Source code for aioxmpp.security_layer

:mod:`~aioxmpp.security_layer` --- Implementations to negotiate stream security

This module provides different implementations of the security layer

These are coupled, as different SASL features might need different TLS features
(such as channel binding or client cert authentication).

.. autofunction:: tls_with_password_based_authentication(password_provider, [ssl_context_factory], [max_auth_attempts=3])

.. autofunction:: security_layer

.. autofunction:: negotiate_stream_security

Certificate verifiers

To verify the peer certificate provided by the server, different
:class:`CertificateVerifier`s are available:

.. autoclass:: PKIXCertificateVerifier

To implement your own verifiers, see the documentation at the base class for
certificate verifiers:

.. autoclass:: CertificateVerifier

Certificate and key pinning

Often in the XMPP world, we need certificate or public key pinning, as most
XMPP servers do not have certificates trusted by the usual certificate
stores. This module also provide certificate verifiers which can be used for
that purpose, as well as stores for saving the pinned information.

.. autoclass:: PinningPKIXCertificateVerifier

.. autoclass:: CertificatePinStore

.. autoclass:: PublicKeyPinStore

Base classes

For future expansion or customization, the base classes of the above utilities
can be subclassed and extended:

.. autoclass:: HookablePKIXCertificateVerifier

.. autoclass:: AbstractPinStore

Partial security providers

Partial security providers serve as arguments to pass to

.. _tls providers:

Transport layer security provider

As an `tls_provider` argument to :class:`SecurityLayer`, instances of the
following classes can be used:

.. autoclass:: STARTTLSProvider

.. _sasl providers:

SASL providers

As elements of the `sasl_providers` argument to :class:`SecurityLayer`,
instances of the following classes can be used:

.. autoclass:: PasswordSASLProvider

Abstract base classes

For implementation of custom SASL providers, the following base class can be

.. autoclass:: SASLProvider

import abc
import asyncio
import base64
import functools
import logging
import ssl

import pyasn1
import pyasn1.codec.der.decoder
import pyasn1.codec.der.encoder
import pyasn1_modules.rfc2459

import OpenSSL.SSL

import aiosasl

from . import errors, sasl, nonza, xso, protocol
from .utils import namespaces

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def extract_python_dict_from_x509(x509):
    Extract a python dictionary similar to the return value of
    :meth:`ssl.SSLSocket.getpeercert` from the given
    :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` `x509` object.

    Note that by far not all attributes are included; only those required to
    use :func:`ssl.match_hostname` are extracted and put in the result.

    In the future, more attributes may be added.
    result = {
        "subject": (
            (("commonName", x509.get_subject().commonName),),

    for ext_idx in range(x509.get_extension_count()):
        ext = x509.get_extension(ext_idx)
        sn = ext.get_short_name()
        if sn != b"subjectAltName":

        data = pyasn1.codec.der.decoder.decode(
        for name in data:
            dNSName = name.getComponentByPosition(2)
            if dNSName is None:

            result.setdefault("subjectAltName", []).append(
                ("DNS", str(dNSName))

    return result

def extract_blob(x509):
    Extract an ASN.1 blob from the given :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509`
    certificate. Return the resulting :class:`bytes` object.

    return OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(

def blob_to_pyasn1(blob):
    Convert an ASN.1 encoded certificate (such as obtained from
    :func:`extract_blob`) to a :mod:`pyasn1` structure and return the result.

    return pyasn1.codec.der.decoder.decode(

def extract_pk_blob_from_pyasn1(pyasn1_struct):
    Extract an ASN.1 encoded public key blob from the given :mod:`pyasn1`
    structure (which must represent a certificate).

    pk = pyasn1_struct.getComponentByName(

    return pyasn1.codec.der.encoder.encode(pk)

def check_x509_hostname(x509, hostname):
    Check whether the given :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` certificate `x509`
    matches the given `hostname`.

