blocking — Blocking Command support (XEP-0191)

This subpackage provides client side support for XEP-0191.

The public interface of this package consists of a single Service:

class aioxmpp.BlockingClient(client, **kwargs)[source]

A Service implementing Blocking Command.

This service maintains the list of blocked JIDs and allows manipulating the blocklist.



Set of JIDs blocked by the account.


signal on_initial_blocklist_received(blocklist)

Fires when the initial blocklist was received from the server.


blocklist (Set of JID) – the initial blocklist

signal on_jids_blocked(blocked_jids)

Fires when additional JIDs are blocked.


blocked_jids (Set of JID) – the newly blocked JIDs

signal on_jids_blocked(blocked_jids)

Fires when JIDs are unblocked.


unblocked_jids (Set of JID) – the now unblocked JIDs

Coroutine methods:

async block_jids(jids_to_block)[source]

Add the JIDs in the sequence jids_to_block to the client’s blocklist.

async unblock_jids(jids_to_unblock)[source]

Remove the JIDs in the sequence jids_to_block from the client’s blocklist.

async unblock_all()[source]

Unblock all JIDs currently blocked.