This subpackage provides a aioxmpp.service.Service to interact with RFC 6121 rosters.
A roster client aioxmpp.service.Service.
client must be a AbstractClient or subclass. Ideally, you create Service instances using AbstractClient.summon().
The interaction with a roster service happens mainly by accessing the attributes holding the state and using the events to be notified of state changes:
Attributes for accessing the roster:
A dictionary which allows group-based access to Item instances. The dictionaries keys are the names of the groups, the values are set instances, which hold the Item instances in that group.
At no point one can observe empty set instances in this dictionary.
Fires when the initial roster has been received. Note that if roster versioning is used, the initial roster may not be up-to-date. The server is allowed to tell the client to re-use its local state and deliver changes using roster pushes. In that case, the on_initial_roster_received() event fires immediately, so that the user sees whatever roster has been set up for versioning before the stream was established; updates pushed by the server are delivered using the normal events.
The roster data has already been imported at the time the callback is fired.
Note that the initial roster is diffed against whatever is in the local store and events are fired just like for normal push updates. Thus, in general, you won’t need this signal; it might be better to listen for the events below.
Fires when an item has been added to the roster. The attributes of the item are up-to-date when this callback fires.
Fires when a roster update changed the name of the item. The new name is already applied to the item.
Fires when a roster update changes any of the Item.subscription, Item.ask or Item.approved attributes. The new values are already applied to item.
The event always fires once per update, even if the update changes more than one of the above attributes.
Fires when an update adds an item to a group. The Item.groups attribute is already updated (not only with this, but also other group updates, including removals) when this event is fired.
The event fires for each added group in an update, thus it may fire more than once per update.
The name of the new group is in group_name.
Fires when an update removes an item from a group. The Item.groups attribute is already updated (not only with this, but also other group updates, including additions) when this event is fired.
The event fires for each removed group in an update, thus it may fire more than once per update.
The name of the new group is in group_name.
Fires after an entry has been removed from the roster. The entry is already removed from all bookkeeping structures, but the values on the item object are the same as right before the removal.
Modifying roster contents:
Set properties of a roster entry or add a new roster entry. The roster entry is identified by its bare jid.
If an entry already exists, all values default to those stored in the existing entry. For example, if no name is given, the current name of the entry is re-used, if any.
If the entry does not exist, it will be created on the server side.
The remove_from_groups and add_to_groups arguments have to be based on the locally cached state, as XMPP does not support sending diffs. remove_from_groups takes precedence over add_to_groups.
timeout is the time in seconds to wait for a confirmation by the server.
Note that the changes may not be visible immediately after his coroutine returns in the items and groups attributes. The Service waits for the “official” roster push from the server for updating the data structures and firing events, to ensure that consistent state with other clients is achieved.
This may raise arbitrary errors.XMPPError exceptions if the server replies with an error and also any kind of connection error if the connection gets fatally terminated while waiting for a response.
Request removal of the roster entry identified by the given bare jid. If the entry currently has any subscription state, the server will send the corresponding unsubscribing presence stanzas.
timeout is the maximum time in seconds to wait for a reply from the server.
This may raise arbitrary errors.XMPPError exceptions if the server replies with an error and also any kind of connection error if the connection gets fatally terminated while waiting for a response.
Import/Export of roster data:
Export the whole roster as currently stored on the client side into a JSON-compatible dictionary and return that dictionary.
Replace the current roster with the export_as_json()-compatible dictionary in data.
No events are fired during this activity. After this method completes, the whole roster contents are exchanged with the contents from data.
Also, no data is transferred to the server; this method is intended to be used for roster versioning. See below (in the docs of Service).
To make use of roster versioning, use the above two methods. The general workflow is to export_as_json() the roster after disconnecting and storing it for the next connection attempt. Before connecting, the stored data needs to be loaded using import_from_json(). This only needs to happen after a new Service has been created, as roster services won’t delete roster contents between two connections on the same node.AbstractClient instance.
Represent an entry in the roster. These entries are mutable, see the documentation of Service for details on the lifetime of Item instances within a Service instance.
The display name of the entry, if any.
The subscription status of the entry. One of "none", "to", "from" and "both" (in contrast to xso.Item, "remove" cannot occur here).
The ask attribute of the roster entry.
The approved attribute of the roster entry.
The data of a roster entry can conveniently be exported to JSON:
Return a json-compatible dictionary which contains the attributes of this Item except its JID.
To mutate the roster entry, some handy methods are provided:
Update the attributes of this Item using the values obtained from the dictionary data.
The format of data should be the same as the format returned by export_as_json().
Update the attributes (except jid) with the values obtained from the gixen xso_item.
xso_item must be a valid xso.Item instance.
To create a roster entry from a xso.Item, use the from_xso_item() class method.
Create a Item with the jid set to the xso.Item.jid obtained from xso_item. Then update that instance with xso_item using update_from_xso_item() and return it.
Do not confuse this with the XSO xso.Item.
The submodule aioxmpp.roster.xso contains the XSO classes which describe the IQ payloads used by this subpackage.
A query which fetches data from the roster or sends new items to the roster.
The version of the roster, if any. See the RFC for the detailed semantics.
The items in the roster query.
A contact item in a roster.
The optional display name of the contact.
The following attributes represent the subscription status of the contact. A client must not set these attributes when sending roster items to the server. To change subscription status, use presence stanzas of the respective type. The only exception is a subscription value of "remove", which is used to remove an entry from the roster.
Primary subscription status, one of "none" (the default), "to", "from" and "both".
In addition, subscription can be set to "remove" to remove an item from the roster during a roster set. Removing an entry from the roster will also cancel any presence subscriptions from and to that entries entity.
Whether the subscription has been pre-approved by the owning entity.
Do not confuse this class with Item.
A group declaration for a contact in a roster.
The name of the group.
The stream feature which is used by servers to announce support for roster versioning: