Source code for aioxmpp.stream_xsos

:mod:`~aioxmpp.stream_xsos` --- Non-stanza stream-level XSOs

This module contains XSO models for stream-level elements which are not

General XSOs

.. autoclass:: StreamError()

.. autoclass:: StreamFeatures()

Stream management related XSOs

.. autoclass:: SMXSO()

.. autoclass:: SMRequest()

.. autoclass:: SMAcknowledgement()

.. autoclass:: SMEnable()

.. autoclass:: SMEnabled()

.. autoclass:: SMResume()

.. autoclass:: SMResumed()

import itertools

from . import xso, errors, stanza

from .utils import namespaces

[docs]class StreamError(xso.XSO): """ XSO representing a stream error. .. attribute:: text The text content of the stream error. .. attribute:: condition The RFC 6120 stream error condition. """ TAG = (namespaces.xmlstream, "error") text = xso.ChildText( tag=(namespaces.streams, "text"), attr_policy=xso.UnknownAttrPolicy.DROP, default=None, declare_prefix=None) condition = xso.ChildTag( tags=[ "bad-format", "bad-namespace-prefix", "conflict", "connection-timeout", "host-gone", "host-unknown", "improper-addressing", "internal-server-error", "invalid-from", "invalid-namespace", "invalid-xml", "not-authorized", "not-well-formed", "policy-violation", "remote-connection-failed", "reset", "resource-constraint", "restricted-xml", "see-other-host", "system-shutdown", "undefined-condition", "unsupported-encoding", "unsupported-feature", "unsupported-stanza-type", "unsupported-version", ], default_ns=namespaces.streams, allow_none=False, declare_prefix=None, ) def __init__(self, condition=(namespaces.streams, "undefined-condition"), text=None): super().__init__() self.condition = condition self.text = text @classmethod def from_exception(cls, exc): instance = cls() instance.text = exc.text instance.condition = exc.condition return instance def to_exception(self): return errors.StreamError( condition=self.condition, text=self.text)
[docs]class StreamFeatures(xso.XSO): """ XSO for collecting the supported stream features the remote advertises. To register a stream feature, use :meth:`register_child` with the :attr:`features` descriptor. A more fancy way to do the same thing is to use the :meth:`as_feature_class` classmethod as decorator for your feature XSO class. Adding new feature classes: .. automethod:: as_feature_class Querying features: .. method:: stream_features[FeatureClass] Obtain the first feature XSO which matches the `FeatureClass`. If no such XSO is contained in the :class:`StreamFeatures` instance `stream_features`, :class:`KeyError` is raised. .. method:: stream_features[FeatureClass] = feature Replace the stream features belonging to the given `FeatureClass` with the `feature` XSO. If the `FeatureClass` does not match the type of the `feature` XSO, a :class:`TypeError` is raised. It is legal to leave the FeatureClass out by specifying ``...`` instead. In that case, the class is auto-detected from the `feature` object assigned. .. method:: del stream_features[FeatureClass] If any feature of the given `FeatureClass` type is in the `stream_features`, they are all removed. Otherwise, :class:`KeyError` is raised, to stay consistent with other mapping-like types. .. automethod:: get_feature .. automethod:: has_feature """ TAG = (namespaces.xmlstream, "features") DECLARE_NS = { None: namespaces.xmlstream } # we drop unknown children UNKNOWN_CHILD_POLICY = xso.UnknownChildPolicy.DROP features = xso.ChildMap([]) cruft = xso.Collector() @classmethod
[docs] def as_feature_class(cls, other_cls): cls.register_child(cls.features, other_cls) return other_cls
def __getitem__(self, feature_cls): tag = feature_cls.TAG try: return self.features[feature_cls.TAG][0] except IndexError: raise KeyError(feature_cls) from None def __setitem__(self, feature_cls, feature): if feature_cls is Ellipsis: feature_cls = type(feature) if not isinstance(feature, feature_cls): raise ValueError("incorrect XSO class supplied") self.features[feature_cls.TAG][:] = [feature] def __delitem__(self, feature_cls): items = self.features[feature_cls.TAG] if not items: raise KeyError(feature_cls) items.clear() def __contains__(self, other): raise TypeError("membership test not supported")
