Source code for aioxmpp.xso

:mod:`~aioxmpp.xso` --- Working with XML stream contents

This subpackage deals with **X**\ ML **S**\ tream **O**\ bjects. XSOs can be
stanzas, but in general anything which is sent after the XML stream header.

The facilities in this subpackage are supposed to help developers of XEP
plugins, as well as the main development of :mod:`aioxmpp`. The subpackage
is split in two parts, :mod:`aioxmpp.xso.model`, which provides facilities to
allow declarative-style parsing and un-parsing of XML subtrees into XSOs and
the :mod:`aioxmpp.xso.types` module, which provides classes which implement
validators and type parsers for content represented as strings in XML.


Defenition of an XSO

An XSO is an object whose class inherits from

A word on tags

Tags, as used by etree, are used throughout this module. Note that we are
representing tags as tuples of ``(namespace_uri, localname)``, where
``namespace_uri`` may be :data:`None`.

.. seealso::

   The functions :func:`normalize_tag` and :func:`tag_to_str` are useful to
   convert from and to ElementTree compatible strings.

Suspendable functions

This module uses suspendable functions, implemented as generators, at several
points. These may also be called coroutines, but have nothing to do with
coroutines as used by :mod:`asyncio`, which is why we will call them
suspendable functions here.

Suspendable functions possibly take arguments and then operate on input which
is fed to them in a push-manner step by step (using the
:meth:`~types.GeneratorType.send` method). The main usage in this module is to
process SAX events: The SAX events are processed step-by-step by the functions,
and when the event is fully processed, it suspends itself (using ``yield``)
until the next event is sent into it.

General functions

.. autofunction:: normalize_tag

.. autofunction:: tag_to_str

.. module:: aioxmpp.xso.model

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.xso

Object declaration with :mod:`aioxmpp.xso.model`

This module provides facilities to create classes which map to full XML stream
subtrees (for example stanzas including payload).

To create such a class, derive from :class:`XSO` and provide attributes
using the :class:`Attr`, :class:`Text`, :class:`Child` and :class:`ChildList`

Descriptors for XML-sourced attributes

The following descriptors can be used to load XSO attributes from XML. There
are two fundamentally different descriptor types: *scalar* and *non-scalar*
(e.g. list) descriptors. *scalar* descriptor types always accept a
value of :data:`None`, which represents the *absence* of the object (unless it
is required by some means, e.g. ``Attr(required=True)``). *Non-scalar*
descriptors generally have a different way to describe the absence and in
addition have a mutable value. Assignment to the descriptor attribute is
strictly type-checked.

Scalar descriptors

Many of the arguments and attributes used for the scalar descriptors are
similar. They are described in detail on the :class:`Attr` class and not
repeated that detailed on the other classes. Refer to the documentation of the
:class:`Attr` class in those cases.

.. autoclass:: Attr(name, *[, type_=xso.String()][, validator=None][, validate=ValidateMode.FROM_RECV][, missing=None][, default])

.. autoclass:: LangAttr(*[, validator=None][, validate=ValidateMode.FROM_RECV][, default=None])

.. autoclass:: Child(classes, *[, required=False])

.. autoclass:: ChildTag(tags, *[, text_policy=UnknownTextPolicy.FAIL][, child_policy=UnknownChildPolicy.FAIL][, attr_policy=UnknownAttrPolicy.FAIL][, default_ns=None][, allow_none=False])

.. autoclass:: ChildText(tag, *[, child_policy=UnknownChildPolicy.FAIL][, attr_policy=UnknownAttrPolicy.FAIL][, type_=xso.String()][, validator=None][, validate=ValidateMode.FROM_RECV][, default])

.. autoclass:: Text(*[, type_=xso.String()][, validator=None][, validate=ValidateMode.FROM_RECV][, default])

Non-scalar descriptors

.. autoclass:: ChildList(classes)

.. autoclass:: ChildMap(classes[, key=None])

.. autoclass:: ChildLangMap(classes)

.. autoclass:: Collector()

Container for child lists

The child lists in :class:`ChildList`, :class:`ChildMap` and
:class:`ChildLangMap` descriptors use a specialized list-subclass which
provides advanced capabilities for filtering :class:`XSO` objects.

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.xso.model

.. autoclass:: XSOList

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.xso

Parsing XSOs

To parse XSOs, an asynchronous approach which uses SAX-like events is
followed. For this, the suspendable functions explained earlier are used. The
main class to parse a XSO from events is :class:`XSOParser`. To drive
that suspendable callable from SAX events, use a :class:`SAXDriver`.

.. autoclass:: XSOParser

.. autoclass:: SAXDriver

Base and meta class

The :class:`XSO` base class makes use of the :class:`XMLStreamClass`
metaclass and provides implementations for utility methods. For an object to
work with this module, it must derive from :class:`XSO` or provide an
identical interface.

.. autoclass:: XSO()

The metaclass takes care of collecting the special descriptors in attributes
where they can be used by the SAX event interpreter to fill the class with
data. It also provides a class method for late registration of child classes.