    Return :data:`True` if the name matches and :data:`False` otherwise. This
    uses :func:`ssl.match_hostname` and :func:`extract_python_dict_from_x509`.

    cert_structure = extract_python_dict_from_x509(x509)
        ssl.match_hostname(cert_structure, hostname)
    except ssl.CertificateError:
        return False
    return True

[docs]class CertificateVerifier(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A certificate verifier hooks into the two mechanisms provided by :class:`.ssl_transport.STARTTLSTransport` for certificate verification. On the one hand, the verify callback provided by :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context` is used and forwarded to :meth:`verify_callback`. On the other hand, the post handshake coroutine is set to :meth:`post_handshake`. See the documentation of :class:`.ssl_transport.STARTTLSTransport` for the semantics of that coroutine. In addition to these two hooks into the TLS handshake, a third coroutine which is called before STARTTLS is intiiated is provided. This baseclass provides a bit of boilerplate. """ @asyncio.coroutine def pre_handshake(self, transport): pass def setup_context(self, ctx, transport): self.transport = transport ctx.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER, self.verify_callback) @abc.abstractmethod def verify_callback(self, conn, x509, errno, errdepth, returncode): return returncode @abc.abstractmethod @asyncio.coroutine def post_handshake(self, transport): pass
class _NullVerifier(CertificateVerifier): def setup_context(self, ctx, transport): self.transport = transport ctx.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_NONE, self.verify_callback) def verify_callback(self, *args): return True @asyncio.coroutine def post_handshake(self, transport): pass
[docs]class PKIXCertificateVerifier(CertificateVerifier): """ This verifier enables the default PKIX based verification of certificates as implemented by OpenSSL. The :meth:`verify_callback` checks that the certificate subject matches the domain name of the JID of the connection. """ def verify_callback(self, ctx, x509, errno, errdepth, returncode):"verifying certificate (preverify=%s)", returncode) if not returncode: logger.warning("certificate verification failed (by OpenSSL)") return returncode if errdepth == 0: hostname = self.transport.get_extra_info("server_hostname") if not check_x509_hostname( x509, hostname): logger.warning("certificate hostname mismatch " "(doesn’t match for %r)", hostname) return False return returncode def setup_context(self, ctx, transport): super().setup_context(ctx, transport) ctx.set_default_verify_paths() @asyncio.coroutine def post_handshake(self, transport): pass
[docs]class HookablePKIXCertificateVerifier(CertificateVerifier): """ This PKIX-based verifier has several hooks which allow overriding of the checking process, for example to implement key or certificate pinning. It provides three callbacks: * `quick_check` is a synchronous callback (and must be a plain function) which is called from :meth:`verify_callback`. It is only called if the certificate fails full PKIX verification, and only for certain cases. For example, expired certificates do not get a second chance and are rejected immediately. It is called with the leaf certificate as its only argument. It must return :data:`True` if the certificate is known good and should pass the verification. If the certificate is known bad and should fail the verification immediately, it must return :data:`False`. If the certificate is unknown and the check should be deferred to the `post_handshake_deferred_failure` callback, :data:`None` must be returned. Passing :data:`None` to `quick_check` is the same as if a callable passed to `quick_check` would return :data:`None` always (i.e. the decision is deferred). * `post_handshake_deferred_failure` must be a coroutine. It is called after the handshake is done but before the STARTTLS negotiation has finished and allows the application to take more time to decide on a certificate and possibly request user input. The coroutine receives the verifier instance as its argument and can make use of all the verification attributes to present the user with a sensible choice. If `post_handshake_deferred_failure` is :data:`None`, the result is identical to returning :data:`False` from the callback. * `post_handshake_success` is only called if the certificate has passed