[docs] def has_feature(self, feature_cls): """ Return :data:`True` if the stream features contain a feature of the given `feature_cls` type. :data:`False` is returned otherwise. """ return feature_cls.TAG in self.features
[docs] def get_feature(self, feature_cls, default=None): """ If a feature of the given `feature_cls` type is contained in the current stream features set, the first such instance is returned. Otherwise, `default` is returned. """ try: return self[feature_cls] except KeyError: return default
def __iter__(self): return itertools.chain(*self.features.values())
@StreamFeatures.as_feature_class class StreamManagementFeature(xso.XSO): """ Stream management stream feature """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "sm") class Required(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "required") class Optional(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "optional") required = xso.Child([Required]) optional = xso.Child([Optional])
[docs]class SMXSO(xso.XSO): """ Base class for stream-management related XSOs. This base class merely defines the namespaces to declare when serializing the data. """ DECLARE_NS = { None: namespaces.stream_management }
[docs]class SMRequest(SMXSO): """ A request for an SM acknowledgement (see :class:`SMAcknowledgement`). """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "r")
[docs]class SMAcknowledgement(SMXSO): """ Response to a :class:`SMRequest`. .. attribute:: counter The counter as received by the remote side. """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "a") counter = xso.Attr( "h", type_=xso.Integer() ) def __init__(self, counter=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.counter = counter
[docs]class SMEnable(SMXSO): """ Request to enable stream management. .. attribute:: resume Set this to :data:`True` to request the capability of resuming the stream later. """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "enable") resume = xso.Attr( "resume", type_=xso.Bool(), default=False ) def __init__(self, resume=False): super().__init__() self.resume = resume
[docs]class SMEnabled(SMXSO): """ Response to a :class:`SMEnable` request. .. attribute:: resume If :data:`True`, the peer allows resumption of the stream. .. attribute:: id_ The SM-ID of the stream. This is required to resume later. .. attribute:: location A hostname-port pair which defines to which host the client shall connect to resume the stream. """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "enabled") resume = xso.Attr( "resume", type_=xso.Bool(), default=False ) id_ = xso.Attr("id") location = xso.Attr( "location", type_=xso.ConnectionLocation(), default=None) max_ = xso.Attr( "max", type_=xso.Integer(), default=None) def __init__(self, resume=False, id_=None, location=None, max_=None): super().__init__() self.resume = resume self.id_ = id_ self.location = location self.max_ = max_
[docs]class SMResume(SMXSO): """ Request resumption of a previously interrupted SM stream. .. attribute:: counter Set this to the value of the local incoming stanza counter. .. attribute:: previd Set this to the SM-ID, as received in :class:`SMEnabled`. """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "resume") counter = xso.Attr( "h", type_=xso.Integer() ) previd = xso.Attr("previd") def __init__(self, counter, previd): super().__init__() self.counter = counter self.previd = previd
[docs]class SMResumed(SMXSO): """ Notification that SM resumption was successful, in response to :class:`SMResume`. .. attribute:: counter The stanza counter of the remote side. .. attribute:: previd The SM-ID of the stream. """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "resumed") counter = xso.Attr( "h", type_=xso.Integer()) previd = xso.Attr("previd") def __init__(self, counter, previd): super().__init__() self.counter = counter self.previd = previd
class SMFailed(SMXSO): """ Server response to :class:`SMEnable` or :class:`SMResume` if stream management fails. """ TAG = (namespaces.stream_management, "failed") condition = xso.ChildTag( tags=stanza.STANZA_ERROR_TAGS, default_ns=namespaces.stanzas, allow_none=False, declare_prefix=None, ) def __init__(self, condition=(namespaces.stanzas, "undefined-condition"), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if condition is not None: self.condition = condition

