Source code for aioxmpp.muc.service

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see
# <>.
import asyncio
import functools
import uuid

from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

import aioxmpp.callbacks
import aioxmpp.disco
import aioxmpp.forms
import aioxmpp.service
import aioxmpp.stanza
import aioxmpp.structs
import aioxmpp.tracking
import aioxmpp.utils

from aioxmpp.utils import namespaces

from . import self_ping
from . import xso as muc_xso

def _extract_one_pair(body):
    Extract one language-text pair from a :class:`~.LanguageMap`.

    This is used for tracking.
    if not body:
        return None, None

        return None, body[None]
    except KeyError:
        return min(body.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])

[docs]class LeaveMode(Enum): """ The different reasons for a user to leave or be removed from MUC. .. attribute:: DISCONNECTED The local client disconnected. This only occurs in events referring to the local entity. .. attribute:: SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN The remote server shut down. .. attribute:: NORMAL The leave was initiated by the occupant themselves and was not a kick or ban. .. attribute:: KICKED The user was kicked from the room. .. attribute:: AFFILIATION_CHANGE Changes in the affiliation of the user caused them to be removed. .. attribute:: MODERATION_CHANGE Changes in the moderation settings of the room caused the user to be removed. .. attribute:: BANNED The user was banned from the room. .. attribute:: ERROR The user was removed due to an error when communicating with the client or the users server. Not all servers support this. If not supported by the server, one will typically see a :attr:`KICKED` status code with an appropriate :attr:`~.Presence.status` message. .. versionadded:: 0.10 """ DISCONNECTED = -2 SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN = -1 NORMAL = 0 KICKED = 1 AFFILIATION_CHANGE = 3 MODERATION_CHANGE = 4 BANNED = 5 ERROR = 6
class _OccupantDiffClass(Enum): UNIMPORTANT = 0 NICK_CHANGED = 1 LEFT = 2
[docs]class Occupant( """ A tracking object to track a single occupant in a :class:`Room`. .. seealso:: :class:`~.AbstractConversationMember` for additional notes on some of the pre-defined attributes. .. autoattribute:: direct_jid .. autoattribute:: conversation_jid .. autoattribute:: uid .. autoattribute:: nick .. attribute:: presence_state The :class:`~.PresenceState` of the occupant. .. attribute:: presence_status The :class:`~.LanguageMap` holding the presence status text of the occupant. .. attribute:: affiliation The affiliation of the occupant with the room. This may be :data:`None` with faulty MUC implementations. .. attribute:: role The current role of the occupant within the room. This may be :data:`None` with faulty MUC implementations. """ def __init__(self, occupantjid, is_self, presence_state=aioxmpp.structs.PresenceState(available=True), presence_status={}, affiliation=None, role=None, jid=None): super().__init__(occupantjid, is_self) self.presence_state = presence_state self.presence_status = aioxmpp.structs.LanguageMap(presence_status) self.affiliation = affiliation self.role = role self._direct_jid = jid if jid is None: self._uid = b"urn:uuid:" + uuid.uuid4().bytes else: self._set_uid_from_direct_jid(self._direct_jid) if not self._direct_jid.is_bare: raise ValueError("the jid argument must be a bare JID") def _set_uid_from_direct_jid(self, jid): self._uid = b"xmpp:" + str(jid.bare()).encode("utf-8") @property def direct_jid(self): """ The real :class:`~aioxmpp.JID` of the occupant. If the MUC is anonymous and we do not have the permission to see the real JIDs of occupants, this is :data:`None`. """ return self._direct_jid @property def nick(self): """ The nickname of the occupant. """ return self.conversation_jid.resource @property def uid(self): """ This is either a random identifier if the real JID of the occupant is not known, or an identifier derived from the real JID of the occupant. Note that as per the semantics of the :attr:`uid`, users **must** treat it as opaque. .. seealso:: :class:`` Documentation of the attribute on the base class, with additional information on semantics. """ return self._uid @classmethod def from_presence(cls, presence, is_self): try: item = presence.xep0045_muc_user.items[0] except (AttributeError, IndexError): affiliation = None if presence.type_ == aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE: role = "none" # unavailable must be the "none" role else: role = None jid = None else: affiliation = item.affiliation role = item.role jid = item.bare_jid return cls( occupantjid=presence.from_, is_self=is_self, presence_state=aioxmpp.structs.PresenceState.from_stanza(presence), presence_status=aioxmpp.structs.LanguageMap(presence.status), affiliation=affiliation, role=role, jid=jid, ) def update(self, other): if self.conversation_jid != other.conversation_jid: raise ValueError("occupant JID mismatch") self.presence_state = other.presence_state self.presence_status.clear() self.presence_status.update(other.presence_status) self.affiliation = other.affiliation or self.affiliation self.role = other.role or self.role if self._direct_jid is None and other.direct_jid is not None: self._set_uid_from_direct_jid(other.direct_jid) self._direct_jid = other.direct_jid or self._direct_jid def __repr__(self): return "<{}.{} occupantjid={!r} uid={!r} jid={!r}>".format( type(self).__module__, type(self).__qualname__, self._conversation_jid, self._uid, self._direct_jid, )
[docs]class RoomState(Enum): """ Enumeration which describes the state a :class:`~.muc.Room` is in. .. attribute:: JOIN_PRESENCE The room is in the process of being joined and the presence state transfer is going on. .. attribute:: HISTORY Presence state transfer has happened, but the room subject has not been received yet. This is where history replay messages are received. When entering this state, :attr:`~.muc.Room.muc_active` becomes true. .. attribute:: ACTIVE The join has completed, including history replay and receiving the subject. .. attribute:: DISCONNECTED The MUC is suspended or disconnected. If the MUC is disconnected, :attr:`~.muc.Room.muc_joined` will be false, too. """ JOIN_PRESENCE = 0 HISTORY = 1 ACTIVE = 2 DISCONNECTED = 3
[docs]class ServiceMember( """ A :class:`` which represents a MUC service. .. versionadded:: 0.10 Objects of this instance are used for the :attr:`Room.service_member` property of rooms. Aside from the mandatory conversation member attributes, the following attributes for compatibility with :class:`Occupant` are provided: .. autoattribute:: nick .. attribute:: presence_state :annotation: aioxmpp.structs.PresenceState(False) The presence state of the service. Always unavailable. .. attribute:: presence_status :annotation: {} The presence status of the service as :class:`~.LanguageMap`. Always empty. .. attribute:: affiliation :annotation: None The affiliation of the service. Always :data:`None`. .. attribute:: role :annotation: None The role of the service. Always :data:`None`. """ def __init__(self, muc_address): super().__init__(muc_address, False) self.presence_state = aioxmpp.structs.PresenceState(False) self.presence_status = aioxmpp.structs.LanguageMap() self.affiliation = None self.role = None self._uid = b"xmpp:" + str(muc_address).encode("utf-8") @property def direct_jid(self): return self.conversation_jid @property def nick(self): return None @property def uid(self) -> bytes: return self._uid
[docs]class Room( """ :term:`Conversation` representing a single :xep:`45` Multi-User Chat. .. note:: This is an implementation of :class:`~.AbstractConversation`. The members which do not carry the ``muc_`` prefix usually have more extensive documentation there. This documentation here only provides a short synopsis for those members plus the changes with respect to the base interface. .. versionchanged:: 0.9 In 0.9, the :class:`Room` interface was re-designed to match :class:`~.AbstractConversation`. The following properties are provided: .. autoattribute:: features .. autoattribute:: jid .. autoattribute:: me .. autoattribute:: members .. autoattribute:: service_member These properties are specific to MUC: .. autoattribute:: muc_active .. autoattribute:: muc_joined .. autoattribute:: muc_state .. autoattribute:: muc_subject .. autoattribute:: muc_subject_setter .. attribute:: muc_autorejoin A boolean flag indicating whether this MUC is supposed to be automatically rejoined when the stream it is used gets destroyed and re-estabished. .. attribute:: muc_password The password to use when (re-)joining. If :attr:`autorejoin` is :data:`None`, this can be cleared after :meth:`on_enter` has been emitted. The following methods and properties provide interaction with the MUC itself: .. automethod:: ban .. automethod:: kick .. automethod:: leave .. automethod:: send_message .. automethod:: send_message_tracked .. automethod:: set_nick .. automethod:: set_topic .. automethod:: muc_request_voice .. automethod:: muc_set_role .. automethod:: muc_set_affiliation The interface provides signals for most of the rooms events. The following keyword arguments are used at several signal handlers (which is also noted at their respective documentation): `muc_actor` = :data:`None` The :class:`~.xso.UserActor` instance of the corresponding :class:`~.xso.UserExt`, describing which other occupant caused the event. Note