the verification (either because it flawlessly passed by OpenSSL or the `quick_check` callback returned :data:`True`). You may pass :data:`None` to this argument to disable the callback without any further side effects. The following attributes are available when the post handshake callbacks are called: .. attribute:: recorded_errors This is a :class:`set` with tuples consisting of a :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` instance, an OpenSSL error number and the depth of the certificate in the verification chain (0 is the leaf certificate). It is a collection of all errors which were passed into :meth:`verify_callback` by OpenSSL. .. attribute:: hostname_matches This is :data:`True` if the host name in the leaf certificate matches the domain part of the JID for which we are connecting (i.e. the usual server name check). .. attribute:: leaf_x509 The :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` object which represents the leaf certificate. """ # these are the errors for which we allow pinning the certificate _DEFERRABLE_ERRORS = { (20, None), # issuer certificate not available locally (19, None), # self-signed cert in chain (18, 0), # depth-zero self-signed cert (27, 0), # cert untrusted } def __init__(self, quick_check, post_handshake_deferred_failure, post_handshake_success): self._quick_check = quick_check self._post_handshake_success = post_handshake_success self._post_handshake_deferred_failure = post_handshake_deferred_failure self.recorded_errors = set() self.deferred = True self.hostname_matches = False self.leaf_x509 = None def verify_callback(self, ctx, x509, errno, depth, preverify): if errno != 0: self.recorded_errors.add((x509, errno, depth)) return True if depth == 0: hostname = self.transport.get_extra_info("server_hostname") self.hostname_matches = check_x509_hostname(x509, hostname) self.leaf_x509 = x509 return self.verify_recorded(x509, self.recorded_errors) return True def verify_recorded(self, leaf_x509, records): self.deferred = False if not records: return True hostname = self.transport.get_extra_info("server_hostname") self.hostname_matches = check_x509_hostname(leaf_x509, hostname) for x509, errno, depth in records: if ((errno, depth) not in self._DEFERRABLE_ERRORS and (errno, None) not in self._DEFERRABLE_ERRORS): logger.warning("non-deferrable certificate error: " "depth=%d, errno=%d", depth, errno) return False if self._quick_check is not None: result = self._quick_check(leaf_x509) else: result = None if result is None: self.deferred = True return result is not False @asyncio.coroutine def post_handshake(self, transport): if self.deferred: if self._post_handshake_deferred_failure is not None: result = yield from self._post_handshake_deferred_failure(self) else: result = False if not result: raise errors.TLSFailure("certificate verification failed") else: if self._post_handshake_success is not None: yield from self._post_handshake_success()
[docs]class AbstractPinStore(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ This is the abstract base class for both :class:`PublicKeyPinStore` and :class:`CerificatePinStore`. The interface for both types of pinning is identical; the only difference is in which information is stored. .. automethod:: pin .. automethod:: query .. automethod:: get_pinned_for_host .. automethod:: export_to_json .. automethod:: import_from_json For subclasses: .. automethod:: _encode_key .. automethod:: _decode_key .. automethod:: _x509_key """ def __init__(self): self._storage = {} @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def _x509_key(self, key): """ Return a hashable value which identifies the given `x509` certificate for the purposes of the key store. See the implementations :meth:`PublicKeyPinStore._x509_key` and :meth:`CertificatePinStore._x509_key` for details on what is stored for the respective subclasses. This method is abstract and must be implemented in subclasses. """
[docs] def _encode_key(self, key): """ Encode the `key` (which has previously been obtained from :meth:`_x509_key`) into a string which is both JSON compatible and can be used as XML text (which means that it must not contain control characters, for example). The method is called by :meth:`export_to_json`. The default implementation returns `key`. """ return key
