Source code for aioxmpp.stanza

:mod:`~aioxmpp.stanza` --- XSOs for dealing with stanzas

This module provides :class:`~.xso.XSO` subclasses which provide access to
stanzas and their RFC6120-defined child elements.

Much of what you’ll read here makes much more sense if you have read
`RFC 6120 <>`_.

Top-level classes

.. autoclass:: StanzaBase(*[, from_][, to][, id_])

.. autoclass:: Message(*[, from_][, to][, id_][, type_])

.. autoclass:: IQ(*[, from_][, to][, id_][, type_])

.. autoclass:: Presence(*[, from_][, to][, id_][, type_])

Payload classes

For :class:`Presence` and :class:`Message` as well as :class:`IQ` errors, the
standardized payloads also have classes which are used as values for the

.. autoclass:: Error(*[, condition][, type_][, text])

For messages

.. autoclass:: Thread()

.. autoclass:: Subject()

.. autoclass:: Body()

For presence’

.. autoclass:: Status()


.. autoclass:: PayloadError

.. autoclass:: PayloadParsingError

.. autoclass:: UnknownIQPayload

import base64
import random

from . import xso, errors

from .utils import namespaces

RANDOM_ID_BYTES = 120 // 8


[docs]class PayloadError(Exception): """ Base class for exceptions raised when stanza payloads cannot be processed. .. attribute:: partial_obj The :class:`IQ` instance which has not been parsed completely. The attributes of the instance are already there, everything else is not guaranteed to be there. .. attribute:: ev_args The XSO parsing event arguments which caused the parsing to fail. """ def __init__(self, msg, partial_obj, ev_args): super().__init__(msg) self.ev_args = ev_args self.partial_obj = partial_obj
[docs]class PayloadParsingError(PayloadError): """ A constraint of a sub-object was not fulfilled and the stanza being processed is illegal. The partially parsed stanza object is provided in :attr:`~PayloadError.partial_obj`. """ def __init__(self, partial_obj, ev_args): super().__init__( "parsing of payload {} failed".format( xso.tag_to_str((ev_args[0], ev_args[1]))), partial_obj, ev_args)
[docs]class UnknownIQPayload(PayloadError): """ The payload of an IQ object is unknown. The partial object with attributes but without payload is available through :attr:`~PayloadError.partial_obj`. """ def __init__(self, partial_obj, ev_args): super().__init__( "unknown payload {} on iq".format( xso.tag_to_str((ev_args[0], ev_args[1]))), partial_obj, ev_args)
[docs]class Error(xso.XSO): """ An XMPP stanza error. The keyword arguments can be used to initialize the attributes of the :class:`Error`. .. attribute:: type_ The type of the error. Valid values are ``"auth"``, ``"cancel"``, ``"continue"``, ``"modify"`` and ``"wait"``. .. attribute:: condition The standard defined condition which triggered the error. Possible values can be determined by looking at the RFC or the source. .. attribute:: text The descriptive error text which is part of the error stanza, if any (otherwise :data:`None`). Any child elements unknown to the XSO are dropped. This is to support application-specific conditions used by other applications. To register your own use :meth:`.xso.XSO.register_child` on :attr:`application_condition`: .. attribute:: application_condition A :class:`.xso.XSO.Child` which can be used to register support for application-specific errors. """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "error") EXCEPTION_CLS_MAP = { "modify": errors.XMPPModifyError, "cancel": errors.XMPPCancelError, "auth": errors.XMPPAuthError, "wait": errors.XMPPWaitError, "continue": errors.XMPPContinueError, } UNKNOWN_CHILD_POLICY = xso.UnknownChildPolicy.DROP type_ = xso.Attr( tag="type", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "auth", "cancel", "continue", "modify", "wait", }) ) text = xso.ChildText( tag=(namespaces.stanzas, "text"), attr_policy=xso.UnknownAttrPolicy.DROP, default=None, declare_prefix=None) condition = xso.ChildTag( tags=STANZA_ERROR_TAGS, default_ns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas", allow_none=False, declare_prefix=None, ) application_condition = xso.Child([], required=False) def __init__(self, condition=(namespaces.stanzas, "undefined-condition"), type_="cancel", text=None): super().__init__() self.condition = condition self.type_ = type_ self.text = text @classmethod def from_exception(cls, exc): return cls(condition=exc.condition, type_=exc.TYPE, text=exc.text) def to_exception(self): return self.EXCEPTION_CLS_MAP[self.type_]( condition=self.condition, text=self.text ) def __repr__(self): payload = "" if self.text: payload = " text={!r}".format(self.text) return "<{} type={!r}{}>".format( self.condition[1], self.type_, payload)
[docs]class StanzaBase(xso.XSO): """ Base for all stanza classes. Usually, you will use the derived classes: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Message Presence IQ However, some common attributes are defined in this base class: .. attribute:: from_ The :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` of the sending entity. .. attribute:: to The :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` of the receiving entity. .. attribute:: lang The ``xml:lang`` value as :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.LanguageTag`. .. attribute:: error Either :data:`None` or a :class:`Error` instance. .. note:: The :attr:`id_` attribute is not defined in :class:`StanzaBase` as different stanza classes have different requirements with respect to presence of that attribute. In addition to these attributes, common methods needed are also provided: .. automethod:: autoset_id .. automethod:: make_error """ from_ = xso.Attr( tag="from", type_=xso.JID(), default=None) to = xso.Attr( tag="to", type_=xso.JID(), default=None) lang = xso.LangAttr( tag=(namespaces.xml, "lang") ) error = xso.Child([Error]) def __init__(self, *, from_=None, to=None, id_=None): super().__init__() if from_ is not None: self.from_ = from_ if to is not None: = to if id_ is not None: self.id_ = id_
[docs] def autoset_id(self): """ If the :attr:`id_` already has a non-false (false is also the empty string!) value, this method is a no-op. Otherwise, the :attr:`id_` attribute is filled with eight bytes of random data, encoded as base64. .. note:: This method only works on subclasses of :class:`StanzaBase` which define the :attr:`id_` attribute. """ try: self.id_ except AttributeError: pass else: return self.id_ = base64.b64encode(random.getrandbits( RANDOM_ID_BYTES * 8 ).to_bytes( RANDOM_ID_BYTES, "little" )).decode("ascii")
def _make_reply(self, type_): obj = type(self)(type_) obj.from_ = = self.from_ obj.id_ = self.id_ return obj
[docs] def make_error(self, error): """ Create a new instance of this stanza (this directly uses ``type(self)``, so also works for subclasses without extra care) which has the given `error` value set as :attr:`error`. In addition, the :attr:`id_`, :attr:`from_` and :attr:`to` values are transferred from the original (with from and to being swapped). Also, the :attr:`type_` is set to ``"error"``. """ obj = type(self)(, to=self.from_) obj.id_ = self.id_ obj.type_ = "error" obj.error = error return obj
[docs]class Thread(xso.XSO): """ Threading information, consisting of a thread identifier and an optional parent thread identifier. .. attribute:: identifier Identifier of the thread .. attribute:: parent :data:`None` or the identifier of the parent thread. """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "thread") identifier = xso.Text( validator=xso.Nmtoken(), validate=xso.ValidateMode.FROM_CODE) parent = xso.Attr( tag="parent", validator=xso.Nmtoken(), validate=xso.ValidateMode.FROM_CODE, default=None )
[docs]class Body(xso.AbstractTextChild): """ The textual body of a :class:`Message` stanza. While it might seem intuitive to refer to the body using a :class:`~.xso.ChildText` descriptor, the fact that there might be multiple texts for different languages justifies the use of a separate class. .. attribute:: lang The ``xml:lang`` of this body part, as :class:`~.structs.LanguageTag`. .. attribute:: text The textual content of the body. """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "body")
[docs]class Subject(xso.AbstractTextChild): """ The subject of a :class:`Message` stanza. While it might seem intuitive to refer to the subject using a :class:`~.xso.ChildText` descriptor, the fact that there might be multiple texts for different languages justifies the use of a separate class. .. attribute:: lang The ``xml:lang`` of this subject part, as :class:`~.structs.LanguageTag`. .. attribute:: text The textual content of the subject """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "subject")
[docs]class Message(StanzaBase): """ An XMPP message stanza. The keyword arguments can be used to initialize the attributes of the :class:`Message`. .. attribute:: id_ The optional ID of the stanza. .. attribute:: type_ The type attribute of the stanza. The allowed values are ``"chat"``, ``"groupchat"``, ``"error"``, ``"headline"`` and ``"normal"``. .. attribute:: body A :class:`~aioxmpp.xso.model.XSOList` of :class:`Body` elements. To get a body element matching the users language, use the :meth:`~aioxmpp.xso.model.XSOList.filter` method on the list. .. attribute:: subject A :class:`~aioxmpp.xso.model.XSOList` of :class:`Subject` elements. To get a subject element matching the users language, use the :meth:`~aioxmpp.xso.model.XSOList.filter` method on the list. .. attribute:: thread A :class:`Thread` instance representing the threading information attached to the message or :data:`None` if no threading information is attached. Note that some attributes are inherited from :class:`StanzaBase`: ========================= ======================================= :attr:`~StanzaBase.from_` sender :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` :attr:`` recipient :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` :attr:`~StanzaBase.lang` ``xml:lang`` value :attr:`~StanzaBase.error` :class:`Error` instance ========================= ======================================= .. automethod:: make_reply """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "message") id_ = xso.Attr(tag="id", default=None) type_ = xso.Attr( tag="type", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "chat", "groupchat", "error", "headline", "normal"}) ) body = xso.ChildList([Body]) subject = xso.ChildList([Subject]) thread = xso.Child([Thread]) ext = xso.ChildMap([]) def __init__(self, type_, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.type_ = type_
