Source code for aioxmpp.muc.xso

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see
# <>.
import aioxmpp.forms
import aioxmpp.stanza
import aioxmpp.stringprep
import aioxmpp.xso as xso

from aioxmpp.utils import namespaces

namespaces.xep0045_muc = ""
namespaces.xep0045_muc_user = ""
namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin = ""
namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner = ""

[docs]class History(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc, "history") maxchars = xso.Attr( "maxchars", type_=xso.Integer(), default=None, ) maxstanzas = xso.Attr( "maxstanzas", type_=xso.Integer(), default=None, ) seconds = xso.Attr( "seconds", type_=xso.Integer(), default=None, ) since = xso.Attr( "since", type_=xso.DateTime(), default=None, ) def __init__(self, *, maxchars=None, maxstanzas=None, seconds=None, since=None): super().__init__() self.maxchars = maxchars self.maxstanzas = maxstanzas self.seconds = seconds self.since = since
[docs]class GenericExt(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc, "x") history = xso.Child([History]) password = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc, "password"), default=None )
aioxmpp.stanza.Presence.xep0045_muc = xso.Child([ GenericExt ]) aioxmpp.stanza.Message.xep0045_muc = xso.Child([ GenericExt ])
[docs]class Status(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "status") code = xso.Attr( "code", type_=xso.Integer() ) def __init__(self, code): super().__init__() self.code = code
class StatusCodeList(xso.AbstractType): def parse(self, item): return item.code def format(self, code): item = Status(code) return item def get_formatted_type(self): return Status
[docs]class DestroyNotification(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "destroy") reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None ) jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None )
[docs]class Decline(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "decline") from_ = xso.Attr( "from", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) to = xso.Attr( "to", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None )
[docs]class Invite(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "invite") from_ = xso.Attr( "from", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) to = xso.Attr( "to", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None )
class ActorBase(xso.XSO): jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None, ) nick = xso.Attr( "nick", type_=xso.String(aioxmpp.stringprep.resourceprep), default=None ) class ItemBase(xso.XSO): affiliation = xso.Attr( "affiliation", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "admin", "member", "none", "outcast", "owner", None, }), validate=xso.ValidateMode.ALWAYS, default=None, ) jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None, ) nick = xso.Attr( "nick", type_=xso.String(aioxmpp.stringprep.resourceprep), default=None ) role = xso.Attr( "role", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "moderator", "none", "participant", "visitor", None, }), validate=xso.ValidateMode.ALWAYS, default=None, ) def __init__(self, affiliation=None, jid=None, nick=None, role=None, reason=None): super().__init__() self.affiliation = affiliation self.jid = jid self.nick = nick self.role = role self.reason = reason
[docs]class UserActor(ActorBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "actor")
[docs]class Continue(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "continue") thread = xso.Attr( "thread", type_=aioxmpp.stanza.Thread.identifier.type_, default=None, )
[docs]class UserItem(ItemBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "item") actor = xso.Child([UserActor]) continue_ = xso.Child([Continue]) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None )
[docs]class UserExt(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "x") status_codes = xso.ChildValueList( StatusCodeList(), container_type=set ) destroy = xso.Child([DestroyNotification]) decline = xso.Child([Decline]) invites = xso.ChildList([Invite]) items = xso.ChildList([UserItem]) password = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "password"), default=None ) def __init__(self, status_codes=[], destroy=None, decline=None, invites=[], items=[], password=None): super().__init__() self.status_codes.update(status_codes) self.destroy = destroy self.decline = decline self.invites.extend(invites) self.items.extend(items) self.password = password
aioxmpp.stanza.Presence.xep0045_muc_user = xso.Child([ UserExt ]) aioxmpp.stanza.Message.xep0045_muc_user = xso.Child([ UserExt ])
[docs]class AdminActor(ActorBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "actor")
[docs]class AdminItem(ItemBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "item") actor = xso.Child([AdminActor]) continue_ = xso.Child([Continue]) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "reason"), default=None )
[docs]class AdminQuery(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "query") items = xso.ChildList([AdminItem]) def __init__(self, *, items=[]): super().__init__() self.items[:] = items
[docs]class DestroyRequest(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "destroy") reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "reason"), default=None ) password = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "password"), default=None ) jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None )
[docs]class OwnerQuery(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "query") destroy = xso.Child([DestroyRequest]) form = xso.Child([aioxmpp.forms.Data]) def __init__(self, *, form=None, destroy=None): super().__init__() self.form = form self.destroy = destroy
class ConfigurationForm(aioxmpp.forms.Form): """ This is a :xep:`4` form template (see :mod:`aioxmpp.forms`) for MUC configuration forms. The attribute documentation is auto-generated from :xep:`45`; see there for details on the semantics of each field. .. versionadded:: 0.7 """ FORM_TYPE = '' maxhistoryfetch = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#maxhistoryfetch', label='Maximum Number of History Messages Returned by Room' ) allowpm = aioxmpp.forms.ListSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_allowpm', label='Roles that May Send Private Messages' ) allowinvites = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_allowinvites', label='Whether to Allow Occupants to Invite Others' ) changesubject = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_changesubject', label='Whether to Allow Occupants to Change Subject' ) enablelogging = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_enablelogging', label='Whether to Enable Public Logging of Room Conversations' ) getmemberlist = aioxmpp.forms.ListMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist', label='Roles and Affiliations that May Retrieve Member List' ) lang = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_lang', label='Natural Language for Room Discussions' ) pubsub = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_pubsub', label='XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node' ) maxusers = aioxmpp.forms.ListSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_maxusers', label='Maximum Number of Room Occupants' ) membersonly = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_membersonly', label='Whether to Make Room Members-Only' ) moderatedroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom', label='Whether to Make Room Moderated' ) passwordprotectedroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom', label='Whether a Password is Required to Enter' ) persistentroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_persistentroom', label='Whether to Make Room Persistent' ) presencebroadcast = aioxmpp.forms.ListMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast', label='Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted' ) publicroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_publicroom', label='Whether to Allow Public Searching for Room' ) roomadmins = aioxmpp.forms.JIDMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_roomadmins', label='Full List of Room Admins' ) roomdesc = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_roomdesc', label='Short Description of Room' ) roomname = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_roomname', label='Natural-Language Room Name' ) roomowners = aioxmpp.forms.JIDMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_roomowners', label='Full List of Room Owners' ) roomsecret = aioxmpp.forms.TextPrivate( var='muc#roomconfig_roomsecret', label='The Room Password' ) whois = aioxmpp.forms.ListSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_whois', label='Affiliations that May Discover Real JIDs of Occupants' )