that the `muc_actor` is in fact not a :class:`~.Occupant`. `muc_reason` = :data:`None` The reason text in the corresponding :class:`~.xso.UserExt`, which gives more information on why an action was triggered. .. note:: Signal handlers attached to any of the signals below **must** accept arbitrary keyword arguments for forward compatibility. For details see the documentation on :class:`~.AbstractConversation`. .. signal:: on_enter(**kwargs) Emits when the initial room :class:`~.Presence` stanza for the local JID is received. This means that the join to the room is complete; the message history and subject are not transferred yet though. .. seealso:: :meth:`on_muc_enter` is an extended version of this signal which contains additional MUC-specific information. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 The :meth:`on_enter` signal does not receive any arguments anymore to make MUC comply with the :class:`AbstractConversation` spec. .. signal:: on_muc_enter(presence, occupant, *, muc_status_codes=set(), **kwargs) This is an extended version of :meth:`on_enter` which adds MUC-specific arguments. :param presence: The initial presence stanza. :param occupant: The :class:`Occupant` which will be used to track the local user. :param muc_status_codes: The set of status codes received in the initial join. :type muc_status_codes: :class:`` of :class:`int` or :class:`~.StatusCode` .. versionadded:: 0.10 .. signal:: on_message(msg, member, source, **kwargs) A message occured in the conversation. :param msg: Message which was received. :type msg: :class:`aioxmpp.Message` :param member: The member object of the sender. :type member: :class:`.Occupant` :param source: How the message was acquired :type source: :class:`~.MessageSource` The notable specialities about MUCs compared to the base specification at :meth:`.AbstractConversation.on_message` are: * Carbons do not happen for MUC messages. * MUC Private Messages are not handled here; see :class:`MUCClient` for MUC PM details. * MUCs reflect messages; to make this as easy to handle as possible, reflected messages are **not** emitted via the :meth:`on_message` event **if and only if** they were sent with tracking (see :meth:`send_message_tracked`) and they were detected as reflection. See :meth:`send_message_tracked` for details and caveats on the tracking implementation. When **history replay** happens, since joins and leaves are not part of the history, it is not always possible to reason about the identity of the sender of a history message. To avoid possible spoofing attacks, the following caveats apply to the :class:`~.Occupant` objects handed as `member` during history replay: * Two identical :class:`~.Occupant` objects are only used *iff* the nickname *and* the actual address of the entity are equal. This implies that unless this client has the permission to see JIDs of occupants of the MUC, all :class:`~.Occupant` objects during history replay will be different instances. * If the nickname and the actual address of a message from history match, the current :class:`~.Occupant` object for the respective occupant is used. * :class:`~.Occupant` objects which are created for history replay are never part of :attr:`members`. They are only used to convey the information passed in the messages from the history replay, which would otherwise be inaccessible. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.on_message` for the full specification. .. signal:: on_presence_changed(member, resource, presence, **kwargs) The presence state of an occupant has changed. :param member: The member object of the affected member. :type member: :class:`Occupant` :param resource: The resource of the member which changed presence. :type resource: :class:`str` or :data:`None` :param presence: The presence stanza :type presence: :class:`aioxmpp.Presence` `resource` is always :data:`None` for MUCs and unavailable presence implies that the occupant left the room. In this case, only :meth:`on_leave` is emitted. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.on_presence_changed` for the full specification. .. signal:: on_nick_changed(member, old_nick, new_nick, *, muc_status_codes=set(), **kwargs) The nickname of an occupant has changed :param member: The occupant whose nick has changed. :type member: :class:`Occupant` :param old_nick: The old nickname of the member. :type old_nick: :class:`str` or :data:`None` :param new_nick: The new nickname of the member. :type new_nick: :class:`str` :param muc_status_codes: The set of status codes received in the leave notification. :type muc_status_codes: :class:`` of :class:`int` or :class:`~.StatusCode` The new nickname is already set in the `member` object. Both `old_nick` and `new_nick` are not :data:`None`. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.on_nick_changed` for the full specification. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 The `muc_status_codes` argument was added. .. signal:: on_topic_changed(member, new_topic, *, muc_nick=None, **kwargs) The topic of the conversation has changed. :param member: The member object who changed the topic. :type member: :class:`Occupant` or :data:`None` :param new_topic: The new topic of the conversation. :type new_topic: :class:`.LanguageMap` :param muc_nick: The nickname of the occupant who changed the topic. :type muc_nick: :class:`str` The `member` is matched by nickname. It is possible that the member is not in the room at the time the topic chagne is received (for example on a join). `muc_nick` is always the nickname of the entity who changed the topic. If the entity is currently not joined or has changed nick since the topic was set, `member` will be :data:`None`, but `muc_nick` is still the nickname of the actor. .. note:: :meth:`on_topic_changed` is emitted during join, iff a topic is set in the MUC. .. signal:: on_join(member, **kwargs) A new occupant has joined the MUC. :param member: The member object of the new member. :type member: :class:`Occupant` When this signal is called, the `member` is already included in the :attr:`members`. .. signal:: on_leave(member, *, muc_leave_mode=None, muc_actor=None, muc_reason=None, **kwargs) An occupant has left the conversation. :param member: The member object of the previous occupant. :type member: :class:`Occupant` :param muc_leave_mode: The cause of the removal. :type muc_leave_mode: :class:`LeaveMode` member :param muc_actor: The actor object if available. :type muc_actor: :class:`~.xso.UserActor` :param muc_reason: The reason for the cause, as given by the actor. :type muc_reason: :class:`str` :param muc_status_codes: The set of status codes received in the leave notification. :type muc_status_codes: :class:`` of :class:`int` or :class:`~.StatusCode` When this signal is called, the `member` has already been removed from the :attr:`members`. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 The `muc_status_codes` argument was added. .. signal:: on_muc_suspend() Emits when the stream used by this MUC gets destroyed (see :meth:`~.node.Client.on_stream_destroyed`) and the MUC is configured to automatically rejoin the user when the stream is re-established. .. signal:: on_muc_resume() Emits when the MUC is about to be rejoined on a new stream. This can be used by implementations to clear their MUC state, as it is emitted *before* any events like presence are emitted. The internal state of :class:`Room` is cleared before :meth:`on_resume` is emitted, which implies that presence events will be emitted for all occupants on re-join, independent on their presence before the connection was lost. Note that on a rejoin, all presence is re-emitted. .. signal:: on_muc_role_request(form, submission_future) Emits when an unprivileged occupant requests a role change and the MUC service wants this occupant to approve or deny it. :param form: The approval form as presented by the service. :type form: :class:`~.VoiceRequestForm` :param submission_future: A future to which the form to submit must be sent. :type submission_future: :class:`asyncio.Future` To decide on a role change request, a handler of this signal must fill in the form and set the form as a result of the `submission_future`. Once the result is set, the reply is sent by the MUC service automatically. It is required for signal handlers to check whether the `submission_future` is already done before processing the form (as it is possible that multiple handlers are connected to this signal). .. signal:: on_exit(*, muc_leave_mode=None, muc_actor=None, muc_reason=None, muc_status_codes=set(), **kwargs) Emits when the unavailable :class:`~.Presence` stanza for the local JID is received. :param muc_leave_mode: The cause of the removal. :type muc_leave_mode: :class:`LeaveMode` member :param muc_actor: The actor object if available. :type muc_actor: :class:`~.xso.UserActor` :param muc_reason: The reason for the cause, as given by the actor. :type muc_reason: :class:`str` :param muc_status_codes: The set of status codes received in the leave notification. :type muc_status_codes: :class:`` of :class:`int` or :class:`~.StatusCode` .. note:: The keyword arguments `muc_actor`, `muc_reason` and `muc_status_codes` are not always given. Be sure to default them accordingly. