Source code for aioxmpp.service

:mod:`~aioxmpp.service` --- Utilities for implementing :class:`~aioxmpp.node.AbstractClient` services

Protocol extensions or in general support for parts of the XMPP protocol are
implemented using :class:`Service` classes, or rather, classes which use the
:class:`Meta` metaclass.

Both of these are provided in this module.

.. autoclass:: Service

.. autoclass:: Meta([inherit_dependencies=True])


import abc
import asyncio
import logging
import warnings

[docs]class Meta(abc.ABCMeta): """ The metaclass for services. The :class:`Service` class uses it and in general you should just inherit from :class:`Service` and define the dependency attributes as needed. Services have dependencies. A :class:`Meta` instance (i.e. a service class) can declare dependencies using the following two attributes. .. attribute:: ORDER_BEFORE An iterable of :class:`Service` classes before which the class which is currently being declared needs to be instanciated. Thus, any service which occurs in :attr:`ORDER_BEFORE` will be instanciated *after* this class (if at all). .. versionadded:: 0.3 .. attribute:: SERVICE_BEFORE Before 0.3, this was the name of the :attr:`ORDER_BEFORE` attribute. It is still supported, but use emits a :data:`DeprecationWarning`. It must not be mixed with :attr:`ORDER_BEFORE` or :attr:`ORDER_AFTER` on a class declaration, or the declaration will raise :class:`ValueError`. .. deprecated:: 0.3 Support for this attribute will be removed in 1.0; starting with 1.0, using this attribute will raise a :class:`TypeError` on class declaration and a :class:`AttributeError` when accessing it on a class or instance. .. attribute:: ORDER_AFTER An iterable of :class:`Service` classes which would be instanciated after the class which is currently being declared, if at all. Classes which are declared in this attribute are not forced to be instanciated (unlike with :attr:`ORDER_BEFORE`). However, if any of these classes is requested, it is made sure that *this* class is instanciated before. .. versionadded:: 0.3 .. attribute:: SERVICE_AFTER Before 0.3, this was the name of the :attr:`ORDER_AFTER` attribute. It is still supported, but use emits a :data:`DeprecationWarning`. It must not be mixed with :attr:`ORDER_BEFORE` or :attr:`ORDER_AFTER` on a class declaration, or the declaration will raise :class:`ValueError`. .. deprecated:: 0.3 See :attr:`SERVICE_BEFORE` for details on the deprecation cycle. The dependencies are inherited from bases unless the `inherit_dependencies` keyword argument is set to false. After a class has been instanciated, the full set of dependencies is provided in the attributes, including all transitive relationships. These attributes are updated when new classes are declared. Dependency relationships must not have cycles; a cycle results in a :class:`ValueError` when the class causing the cycle is declared. Example:: class Foo(metaclass=service.Meta): pass class Bar(metaclass=service.Meta): ORDER_BEFORE = [Foo] class Baz(metaclass=service.Meta): ORDER_BEFORE = [Bar] class Fourth(metaclass=service.Meta): ORDER_BEFORE = [Bar] ``Baz`` and ``Fourth`` will be instanciated before ``Bar`` and ``Bar`` will be instanciated before ``Foo``. There is no dependency relationship between ``Baz`` and ``Fourth``. Inheritance works too:: class Foo(metaclass=service.Meta): pass class Bar(metaclass=service.Meta): ORDER_BEFORE = [Foo] class Baz(Bar): # has ORDER_BEFORE == {Foo} pass class Fourth(Bar, inherit_dependencies=False): # has empty ORDER_BEFORE pass """ @classmethod def transitive_collect(mcls, classes, attr, seen): for cls in classes: yield cls yield from mcls.transitive_collect(getattr(cls, attr), attr, seen) @classmethod def collect_and_inherit(mcls, bases, namespace, attr, inherit_dependencies): classes = set(namespace.get(attr, [])) if inherit_dependencies: for base in bases: if isinstance(base, mcls): classes.update(getattr(base, attr)) classes.update( mcls.transitive_collect( list(classes), attr, set()) ) return classes def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace, inherit_dependencies=True): if "SERVICE_BEFORE" in namespace or "SERVICE_AFTER" in namespace: if "ORDER_BEFORE" in namespace or "ORDER_AFTER" in namespace: raise ValueError("declaration mixes old and new ordering " "attribute names (SERVICE_* vs. ORDER_*)") warnings.warn( "SERVICE_BEFORE/AFTER used on class; use ORDER_BEFORE/AFTER", DeprecationWarning) try: namespace["ORDER_BEFORE"] = namespace.pop("SERVICE_BEFORE") except KeyError: pass try: namespace["ORDER_AFTER"] = namespace.pop("SERVICE_AFTER") except KeyError: pass before_classes = mcls.collect_and_inherit( bases, namespace, "ORDER_BEFORE", inherit_dependencies) after_classes = mcls.collect_and_inherit( bases, namespace, "ORDER_AFTER", inherit_dependencies) if before_classes & after_classes: raise ValueError("dependency loop: {} loops through {}".format( name, next(iter(before_classes & after_classes)).