[docs] def _decode_key(self, obj): """ Decode the `obj` into a key which is compatible to the values returned by :meth:`_x509_key`. The method is called by :meth:`import_from_json`. The default implementation returns `obj`. """ return obj
[docs] def pin(self, hostname, x509): """ Pin an :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` object `x509` for use with the given `hostname`. Which information exactly is used to identify the certificate depends :meth:`_x509_key`. """ key = self._x509_key(x509) self._storage.setdefault(hostname, set()).add(key)
[docs] def query(self, hostname, x509): """ Return true if the given :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` object `x509` has previously been pinned for use with the given `hostname` and :data:`None` otherwise. Returning :data:`None` allows this method to be used with :class:`PinningPKIXCertificateVerifier`. """ key = self._x509_key(x509) try: pins = self._storage[hostname] except KeyError: return None if key in pins: return True return None
[docs] def get_pinned_for_host(self, hostname): """ Return the set of hashable values which are used to identify the X.509 certificates which are accepted for the given `hostname`. If no values have previously been pinned, this returns the empty set. """ try: return frozenset(self._storage[hostname]) except KeyError: return frozenset()
[docs] def export_to_json(self): """ Return a JSON dictionary which contains all the pins stored in this store. """ return { hostname: sorted(self._encode_key(key) for key in pins) for hostname, pins in self._storage.items() }
[docs] def import_from_json(self, data, *, override=False): """ Import a JSON dictionary which must have the same format as exported by :meth:`export`. If *override* is true, the existing data in the pin store will be overriden with the data from `data`. Otherwise, the `data` will be merged into the store. """ if override: self._storage = { hostname: set(self._decode_key(key) for key in pins) for hostname, pins in data.items() } return for hostname, pins in data.items(): existing_pins = self._storage.setdefault(hostname, set()) existing_pins.update(self._decode_key(key) for key in pins)
[docs]class PublicKeyPinStore(AbstractPinStore): """ This pin store stores the public keys of the X.509 objects which are passed to its :meth:`pin` method. """ def _x509_key(self, x509): blob = extract_blob(x509) pyasn1_struct = blob_to_pyasn1(blob) return extract_pk_blob_from_pyasn1(pyasn1_struct) def _encode_key(self, key): return base64.b64encode(key).decode("ascii") def _decode_key(self, obj): return base64.b64decode(obj.encode("ascii"))
[docs]class CertificatePinStore(AbstractPinStore): """ This pin store stores the whole certificates which are passed to its :meth:`pin` method. """ def _x509_key(self, x509): return extract_blob(x509) def _encode_key(self, key): return base64.b64encode(key).decode("ascii") def _decode_key(self, obj): return base64.b64decode(obj.encode("ascii"))
[docs]class PinningPKIXCertificateVerifier(HookablePKIXCertificateVerifier): """ The :class:`PinningPKIXCertificateVerifier` is a subclass of the :class:`HookablePKIXCertificateVerifier` which uses the hooks to implement certificate or public key pinning. It does not store the pins itself. Instead, the user must pass a callable to the `query_pin` argument. That callable will be called with two arguments: the `servername` and the `x509`. The `x509` is a :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` instance, which is the leaf certificate which attempts to identify the host. The `servername` is the name of the server we try to connect to (the identifying name, like the domain part of the JID). The callable must return :data:`True` (to accept the certificate), :data:`False` (to reject the certificate) or :data:`None` (to defer the decision to the `post_handshake_deferred_failure` callback). `query_pin` must not block; if it needs to do blocking operations, it should defer. The other two arguments are coroutines with semantics identical to those of the same-named arguments in :class:`HookablePKIXCertificateVerifier`. .. seealso:: :meth:`AbstractPinStore.query` is a method which can be passed as `query_pin` callback. """ def __init__(self, query_pin, post_handshake_deferred_failure, post_handshake_success=None): super().__init__( self._quick_check_query_pin, post_handshake_deferred_failure, post_handshake_success ) self._query_pin = query_pin def _quick_check_query_pin(self, leaf_x509): hostname = self.transport.get_extra_info("server_hostname") return self._query_pin(hostname, leaf_x509)
