Source code for aioxmpp.hashes

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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:mod:`~aioxmpp.hashes` --- Hash Functions for use with XMPP (:xep:`300`)

:xep:`300` consolidates the use of hash functions and their digests in XMPP.
Identifiers (usually called `algo`) are defined to refer to specific
implementations and parametrisations of hashes (:func:`hash_from_algo`,
:func:`algo_of_hash`) and there is a defined XML format for carrying hash
digests (:class:`Hash`).

This allows other extensions to easily embed hash digests in their protocols

.. note::

    Compliance with :xep:`300` depends on your build of Python and possibly
    OpenSSL. Version 0.5.1 of :xep:`300` requires support of SHA3 and BLAKE2b,
    which was only introduced in Python 3.6.

Utilities for Working with Hash Algorithm Identifiers

.. autofunction:: hash_from_algo

.. autofunction:: algo_of_hash

.. data:: default_hash_algorithms

    A set of `algo` values which consists of hash functions matching the
    following criteria:

    * They are specified as ``MUST`` or ``SHOULD`` in the supported version of
    * They are supported by :mod:`hashlib`.
    * Only one function from each matching family is selected. If multiple
      functions apply, ``MUST`` is preferred over ``SHOULD``.

    The set thus varies based on the build of Python and possibly OpenSSL. The
    algorithms in the set are guaranteed to return a valid hash implementation
    when passed to :func:`~aioxmpp.misc.hash_from_algo`.

    In a fully compliant build, this set consists of ``sha-256``, ``sha3-256``
    and ``blake2b-256``.


.. autoclass:: Hash

.. autoclass:: HashesParent()
import hashlib

import aioxmpp.xso as xso

from aioxmpp.utils import namespaces

namespaces.xep0300_hashes2 = "urn:xmpp:hashes:2"

    ("md2", (False, ("md2", (), {}))),
    ("md4", (False, ("md4", (), {}))),
    ("md5", (False, ("md5", (), {}))),
    ("sha-1", (True, ("sha1", (), {}))),
    ("sha-224", (True, ("sha224", (), {}))),
    ("sha-256", (True, ("sha256", (), {}))),
    ("sha-384", (True, ("sha384", (), {}))),
    ("sha-512", (True, ("sha512", (), {}))),
    ("sha3-256", (True, ("sha3_256", (), {}))),
    ("sha3-512", (True, ("sha3_512", (), {}))),
    ("blake2b-256", (True, ("blake2b", (), {"digest_size": 32}))),
    ("blake2b-512", (True, ("blake2b", (), {"digest_size": 64}))),

    fun_name: (enabled, algo)
    for algo, (enabled, (fun_name, fun_args, fun_kwargs)) in _HASH_ALGO_MAPPING
    if not fun_args and not fun_kwargs

def is_algo_supported(algo):
        enabled, (fun_name, _, _) = _HASH_ALGO_MAP[algo]
    except KeyError:
        return False

    return enabled and hasattr(hashlib, fun_name)

[docs]def hash_from_algo(algo): """ Return a :mod:`hashlib` hash given the :xep:`300` `algo`. :param algo: The algorithm identifier as defined in :xep:`300`. :type algo: :class:`str` :raises NotImplementedError: if the hash algortihm is not supported by :mod:`hashlib`. :raises ValueError: if the hash algorithm MUST NOT be supported. :return: A hash object from :mod:`hashlib` or compatible. If the `algo` is not supported by the :mod:`hashlib` module, :class:`NotImplementedError` is raised. """ try: enabled, (fun_name, fun_args, fun_kwargs) = _HASH_ALGO_MAP[algo] except KeyError as exc: raise NotImplementedError( "hash algorithm {!r} unknown".format(algo) ) from None if not enabled: raise ValueError( "support of {} in XMPP is forbidden".format(algo) ) try: fun = getattr(hashlib, fun_name) except AttributeError as exc: raise NotImplementedError( "{} not supported by hashlib".format(algo) ) from exc return fun(*fun_args, **fun_kwargs)
[docs]def algo_of_hash(h): """ Return a :xep:`300` `algo` from a given :mod:`hashlib` hash. :param h: Hash object from :mod:`hashlib`. :raises ValueError: if `h` does not have a defined `algo` value. :raises ValueError: if the hash function MUST NOT be supported. :return: The `algo` value for the given hash. :rtype: :class:`str` .. warning:: Use with caution for :func:`hashlib.blake2b` hashes. :func:`algo_of_hash` cannot safely determine whether blake2b was initialised with a salt, personality, key or other non-default :xep:`300` mode. In such a case, the return value will be the matching ``blake2b-*`` `algo`, but the digest will not be compatible with the results of other implementations. """ try: enabled, algo = _HASH_ALGO_REVERSE_MAP[] except KeyError: pass else: if not enabled: raise ValueError("support of {} in XMPP is forbidden".format( algo )) return algo if == "blake2b": return "blake2b-{}".format(h.digest_size * 8) raise ValueError( "unknown hash implementation: {!r}".format(h) )
[docs]class Hash(xso.XSO): """ Represent a single hash digest. .. attribute:: algo The hash algorithm used. The name is as specified in :xep:`300`. .. attribute:: digest The digest as :class:`bytes`. """ TAG = namespaces.xep0300_hashes2, "hash" algo = xso.Attr( "algo", ) digest = xso.Text( type_=xso.Base64Binary() ) def __init__(self, algo, digest): super().__init__() self.algo = algo self.digest = digest def get_impl(self): """ Return a new :mod:`hashlib` hash for the :attr:`algo` set on this object. See :func:`hash_from_algo` for details and exceptions. """ return hash_from_algo(self.algo)
class HashType(xso.AbstractType): @classmethod def get_formatted_type(cls): return Hash def parse(self, obj): return obj.algo, obj.digest def format(self, pair): return Hash(*pair)
[docs]class HashesParent(xso.XSO): """ Mix-in class for XSOs which use :class:`Hash` children. .. attribute:: digests A mapping which maps from the :attr:`Hash.algo` to the :attr:`Hash.digest`. """ digests = xso.ChildValueMap( type_=HashType(), )
default_hash_algorithms = { algo for algo in ["sha-256", "sha3-256", "blake2b-256"] if is_algo_supported(algo) }