if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._group_limits = {} self._group_tasks = {} self.default_limit = default_limit self.set_limit((), max_tasks)
[docs] def set_limit(self, group, new_limit): """ Set a new limit on the number of tasks in the `group`. :param group: Group key of the group to modify. :type group: hashable :param new_limit: New limit for the number of tasks running in `group`. :type new_limit: non-negative :class:`int` or :data:`None` :raise ValueError: if `new_limit` is non-positive The limit of tasks for the `group` is set to `new_limit`. If there are currently more than `new_limit` tasks running in `group`, those tasks will continue to run, however, the creation of new tasks is inhibited until the group is below its limit. If the limit is set to zero, no new tasks can be spawned in the group at all. If `new_limit` is negative :class:`ValueError` is raised instead. If `new_limit` is :data:`None`, the method behaves as if :meth:`clear_limit` was called for `group`. """ if new_limit is None: self._group_limits.pop(group, None) return self._group_limits[group] = new_limit
[docs] def clear_limit(self, group): """ Clear the limit on the number of tasks in the `group`. :param group: Group key of the group to modify. :type group: hashable The limit on the number of tasks in `group` is removed. If the `group` currently has no limit, this method has no effect. """ self._group_limits.pop(group, None)
[docs] def get_limit(self, group): """ Return the limit on the number of tasks in the `group`. :param group: Group key of the group to query. :type group: hashable :return: The current limit :rtype: :class:`int` or :data:`None` If the `group` currently has no limit set, :data:`None` is returned. Otherwise, the maximum number of tasks which are allowed to run in the `group` is returned. """ return self._group_limits.get(group)
[docs] def get_task_count(self, group): """ Return the number of tasks currently running in `group`. :param group: Group key of the group to query. :type group: hashable :return: Number of currently running tasks :rtype: :class:`int` """ return 0
[docs] def add(self, groups, coro): """ Add a running coroutine in the given pool groups. :param groups: The groups the coroutine belongs to. :type groups: :class:`set` of group keys :param coro: Coroutine to add :raise RuntimeError: if the limit on any of the groups or the total limit is exhausted :rtype: :class:`asyncio.Task` :return: The task in which the coroutine runs. Every group must have at least one free slot available for `coro` to be spawned; if any groups capacity (or the total limit) is exhausted, the coroutine is not accepted into the pool and :class:`RuntimeError` is raised. """
[docs] def spawn(self, __groups, __coro_fun, *args, **kwargs): """ Start a new coroutine and add it to the pool atomically. :param groups: The groups the coroutine belongs to. :type groups: :class:`set` of group keys :param coro_fun: Coroutine function to run :param args: Positional arguments to pass to `coro_fun` :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to `coro_fun` :raise RuntimeError: if the limit on any of the groups or the total limit is exhausted :rtype: :class:`asyncio.Task` :return: The task in which the coroutine runs. Every group must have at least one free slot available for `coro` to be spawned; if any groups capacity (or the total limit) is exhausted, the coroutine is not accepted into the pool and :class:`RuntimeError` is raised. If the coroutine cannot be added due to limiting, it is not started at all. The coroutine is started by calling `coro_fun` with `args` and `kwargs`. .. note:: The first two arguments can only be passed positionally, not as keywords. This is to prevent conflicts with keyword arguments to `coro_fun`. """ # ensure the implicit group is included __groups = set(__groups) | {()} return asyncio.ensure_future(__coro_fun(*args, **kwargs))