[docs] def make_reply(self): """ Create a reply for the message. The :attr:`id_` attribute is cleared in the reply. The :attr:`from_` and :attr:`to` are swapped and the :attr:`type_` attribute is the same as the one of the original message. The new :class:`Message` object is returned. """ obj = super()._make_reply(self.type_) obj.id_ = None return obj
def __repr__(self): return "<message from='{!s}' to='{!s}' id={!r} type={!r}>".format( self.from_,, self.id_, self.type_)
[docs]class Status(xso.AbstractTextChild): """ The status of a :class:`Presence` stanza. While it might seem intuitive to refer to the status using a :class:`~.xso.ChildText` descriptor, the fact that there might be multiple texts for different languages justifies the use of a separate class. .. attribute:: lang The ``xml:lang`` of this status part, as :class:`~.structs.LanguageTag`. .. attribute:: text The textual content of the status """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "status")
[docs]class Presence(StanzaBase): """ An XMPP presence stanza. The keyword arguments can be used to initialize the attributes of the :class:`Presence`. .. attribute:: id_ The optional ID of the stanza. .. attribute:: type_ The type attribute of the stanza. The allowed values are ``"error"``, ``"probe"``, ``"subscribe"``, ``"subscribed"``, ``"unavailable"``, ``"unsubscribe"``, ``"unsubscribed"`` and :data:`None`, where :data:`None` signifies the absence of the ``type`` attribute. .. attribute:: show The ``show`` value of the stanza, or :data:`None` if no ``show`` element is present. .. attribute:: priority The ``priority`` value of the presence. The default here is ``0`` and corresponds to an absent ``priority`` element. .. attribute:: status A :class:`~aioxmpp.xso.model.XSOList` of :class:`Status` elements. To get a status matching the users language, use the :meth:`~aioxmpp.xso.model.XSOList.filter` method on the list. Note that some attributes are inherited from :class:`StanzaBase`: ========================= ======================================= :attr:`~StanzaBase.from_` sender :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` :attr:`` recipient :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` :attr:`~StanzaBase.lang` ``xml:lang`` value :attr:`~StanzaBase.error` :class:`Error` instance ========================= ======================================= """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "presence") id_ = xso.Attr(tag="id", default=None) type_ = xso.Attr( tag="type", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "error", "probe", "subscribe", "subscribed", "unavailable", "unsubscribe", "unsubscribed"}), default=None, ) show = xso.ChildText( tag=(namespaces.client, "show"), validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "dnd", "xa", "away", None, "chat", }), validate=xso.ValidateMode.ALWAYS, default=None, ) status = xso.ChildList([Status]) priority = xso.ChildText( tag=(namespaces.client, "priority"), type_=xso.Integer(), default=0 ) ext = xso.ChildMap([]) unhandled_children = xso.Collector() def __init__(self, *, type_=None, show=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.type_ = type_ = show def __repr__(self): return "<presence from='{!s}' to='{!s}' id={!r} type={!r}>".format( self.from_,, self.id_, self.type_)
[docs]class IQ(StanzaBase): """ An XMPP IQ stanza. The keyword arguments can be used to initialize the attributes of the :class:`IQ`. .. attribute:: id_ The optional ID of the stanza. .. attribute:: type_ The type attribute of the stanza. The allowed values are ``"error"``, ``"result"``, ``"set"`` and ``"get"``. .. attribute:: payload An XSO which forms the payload of the IQ stanza. Note that some attributes are inherited from :class:`StanzaBase`: ========================= ======================================= :attr:`~StanzaBase.from_` sender :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` :attr:`` recipient :class:`~aioxmpp.structs.JID` :attr:`~StanzaBase.lang` ``xml:lang`` value :attr:`~StanzaBase.error` :class:`Error` instance ========================= ======================================= New payload classes can be registered using: .. automethod:: as_payload_class """ TAG = (namespaces.client, "iq") id_ = xso.Attr(tag="id") type_ = xso.Attr( tag="type", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "get", "set", "result", "error"}) ) payload = xso.Child([]) def __init__(self, type_, *, payload=None, error=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.type_ = type_ self.payload = payload self.error = error def validate(self): try: self.id_ except AttributeError: raise ValueError("IQ requires ID") from None super().validate() def make_reply(self, type_): if self.type_ != "get" and self.type_ != "set": raise ValueError("make_reply requires request IQ") obj = super()._make_reply(type_) return obj def xso_error_handler(self, descriptor, ev_args, exc_info): # raise a specific error if the payload failed to parse if descriptor == IQ.payload: raise PayloadParsingError(self, ev_args) elif descriptor is None: raise UnknownIQPayload(self, ev_args) def __repr__(self): payload = "" if self.type_ == "error": payload = " error={!r}".format(self.error) elif self.payload: payload = " data={!r}".format(self.payload) return "<iq from='{!s}' to='{!s}' id={!r} type={!r}{}>".format( self.from_,, self.id_, self.type_, payload) @classmethod
[docs] def as_payload_class(cls, other_cls): cls.register_child(cls.payload, other_cls) return other_cls