class ErrorRecordingVerifier(CertificateVerifier): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._errors = [] def _record_verify_info(self, x509, errno, depth): self._errors.append((x509, errno, depth)) def verify_callback(self, x509, errno, depth, returncode): self._record_verify_info(x509, errno, depth) return True @asyncio.coroutine def post_handshake(self, transport): if self._errors: raise errors.TLSFailure( "Peer certificate verification failure: {}".format( ", ".join(map(str, self._errors))))
[docs]class STARTTLSProvider: """ A TLS provider to negotiate STARTTLS on an existing XML stream. This requires that the stream uses :class:`.ssl_wrapper.STARTTLSableTransportProtocol` as a transport. `ssl_context_factory` must be a callable returning a valid :class:`ssl.SSLContext` object. It is called without arguments. `require_starttls` can be set to :data:`False` to allow stream negotiation to continue even if STARTTLS fails before it has been started (the stream is fatally broken if the STARTTLS command has been sent but SSL negotiation fails afterwards). `certificate_verifier_factory` must be a callable providing a :class:`CertificateVerifer` instance which will hooked up to the transport and the SSL context to perform certificate validation. """ def __init__(self, ssl_context_factory, certificate_verifier_factory=PKIXCertificateVerifier, *, require_starttls=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._certificate_verifier_factory = certificate_verifier_factory self._ssl_context_factory = ssl_context_factory self._required = require_starttls def _fail_if_required(self, msg, peer_requires=False): if self._required or peer_requires: raise errors.TLSUnavailable(msg) return None @asyncio.coroutine def execute(self, client_jid, features, xmlstream): """ Perform STARTTLS negotiation. If successful, a ``(tls_transport, new_features)`` pair is returned. Otherwise, if STARTTLS failed non-fatally and is not required (see constructor arguments), :data:`False` is returned. The `tls_transport` member of the return value is the :class:`asyncio.Transport` created by asyncio for SSL. The second element are the new stream features received after STARTTLS negotiation. """ try: feature = features[nonza.StartTLSFeature] except KeyError: return self._fail_if_required("STARTTLS not supported by peer") if not xmlstream.can_starttls(): return self._fail_if_required( "STARTTLS not supported by us", peer_requires=bool(feature.required) ) response = yield from protocol.send_and_wait_for( xmlstream, [ nonza.StartTLS() ], [ nonza.StartTLSFailure, nonza.StartTLSProceed, ] ) if response.TAG[1] == "proceed":"engaging STARTTLS") try: verifier = self._certificate_verifier_factory() yield from verifier.pre_handshake(xmlstream.transport) ctx = self._ssl_context_factory() verifier.setup_context(ctx, xmlstream.transport) logger.debug("using certificate verifier: %s", verifier) yield from xmlstream.starttls( ssl_context=ctx, post_handshake_callback=verifier.post_handshake) except errors.TLSFailure: # no need to re-wrap that logger.exception("STARTTLS failed:") raise except OSError as err: logger.exception("STARTTLS failed:") raise errors.TLSFailure( "TLS connection failed: {}".format(err) ) return xmlstream.transport return self._fail_if_required("STARTTLS failed on remote side")
class SASLMechanism(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.sasl, "mechanism") name = xso.Text() def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__() = name @nonza.StreamFeatures.as_feature_class class SASLMechanisms(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.sasl, "mechanisms") mechanisms = xso.ChildList([SASLMechanism]) def get_mechanism_list(self): return [ for mechanism in self.mechanisms ]