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.xso.model

.. autoclass:: XMLStreamClass

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.xso

Functions, enumerations and exceptions

The values of the following enumerations are used on "magic" attributes of
:class:`XMLStreamClass` instances (i.e. classes).

.. autoclass:: UnknownChildPolicy

.. autoclass:: UnknownAttrPolicy

.. autoclass:: UnknownTextPolicy

.. autoclass:: ValidateMode

The following exceptions are generated at some places in this module:

.. autoclass:: UnknownTopLevelTag

The following special value is used to indicate that no default is used with a

.. data:: NO_DEFAULT

   This is a special value which is used to indicate that no defaulting should
   take place. It can be passed to the `default` arguments of descriptors, and
   usually is the default value of these arguments.

   It compares unequal to everything but itself, does not support ordering,
   conversion to bool, float or integer.

Handlers for missing attributes

.. autofunction:: lang_attr

.. module:: aioxmpp.xso.types

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.xso

Types and validators from :mod:`~aioxmpp.xso.types`

This module provides classes whose objects can be used as types and validators
in :mod:`~aioxmpp.xso.model`.


Types are used to convert strings obtained from XML character data or attribute
contents to python types. They are valid values for `type_` arguments e.g. for

The basic type interface

.. autoclass:: AbstractType


.. autoclass:: String

.. autoclass:: Integer

.. autoclass:: Bool

.. autoclass:: DateTime

.. autoclass:: Base64Binary

.. autoclass:: HexBinary

.. autoclass:: JID

.. autoclass:: ConnectionLocation

.. autoclass:: LanguageTag


Validators validate the python values after they have been parsed from
XML-sourced strings or even when being assigned to a descriptor attribute
(depending on the choice in the `validate` argument).

They can be useful both for defending and rejecting incorrect input and to
avoid producing incorrect output.

The basic validator interface

.. autoclass:: AbstractValidator


.. autoclass:: RestrictToSet

.. autoclass:: Nmtoken

.. autoclass:: IsInstance

.. currentmodule:: aioxmpp.xso

Predefined XSO base classes

Some patterns reoccur when using this subpackage. For these, base classes are
provided which faciliate the use.

.. autoclass:: AbstractTextChild


[docs]def tag_to_str(tag): """ `tag` must be a tuple ``(namespace_uri, localname)``. Return a tag string conforming to the ElementTree specification. Example:: tag_to_str(("jabber:client", "iq")) == "{jabber:client}iq" """ return "{{{:s}}}{:s}".format(*tag) if tag[0] else tag[1]
[docs]def normalize_tag(tag): """ Normalize an XML element tree `tag` into the tuple format. The following input formats are accepted: * ElementTree namespaced string, e.g. ``{uri:bar}foo`` * Unnamespaced tags, e.g. ``foo`` * Two-tuples consisting of `namespace_uri` and `localpart`; `namespace_uri` may be :data:`None` if the tag is supposed to be namespaceless. Otherwise it must be, like `localpart`, a :class:`str`. Return a two-tuple consisting the ``(namespace_uri, localpart)`` format. """ if isinstance(tag, str): namespace_uri, sep, localname = tag.partition("}") if sep: if not namespace_uri.startswith("{"): raise ValueError("not a valid etree-format tag") namespace_uri = namespace_uri[1:] else: localname = namespace_uri namespace_uri = None return (namespace_uri, localname) elif len(tag) != 2: raise ValueError("not a valid tuple-format tag") else: if any(part is not None and not isinstance(part, str) for part in tag): raise TypeError("tuple-format tags must only contain str and None") if tag[1] is None: raise ValueError("tuple-format localname must not be None") return tag
from .types import ( # NOQA AbstractType, String, Integer, Float, Bool, DateTime, Base64Binary, HexBinary, JID, ConnectionLocation, LanguageTag, AbstractValidator, RestrictToSet, Nmtoken, IsInstance, ) from .model import ( # NOQA tag_to_str, normalize_tag, UnknownChildPolicy, UnknownAttrPolicy, UnknownTextPolicy, ValidateMode, UnknownTopLevelTag, Attr, LangAttr, Child, ChildList, ChildLangMap, ChildMap, ChildTag, ChildText, Collector, Text, XSOParser, SAXDriver, XSO, lang_attr )
[docs]class AbstractTextChild(XSO): """ One of the recurring patterns when using :mod:`xso` is the use of a XSO subclass to represent an XML node which has only character data and an ``xml:lang`` attribute. The `text` and `lang` arguments to the constructor can be used to initialize the attributes. This class provides exactly that. It inherits from :class:`XSO`. .. attribute:: lang The ``xml:lang`` of the node, as :class:`~.structs.LanguageTag`. .. attribute:: text The textual content of the node (XML character data). Example use as base class:: class Subject(xso.AbstractTextChild): TAG = (namespaces.client, "subject") The full example can also be found in the source code of :class:`.stanza.Subject`. """ lang = LangAttr() text = Text() def __init__(self, text=None, lang=None): super().__init__() self.text = text self.lang = lang def __eq__(self, other): try: other_key = (other.lang, other.text) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented return (self.lang, self.text) == other_key
from .model import _PropBase NO_DEFAULT = _PropBase.NO_DEFAULT del _PropBase