__qualname__ )) namespace["ORDER_BEFORE"] = set(before_classes) namespace["ORDER_AFTER"] = set(after_classes) return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace) def __init__(self, name, bases, namespace, inherit_dependencies=True): super().__init__(name, bases, namespace) for cls in self.ORDER_BEFORE: cls.ORDER_AFTER.add(self) for cls in self.ORDER_AFTER: cls.ORDER_BEFORE.add(self) self.SERVICE_BEFORE = self.ORDER_BEFORE self.SERVICE_AFTER = self.ORDER_AFTER def __lt__(self, other): return other in self.ORDER_BEFORE def __le__(self, other): return self < other
[docs]class Service(metaclass=Meta): """ A :class:`Service` is used to implement XMPP or XEP protocol parts, on top of the more or less fixed stanza handling implemented in :mod:`aioxmpp.node` and :mod:``. :class:`Service` is a base class which can be used by extension developers to implement support for custom or standardized protocol extensions. Some of the features for which :mod:`aioxmpp` has support are also implemented using :class:`Service` subclasses. `client` must be a :class:`~aioxmpp.node.AbstractClient` to which the service will be attached. The `client` cannot be changed later, for the sake of simplicity. `logger_base` may be a :class:`logging.Logger` instance or :data:`None`. If it is :data:`None`, a logger is automatically created, by taking the fully qualified name of the :class:`Service` subclass which is being instanciated. Otherwise, the logger is passed to :meth:`derive_logger` and the result is used as value for the :attr:`logger` attribute. To implement your own service, derive from :class:`Service`. If your service depends on other services (such as :mod:`aioxmpp.pubsub` or :mod:`aioxmpp.disco`), these dependencies *must* be declared as documented in the service meta class :class:`Meta`. To stay forward compatible, accept arbitrary keyword arguments and pass them down to :class:`Service`. As it is not possible to directly pass arguments to :class:`Service`\ s on construction (due to the way :meth:`aioxmpp.node.AbstractClient.summon` works), there is no need for you to introduce custom arguments, and thus there should be no conflicts. .. autoattribute:: client .. automethod:: derive_logger .. automethod:: shutdown """ def __init__(self, client, *, logger_base=None): super().__init__() self._client = client if logger_base is None: self.logger = logging.getLogger(".".join([ type(self).__module__, type(self).__qualname__ ])) else: self.logger = self.derive_logger(logger_base)
[docs] def derive_logger(self, logger): """ Return a child of `logger` specific for this instance. This is called after :attr:`_client` has been set, from the constructor. The child name is calculated by the default implementation in a way specific for aioxmpp services; it is not meant to be used by non-:mod:`aioxmpp` classes; do not rely on the way how the child name is calculated. """ parts = type(self).__module__.split(".")[1:] if parts[-1] == "service" and len(parts) > 1: del parts[-1] return logger.getChild(".".join( parts+[type(self).__qualname__] ))
[docs] def client(self): """ The client to which the :class:`Service` is bound. This attribute is read-only. If the service has been shut down using :meth:`shutdown`, this reads as :data:`None`. """ return self._client
@asyncio.coroutine def _shutdown(self): """ Actual implementation of the shut down process. This *must* be called using super from inheriting classes after their own shutdown procedure. Inheriting classes *must* override this method instead of :meth:`shutdown`. """ @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Close the service and wait for it to completely shut down. Some services which are still running may depend on this service. In that case, the service may refuse to shut down instead of shutting down, by raising a :class:`RuntimeError` exception. .. note:: Developers creating subclasses of :class:`Service` to implement services should not override this method. Instead, they should override the :meth:`_shutdown` method. """ yield from self._shutdown() self._client = None