Source code for aioxmpp.disco.xso

import aioxmpp.forms.xso as forms_xso
import aioxmpp.stanza as stanza
import aioxmpp.xso as xso

from aioxmpp.utils import namespaces

namespaces.xep0030_info = ""
namespaces.xep0030_items = ""

[docs]class Identity(xso.XSO): """ An identity declaration. The keyword arguments to the constructor can be used to initialize attributes of the :class:`Identity` instance. .. attribute:: category The category of the identity. The value is not validated against the values in the `registry <>`_. .. attribute:: type_ The type of the identity. The value is not validated against the values in the `registry <>`_. .. attribute:: name The optional human-readable name of the identity. See also the :attr:`lang` attribute. .. attribute:: lang The language of the :attr:`name`. This may be not :data:`None` even if :attr:`name` is not set due to ``xml:lang`` propagation. """ TAG = (namespaces.xep0030_info, "identity") category = xso.Attr(tag="category") type_ = xso.Attr(tag="type") name = xso.Attr(tag="name", default=None) lang = xso.LangAttr() def __init__(self, *, category="client", type_="bot", name=None, lang=None): super().__init__() self.category = category self.type_ = type_ if name is not None: = name if lang is not None: self.lang = lang def __eq__(self, other): try: return (self.category == other.category and self.type_ == other.type_ and == and self.lang == other.lang) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): return "{}.{}(category={!r}, type_={!r}, name={!r}, lang={!r})".format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__qualname__, self.category, self.type_,, self.lang)
[docs]class Feature(xso.XSO): """ A feature declaration. The keyword argument to the constructor can be used to initialize the attribute of the :class:`Feature` instance. .. attribute:: var The namespace which identifies the feature. """ TAG = (namespaces.xep0030_info, "feature") var = xso.Attr(tag="var") def __init__(self, var): super().__init__() self.var = var
class FeatureSet(xso.AbstractType): def get_formatted_type(self): return Feature def parse(self, item): return item.var def format(self, var): return Feature(var) @stanza.IQ.as_payload_class
[docs]class InfoQuery(xso.CapturingXSO): """ A query for features and identities of an entity. The keyword arguments to the constructor can be used to initialize the attributes. Note that `identities` and `features` must be iterables of :class:`Identity` and :class:`Feature`, respectively; these iterables are evaluated and the items are stored in the respective attributes. .. attribute:: node The node at which the query is directed. .. attribute:: identities The identities of the entity, as :class:`Identity` instances. Each entity has at least one identity. .. attribute:: features The features of the entity, as a set of strings. Each string represents a :class:`Feature` instance with the corresponding :attr:`~.Feature.var` attribute. .. attribute:: captured_events If the object was created by parsing an XML stream, this attribute holds a list of events which were used when parsing it. Otherwise, this is :data:`None`. .. versionadded:: 0.5 .. automethod:: to_dict """ TAG = (namespaces.xep0030_info, "query") node = xso.Attr(tag="node", default=None) identities = xso.ChildList([Identity]) features = xso.ChildValueList( FeatureSet(), container_type=set ) exts = xso.ChildList([forms_xso.Data]) captured_events = None def __init__(self, *, identities=(), features=(), node=None): super().__init__() self.identities.extend(identities) self.features.update(features) if node is not None: self.node = node
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert the query result to a normalized JSON-like representation. The format is a subset of the format used by the `capsdb`__. Obviously, the node name and hash type are not included; otherwise, the format is identical. __ """ identities = [] for identity in self.identities: identity_dict = { "category": identity.category, "type": identity.type_, } if identity.lang is not None: identity_dict["lang"] = identity.lang.match_str if is not None: identity_dict["name"] = identities.append(identity_dict) features = sorted(self.features) forms = [] for form in self.exts: forms.append({ field.var: list(field.values) for field in form.fields if field.var is not None }) result = { "identities": identities, "features": features, "forms": forms } return result
def _set_captured_events(self, events): self.captured_events = events
[docs]class Item(xso.XSO): """ An item declaration. The keyword arguments to the constructor can be used to initialize the attributes of the :class:`Item` instance. .. attribute:: jid :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` of the entity represented by the item. .. attribute:: node Node of the item .. attribute:: name Name of the item """ TAG = (namespaces.xep0030_items, "item") UNKNOWN_CHILD_POLICY = xso.UnknownChildPolicy.DROP jid = xso.Attr( tag="jid", type_=xso.JID(), # FIXME: validator for full jid ) name = xso.Attr( tag="name", default=None, ) node = xso.Attr( tag="node", default=None, ) def __init__(self, jid, name=None, node=None): super().__init__() self.jid = jid = name self.node = node
[docs]class ItemsQuery(xso.XSO): """ A query for items at a specific entity. The keyword arguments to the constructor can be used to initialize the attributes of the :class:`ItemsQuery`. Note that `items` must be an iterable of :class:`Item` instances. The iterable will be evaluated and the items will be stored in the :attr:`items` attribute. .. attribute:: node Node at which the query is directed .. attribute:: items The items at the addressed entity. """ TAG = (namespaces.xep0030_items, "query") node = xso.Attr(tag="node", default=None) items = xso.ChildList([Item]) def __init__(self, *, node=None, items=()): super().__init__() self.items.extend(items) if node is not None: self.node = node