[docs]class SASLProvider: def _find_supported(self, features, mechanism_classes): """ Return a supported SASL mechanism class, by looking the given stream features `features`. If SASL is not supported at all, :class:`aiosasl.SASLFailure` is raised. If no matching mechanism is found, ``(None, None)`` is returned. Otherwise, a pair consisting of the mechanism class and the value returned by the respective :meth:`~.sasl.SASLMechanism.any_supported` method is returned. """ try: mechanisms = features[SASLMechanisms] except KeyError: logger.error("No sasl mechanisms: %r", list(features)) raise errors.SASLUnavailable( "Remote side does not support SASL") from None remote_mechanism_list = mechanisms.get_mechanism_list() for our_mechanism in mechanism_classes: token = our_mechanism.any_supported(remote_mechanism_list) if token is not None: return our_mechanism, token return None, None AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES = { "credentials-expired", "account-disabled", "invalid-authzid", "not-authorized", "temporary-auth-failure", } MECHANISM_REJECTED_FAILURES = { "invalid-mechanism", "mechanism-too-weak", "encryption-required", } @asyncio.coroutine def _execute(self, intf, mechanism, token): """ Execute SASL negotiation using the given `mechanism` instance and `token` using the :class:`~.sasl.SASLXMPPInterface` `intf`. """ sm = aiosasl.SASLStateMachine(intf) try: yield from mechanism.authenticate(sm, token) return True except aiosasl.SASLFailure as err: if err.opaque_error in self.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES: raise aiosasl.AuthenticationFailure( opaque_error=err.opaque_error, text=err.text) elif err.opaque_error in self.MECHANISM_REJECTED_FAILURES: return False raise @abc.abstractmethod @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def execute(self, client_jid, features, xmlstream, tls_transport): """ Perform SASL negotiation. The implementation depends on the specific :class:`SASLProvider` subclass in use. This coroutine returns :data:`True` if the negotiation was successful. If no common mechanisms could be found, :data:`False` is returned. This is useful to chain several SASL providers (e.g. a provider supporting ``EXTERNAL`` in front of password-based providers). Any other error case, such as no SASL support on the remote side or authentication failure results in an :class:`aiosasl.SASLFailure` exception to be raised. """
[docs]class PasswordSASLProvider(SASLProvider): """ Perform password-based SASL authentication. `jid` must be a :class:`~.structs.JID` object for the client. `password_provider` must be a coroutine which is called with the jid as first and the number of attempt as second argument. It must return the password to use, or :data:`None` to abort. In that case, an :class:`errors.AuthenticationFailure` error will be raised. At most `max_auth_attempts` will be carried out. If all fail, the authentication error of the last attempt is raised. The SASL mechanisms used depend on whether TLS has been negotiated successfully before. In any case, :class:`aiosasl.SCRAM` is used. If TLS has been negotiated, :class:`aiosasl.PLAIN` is also supported. """ def __init__(self, password_provider, *, max_auth_attempts=3, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._password_provider = password_provider self._max_auth_attempts = max_auth_attempts @asyncio.coroutine def execute(self, client_jid, features, xmlstream, tls_transport): client_jid = client_jid.bare() password_signalled_abort = False nattempt = 0 cached_credentials = None @asyncio.coroutine def credential_provider(): nonlocal password_signalled_abort, nattempt, cached_credentials if cached_credentials is not None: return client_jid.localpart, cached_credentials password = yield from self._password_provider( client_jid, nattempt) if password is None: password_signalled_abort = True raise aiosasl.AuthenticationFailure( "user intervention", text="authentication aborted by user") cached_credentials = password return client_jid.localpart, password classes = [ aiosasl.SCRAM ] if tls_transport is not None: classes.append(aiosasl.PLAIN) intf = sasl.SASLXMPPInterface(xmlstream) while classes: # go over all mechanisms available. some errors disable a mechanism # (like encryption-required or mechansim-too-weak) mechanism_class, token = self._find_supported(features, classes) if mechanism_class is None: return False mechanism = mechanism_class(credential_provider) last_auth_error = None for nattempt in range(self._max_auth_attempts): try: mechanism_worked = yield from self._execute( intf, mechanism, token) except aiosasl.AuthenticationFailure as err: if password_signalled_abort: # immediately re-raise raise last_auth_error = err # allow the user to re-try cached_credentials = None continue else: break else: raise last_auth_error if mechanism_worked: return True classes.remove(mechanism_class) return False
