Source code for

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see
# <>.

import asyncio

import aioxmpp.service

from .conversation import (

from .dispatcher import IMDispatcher, MessageSource

from .service import ConversationService

[docs]class Member(AbstractConversationMember): """ Member of a one-on-one conversation. .. autoattribute:: direct_jid """ def __init__(self, peer_jid, is_self): super().__init__(peer_jid, is_self) @property def direct_jid(self): """ The JID of the peer. """ return self._conversation_jid @property def uid(self) -> bytes: return b"xmpp:" + str(self._conversation_jid.bare()).encode("utf-8")
[docs]class Conversation(AbstractConversation): """ Implementation of :class:`` for one-on-one conversations. .. seealso:: :class:`.im.conversation.AbstractConversation` for documentation on the interface implemented by this class. """ def __init__(self, service, peer_jid, parent=None): super().__init__(service, parent=parent) self.__peer_jid = peer_jid self.__members = ( Member(self._client.local_jid, True), Member(peer_jid, False), ) @property def features(self): return ( frozenset([ConversationFeature.SEND_MESSAGE, ConversationFeature.LEAVE]) | super().features ) def _handle_message(self, msg, peer, sent, source): if sent: member = self.__members[0] else: member = self.__members[1] self._service.logger.debug("emitting on_message for %s", self.__peer_jid) self.on_message(msg, member, source) @property def jid(self): return self.__peer_jid @property def members(self): return self.__members @property def me(self): return self.__members[0] def send_message(self, msg): msg.autoset_id() = self.__peer_jid self.on_message(msg,, MessageSource.STREAM) return self._client.enqueue(msg) async def send_message_tracked(self, msg): raise self._not_implemented_error("message tracking") async def leave(self): self._service._conversation_left(self)
[docs]class Service(AbstractConversationService, aioxmpp.service.Service): """ Manage one-to-one conversations. .. seealso:: :class:`~.AbstractConversationService` for useful common signals This service manages one-to-one conversations, including private conversations running in the framework of a multi-user chat. In those cases, the respective multi-user chat conversation service requests a conversation from this service to use. For each bare JID, there can either be a single conversation for the bare JID or zero or more conversations for full JIDs. Mixing conversations to bare and full JIDs of the same bare JID is not allowed, because it is ambiguous. This service creates conversations if it detects them as one-on-one conversations. Subscribe to :meth:`` to be notified about new conversations being auto-created. .. automethod:: get_conversation """ ORDER_AFTER = [ ConversationService, IMDispatcher, ] def __init__(self, client, **kwargs): super().__init__(client, **kwargs) self._conversationmap = {} self.on_conversation_new.connect( self.dependencies[ConversationService]._add_conversation ) def _make_conversation(self, peer_jid, spontaneous): self.logger.debug("creating new conversation for %s (spontaneous=%s)", peer_jid, spontaneous) result = Conversation(self, peer_jid, parent=None) self._conversationmap[peer_jid] = result if spontaneous: self.on_spontaneous_conversation(result) self.on_conversation_new(result) result.on_enter() self.logger.debug("new conversation for %s set up and events emitted", peer_jid) return result @aioxmpp.service.depfilter(IMDispatcher, "message_filter") def _filter_message(self, msg, peer, sent, source): try: existing = self._conversationmap[peer] except KeyError: try: existing = self._conversationmap[peer.bare()] except KeyError: existing = None if (existing is None and (msg.type_ == aioxmpp.MessageType.CHAT or msg.type_ == aioxmpp.MessageType.NORMAL) and msg.body): conversation_jid = peer.bare() if msg.xep0045_muc_user is not None: conversation_jid = peer existing = self._make_conversation(conversation_jid, True) if existing is not None: existing._handle_message(msg, peer, sent, source) return None return msg
[docs] def get_conversation(self, peer_jid, *, current_jid=None): """ Get or create a new one-to-one conversation with a peer. :param peer_jid: The JID of the peer to converse with. :type peer_jid: :class:`aioxmpp.JID` :param current_jid: The current JID to lock the conversation to (see :rfc:`6121`). :type current_jid: :class:`aioxmpp.JID` :rtype: :class:`Conversation` :return: The new or existing conversation with the peer. `peer_jid` must be a full or bare JID. See the :class:`Service` documentation for details. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 In 0.9, this was a coroutine. Sorry. """ try: return self._conversationmap[peer_jid] except KeyError: pass return self._make_conversation(peer_jid, False)
def _conversation_left(self, conv): del self._conversationmap[conv.jid]