Source code for aioxmpp.connector

:mod:`~aioxmpp.connector` --- Ways to establish XML streams

This module provides classes to establish XML streams. Currently, there are two
different ways to establish XML streams: normal TCP connection which is then
upgraded using STARTTLS, and directly using TLS.

.. versionadded:: 0.6

   The whole module was added in version 0.6.

Abstract base class

The connectors share a common abstract base class, :class:`BaseConnector`:

.. autoclass:: BaseConnector

Specific connectors

.. autoclass:: STARTTLSConnector

.. autoclass:: XMPPOverTLSConnector


import abc
import asyncio

import aioxmpp.errors as errors
import aioxmpp.nonza as nonza
import aioxmpp.protocol as protocol
import aioxmpp.ssl_transport as ssl_transport

from aioxmpp.utils import namespaces

[docs]class BaseConnector(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ This is the base class for connectors. It defines the public interface of all connectors. .. autoattribute:: tls_supported .. automethod:: connect Existing connectors: .. autosummary:: STARTTLSConnector XMPPOverTLSConnector """ @abc.abstractproperty
[docs] def tls_supported(self): """ Boolean which indicates whether TLS is supported by this connector. """
@abc.abstractproperty def dane_supported(self): """ Boolean which indicates whether DANE is supported by this connector. """ @abc.abstractmethod @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def connect(self, loop, metadata, domain, host, port, negotiation_timeout): """ Establish a :class:`.protocol.XMLStream` for `domain` with the given `host` at the given TCP `port`. `metadata` must be a :class:`.security_layer.SecurityLayer` instance to use for the connection. `loop` must be a :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop` to use. `negotiation_timeout` must be the maximum time in seconds to wait for the server to reply in each negotiation step. Return a triple consisting of the :class:`asyncio.Transport`, the :class:`.protocol.XMLStream` and the :class:`aioxmpp.nonza.StreamFeatures` of the stream. To detect the use of TLS on the stream, check whether :meth:`asyncio.Transport.get_extra_info` returns a non-:data:`None` value for ``"ssl_object"``. """
[docs]class STARTTLSConnector(BaseConnector): """ Establish an XML stream using STARTTLS. .. automethod:: connect """ @property def tls_supported(self): return True @property def dane_supported(self): return False @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def connect(self, loop, metadata, domain, host, port, negotiation_timeout): """ .. seealso:: :meth:`BaseConnector.connect` For general information on the :meth:`connect` method. Connect to `host` at TCP port number `port`. The :class:`aioxmpp.security_layer.SecurityLayer` object `metadata` is used to determine the parameters of the TLS connection. First, a normal TCP connection is opened and the stream header is sent. The stream features are waited for, and then STARTTLS is negotiated if possible. :attr:`~.security_layer.SecurityLayer.tls_required` is honoured: if it is true and the server does not offer TLS or TLS negotiation fails, :class:`~.errors.TLSUnavailable` is raised. :attr:`~.security_layer.SecurityLayer.ssl_context_factory` and :attr:`~.security_layer.SecurityLayer.certificate_verifier_factory` are used to configure the TLS connection. """ features_future = asyncio.Future(loop=loop) stream = protocol.XMLStream( to=domain, features_future=features_future, ) transport, _ = yield from ssl_transport.create_starttls_connection( loop, lambda: stream, host=host, port=port, peer_hostname=host, server_hostname=domain, use_starttls=True, ) features = yield from features_future try: features[nonza.StartTLSFeature] except KeyError: if metadata.tls_required: message = ( "STARTTLS not supported by server, but required by client" ) protocol.send_stream_error_and_close( stream, condition=(namespaces.streams, "policy-violation"), text=message, ) raise errors.TLSUnavailable(message) else: return transport, stream, (yield from features_future) response = yield from protocol.send_and_wait_for( stream, [ nonza.StartTLS(), ], [ nonza.StartTLSFailure, nonza.StartTLSProceed, ] ) if not isinstance(response, nonza.StartTLSProceed): if metadata.tls_required: message = ( "server failed to STARTTLS" ) protocol.send_stream_error_and_close( stream, condition=(namespaces.streams, "policy-violation"), text=message, ) raise errors.TLSUnavailable(message) return transport, stream, (yield from features_future) verifier = metadata.certificate_verifier_factory() yield from verifier.pre_handshake( domain, host, port, metadata, ) ssl_context = metadata.ssl_context_factory() verifier.setup_context(ssl_context, transport) yield from stream.starttls( ssl_context=ssl_context, post_handshake_callback=verifier.post_handshake, ) features_future = yield from protocol.reset_stream_and_get_features( stream, timeout=negotiation_timeout, ) return transport, stream, features_future
[docs]class XMPPOverTLSConnector(BaseConnector): """ Establish an XML stream using XMPP-over-TLS, as per :xep:`368`. .. automethod:: connect """ @property def dane_supported(self): return False @property def tls_supported(self): return True @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def connect(self, loop, metadata, domain, host, port, negotiation_timeout): """ .. seealso:: :meth:`BaseConnector.connect` For general information on the :meth:`connect` method. Connect to `host` at TCP port number `port`. The :class:`aioxmpp.security_layer.SecurityLayer` object `metadata` is used to determine the parameters of the TLS connection. The connector connects to the server by directly establishing TLS; no XML stream is started before TLS negotiation, in accordance to :xep:`368` and how legacy SSL was handled in the past. :attr:`~.security_layer.SecurityLayer.ssl_context_factory` and :attr:`~.security_layer.SecurityLayer.certificate_verifier_factory` are used to configure the TLS connection. """ features_future = asyncio.Future(loop=loop) stream = protocol.XMLStream( to=domain, features_future=features_future, ) verifier = metadata.certificate_verifier_factory() yield from verifier.pre_handshake( domain, host, port, metadata, ) def context_factory(transport): ssl_context = metadata.ssl_context_factory() verifier.setup_context(ssl_context, transport) return ssl_context transport, _ = yield from ssl_transport.create_starttls_connection( loop, lambda: stream, host=host, port=port, peer_hostname=host, server_hostname=domain, post_handshake_callback=verifier.post_handshake, ssl_context_factory=context_factory, use_starttls=False, ) return transport, stream, (yield from features_future)