def default_verify_callback(conn, x509, errno, errdepth, returncode): return errno == 0 def default_ssl_context(): ctx = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) ctx.set_options(OpenSSL.SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2 | OpenSSL.SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3) ctx.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER, default_verify_callback) return ctx @asyncio.coroutine
[docs]def negotiate_stream_security(tls_provider, sasl_providers, negotiation_timeout, jid, features, xmlstream): """ Negotiate stream security for the given `xmlstream`. For this to work, `features` must be the most recent :class:`.stream_elements.StreamFeatures` node. First, transport layer security is negotiated using `tls_provider`. If that fails non-fatally, negotiation continues as normal. Exceptions propagate upwards. After TLS has been tried, SASL is negotiated, by sequentially attempting SASL negotiation using the providers in the `sasl_providers` list. If a provider fails to negotiate SASL with an :class:`aiosasl.AuthenticationFailure` or has no mechanisms in common with the peer server, the next provider can continue. Otherwise, the exception propagates upwards. If no provider succeeds and there was an authentication failure, that error is re-raised. Otherwise, a dedicated :class:`aiosasl.SASLFailure` exception is raised, which states that no common mechanisms were found. On success, a pair of ``(tls_transport, features)`` is returned. If TLS has been negotiated, `tls_transport` is the SSL :class:`asyncio.Transport` created by asyncio (as returned by the `tls_provider`). If no TLS has been negotiated, `tls_transport` is :data:`None`. `features` is the latest :class:`~.stream_elements.StreamFeatures` element received during negotiation. On failure, an appropriate exception is raised. Authentication failures can be caught as :class:`aiosasl.AuthenticationFailure`. Errors related to SASL or TLS negotiation itself can be caught using :class:`aiosasl.SASLFailure` and :class:`~.errors.TLSFailure` respectively. """ tls_transport = yield from tls_provider.execute(jid, features, xmlstream) if tls_transport is not None: features = yield from protocol.reset_stream_and_get_features( xmlstream, timeout=negotiation_timeout) last_auth_error = None for sasl_provider in sasl_providers: try: result = yield from sasl_provider.execute( jid, features, xmlstream, tls_transport) except aiosasl.AuthenticationFailure as err: last_auth_error = err continue if result: features = yield from protocol.reset_stream_and_get_features( xmlstream, timeout=negotiation_timeout) break else: if last_auth_error: raise last_auth_error else: raise errors.SASLUnavailable("No common mechanisms") return tls_transport, features
[docs]def security_layer(tls_provider, sasl_providers): """ .. seealso:: Use this function only if you need more customization than provided by :func:`tls_with_password_based_authentication`. Return a partially applied :func:`negotiate_stream_security` function, where the `tls_provider` and `sasl_providers` arguments are already bound. The return value can be passed to the constructor of :class:`~.node.Client`. Some very basic checking on the input is also performed. """ tls_provider.execute # check that tls_provider has execute method sasl_providers = list(sasl_providers) if not sasl_providers: raise ValueError("At least one SASL provider must be given.") for sasl_provider in sasl_providers: sasl_provider.execute # check that sasl_provider has execute method return functools.partial(negotiate_stream_security, tls_provider, sasl_providers)
[docs]def tls_with_password_based_authentication( password_provider, ssl_context_factory=default_ssl_context, max_auth_attempts=3, certificate_verifier_factory=None): """ Produce a commonly used security layer, which uses TLS and password authentication. If `ssl_context_factory` is not provided, an SSL context with TLSv1+ is used. `password_provider` must be a coroutine which is called with the jid as first and the number of attempt as second argument. It must return the password to us, or :data:`None` to abort. Return a security layer which can be passed to :class:`~.node.Client`. """ tls_kwargs = {} if certificate_verifier_factory is not None: tls_kwargs["certificate_verifier_factory"] = \ certificate_verifier_factory return security_layer( tls_provider=STARTTLSProvider(ssl_context_factory, require_starttls=True, **tls_kwargs), sasl_providers=[PasswordSASLProvider( password_provider, max_auth_attempts=max_auth_attempts)] )