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 The `muc_status_codes` argument was added. .. signal:: on_muc_stale(**kwargs) Emits when the :attr:`muc_hard_timeout` expires. This signal is emitted only up to once for each pause in data reception. As long as data is received often enough, the timeout will not trigger. When the timeout triggers due to silence, the signal is emitted once, and not again until after data has been received for the next time. This signal is only informational. It does not imply that the MUC is unreachable or that the local occupant has been removed from the MUC, but it is very likely that no messages can currently be sent or received. It is not clear whether messages are being lost. A prominent example on when this condition can occur is highlighted in the specification for the feature this is built on (:xep:`0410`). Often, the MUC service is on a remote domain, which means that there are at least two network connections involved, sometimes three (c2s, s2s, and from the remote server to the MUC component). When the s2s connection (for example) fails in certain ways, it is possible that no error replies are generated by any party; stanzas are essentially blackholed. When the network connection resumes, it depends on the exact failure mode whether the occupant is still in the room and which messages (if any) which were sent in the meantime will have been delivered to any participant. After :meth:`on_muc_stale` emits, exactly one of the following will happen, given infinite time: - :meth:`on_muc_fresh` is emitted, which means that connectivity to the MUC has been re-confirmed. - :meth:`on_muc_suspend` is emitted, which means that the local client has disconnected (but autorejoin is enabled). - :meth:`on_exit` is emitted, which means that the client has been removed from the MUC or the local client has disconnected (and autorejoin is disabled). The aliveness checks are only enabled after presence synchronisation has begun. .. signal:: on_muc_fresh(**kwargs) Emits after :meth:`on_muc_stale` when connectivity is re-confirmed. See :meth:`on_muc_stale` for details. The following signals inform users about state changes related to **other** occupants in the chat room. Note that different events may fire for the same presence stanza. A common example is a ban, which triggers :meth:`on_affiliation_change` (as the occupants affiliation is set to ``"outcast"``) and then :meth:`on_leave` (with :attr:`LeaveMode.BANNED` `mode`). .. signal:: on_muc_affiliation_changed(member, *, actor=None, reason=None, status_codes=set(), **kwargs) Emits when the affiliation of a `member` with the room changes. :param occupant: The member of the room. :type occupant: :class:`Occupant` :param actor: The actor object if available. :type actor: :class:`~.xso.UserActor` :param reason: The reason for the change, as given by the actor. :type reason: :class:`str` :param status_codes: The set of status codes received in the change notification. :type status_codes: :class:`` of :class:`int` or :class:`~.StatusCode` `occupant` is the :class:`Occupant` instance tracking the occupant whose affiliation changed. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 The `status_codes` argument was added. .. signal:: on_muc_role_changed(member, *, actor=None, reason=None, status_codes=set(), **kwargs) Emits when the role of an `occupant` in the room changes. :param occupant: The member of the room. :type occupant: :class:`Occupant` :param actor: The actor object if available. :type actor: :class:`~.xso.UserActor` :param reason: The reason for the change, as given by the actor. :type reason: :class:`str` :param status_codes: The set of status codes received in the change notification. :type status_codes: :class:`` of :class:`int` or :class:`~.StatusCode` `occupant` is the :class:`Occupant` instance tracking the occupant whose role changed. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 The `status_codes` argument was added. Timeout control: .. seealso:: :ref:`api-aioxmpp.muc-self-ping-logic` .. attribute:: muc_soft_timeout The soft timeout of the MUC aliveness timeout logic as :class:`datetime.timedelta`. .. versionadded:: 0.11 .. attribute:: muc_hard_timeout The hard timeout of the MUC aliveness timeout logic as :class:`datetime.timedelta`. .. versionadded:: 0.11 .. attribute:: muc_ping_interval The interval at which pings are sent after the soft timeout expires as :class:`datetime.timedelta`. .. warning:: Please see the notes on :attr:`muc_ping_timeout` when changing the value of :attr:`muc_ping_timeout` or :attr:`muc_ping_interval`. .. versionadded:: 0.11 .. attribute:: muc_ping_timeout The maximum time to wait for a ping reply for each individual ping as :class:`datetime.timedelta`. .. warning:: Pings are continued to be sent even when other pings are already in-flight. This means that up to ``math.ceil(muc_ping_timeout / muc_ping_interval)`` pings are in-flight at the same time. Each ping which is in-flight unfortunately requires a small amount of memory and an entry in a map which associates the stanza ID with the handler/future for the reply. .. versionadded:: 0.11 .. seealso:: :ref:`api-aioxmpp.muc-self-ping-logic` """ # NOQA: E501 # this occupant state events on_muc_suspend = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() on_muc_resume = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() on_muc_enter = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() on_muc_stale = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() on_muc_fresh = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() # other occupant state events on_muc_affiliation_changed = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() on_muc_role_changed = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() # approval requests on_muc_role_request = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() def __init__(self, service, mucjid): super().__init__(service) self._mucjid = mucjid self._occupant_info = {} self._subject = aioxmpp.structs.LanguageMap() self._subject_setter = None self._joined = False self._active = False self._this_occupant = None self._tracking_by_id = {} self._tracking_metadata = {} self._tracking_by_body = {} self._state = RoomState.JOIN_PRESENCE self._history_replay_occupants = {} self._service_member = ServiceMember(mucjid) self.muc_autorejoin = False self.muc_password = None self._monitor = self_ping.MUCMonitor( mucjid, service.client, self._monitor_stale, self._monitor_fresh, self._monitor_exited, self._service.logger.getChild("MUCMonitor"), ) @property def service(self): return self._service @property def muc_state(self): """ The state the MUC is in. This is one of the :class:`~.muc.RoomState` enumeration values. See there for documentation on the meaning. This state is more detailed than :attr:`muc_active`. """ return self._state @property def muc_active(self): """ A boolean attribute indicating whether the connection to the MUC is currently live. This becomes true when :attr:`joined` first becomes true. It becomes false whenever the connection to the MUC is interrupted in a way which requires re-joining the MUC (this implies that if stream management is being used, active does not become false on temporary connection interruptions). """ return self._active @property def muc_joined(self): """ This attribute becomes true when :meth:`on_enter` is first emitted and stays true until :meth:`on_exit` is emitted. When it becomes false, the :class:`Room` is removed from the bookkeeping of the :class:`.MUCClient` to which it belongs and is thus dead. """ return self._joined @property def muc_subject(self): """ The current subject of the MUC, as :class:`~.structs.LanguageMap`. """ return self._subject @property def muc_subject_setter(self): """ The nick name of the entity who set the subject. """ return self._subject_setter @property def me(self): """ A :class:`Occupant` instance which tracks the local user. This is :data:`None` until :meth:`on_enter` is emitted; it is never set to :data:`None` again, but the identity of the object changes on each :meth:`on_enter`. """ return self._this_occupant @property def jid(self): """ The (bare) :class:`aioxmpp.JID` of the MUC which this :class:`Room` tracks. """ return self._mucjid @property def members(self): """ A copy of the list of occupants. The local user is always the first item in the list, unless the :meth:`on_enter` has not fired yet. """ if self._this_occupant is not None: items = [self._this_occupant] else: items = [] items += list(self._occupant_info.values()) return items @property def service_member(self): """ A :class:`ServiceMember` object which represents the MUC service itself. This is used when messages from the MUC service are received. .. seealso:: :attr:`` For more documentation on the semantics of :attr:`~.service_member`. .. versionadded:: 0.10 """ return self._service_member @property def features(self): """ The set of features supported by this MUC. This may vary depending on features exported by the MUC service, so be sure to check this for each individual MUC. """ return {,,,,,,,,, } muc_soft_timeout = aioxmpp.utils.proxy_property( "_monitor", "soft_timeout", ) muc_hard_timeout = aioxmpp.utils.proxy_property( "_monitor", "hard_timeout", ) muc_ping_timeout = aioxmpp.utils.proxy_property( "_monitor", "ping_timeout", ) muc_ping_interval = aioxmpp.utils.proxy_property( "_monitor", "ping_interval", ) def _enter_active_state(self): self._state = RoomState.ACTIVE self._history_replay_occupants.clear() def _suspend(self): self._monitor.disable() self.on_muc_suspend() self._active = False self._state = RoomState.DISCONNECTED self._history_replay_occupants.clear() def _disconnect(self): if not self._joined: return self._monitor.disable() self.on_exit( muc_leave_mode=LeaveMode.DISCONNECTED ) self._joined = False self._active = False self._state = RoomState.DISCONNECTED self._history_replay_occupants.clear() def _resume(self): self._this_occupant = None self._occupant_info = {} self._active = False self._state = RoomState.JOIN_PRESENCE self.on_muc_resume() def _monitor_stale(self): self.on_muc_stale() def _monitor_fresh(self): self.on_muc_fresh() def _monitor_exited(self): if self.muc_autorejoin: self._service._cycle(self) else: self._disconnect() def _match_tracker(self, message): try: tracker = self._tracking_by_id[message.id_] except KeyError: if (self._this_occupant is not None and message.from_ == self._this_occupant.conversation_jid): key = _extract_one_pair(message.body) self._service.logger.debug("trying to match by body: %r", key) try: trackers = self._tracking_by_body[key] except KeyError: alt_key = (None, key[1]) try: trackers = self._tracking_by_body[alt_key] except KeyError: trackers = None else: self._service.logger.debug("found tracker by body") else: self._service.logger.debug( "can’t match by body because of sender mismatch" ) trackers = None if not trackers: tracker = None else: tracker = trackers[0] else: self._service.logger.debug("found tracker by ID") if tracker is None: return False id_key, body_key = self._tracking_metadata.pop(tracker) del self._tracking_by_id[id_key] # remove tracker from list and delete list map entry if empty trackers = self._tracking_by_body[body_key] del trackers[0] if not trackers: del self._tracking_by_body[body_key] try: tracker._set_state( aioxmpp.tracking.MessageState.DELIVERED_TO_RECIPIENT, message, ) except ValueError: # this can happen if another implementation was faster with # changing the state than we were. pass return True def _handle_message(self, message, peer, sent, source): self._service.logger.debug("%s: inbound message %r", self._mucjid, message) self._monitor.enable() self._monitor.reset() if self._state == RoomState.HISTORY and not message.xep0203_delay: # WORKAROUND: prosody#1053; AFFECTS: <= 0.9.12, <= 0.10 self._service.logger.debug( "%s: received un-delayed message during history replay: " "assuming that server is buggy and replay is over.", self._mucjid, ) self._enter_active_state() if not sent: if self._match_tracker(message): return if (self._this_occupant and self._this_occupant._conversation_jid == message.from_): occupant = self._this_occupant else: if message.from_.resource is None: occupant = self._service_member else: occupant = self._occupant_info.get(message.from_, None) if (self._state == RoomState.HISTORY and not sent and message.from_.resource is not None): if (message.xep0045_muc_user and message.xep0045_muc_user.items): item = message.xep0045_muc_user.items[0] jid = item.bare_jid affiliation = item.affiliation or None role = item.role or None else: jid = None affiliation = None role = None occupant = self._history_replay_occupants.get(jid, occupant) if (not occupant or occupant.direct_jid is None or occupant.direct_jid != jid): occupant = Occupant(message.from_, False, presence_state=aioxmpp.PresenceState(), jid=jid, affiliation=affiliation, role=role) if jid is not None: self._history_replay_occupants[jid] = occupant elif occupant is None: occupant = Occupant(message.from_, False, presence_state=aioxmpp.PresenceState()) if not message.body and message.subject: self._subject = aioxmpp.structs.LanguageMap(message.subject) self._subject_setter = message.from_.resource self.on_topic_changed( occupant, self._subject, muc_nick=message.from_.resource, ) self._enter_active_state() elif message.body: if occupant is not None and occupant == self._this_occupant: tracker = aioxmpp.tracking.MessageTracker() tracker._set_state( aioxmpp.tracking.MessageState.DELIVERED_TO_RECIPIENT ) tracker.close() else: tracker = None self.on_message( message, occupant, source, tracker=tracker, ) def _diff_presence(self, stanza, info, existing): if (not info.presence_state.available and muc_xso.StatusCode.NICKNAME_CHANGE in stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes): return ( _OccupantDiffClass.NICK_CHANGED, ( stanza.xep0045_muc_user.items[0].nick, ) ) result = (_OccupantDiffClass.UNIMPORTANT, None) to_emit = [] try: reason = stanza.xep0045_muc_user.items[0].reason actor = stanza.xep0045_muc_user.items[0].actor except IndexError: reason = None actor = None if not info.presence_state.available: status_codes = stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes mode = LeaveMode.NORMAL if muc_xso.StatusCode.REMOVED_ERROR in status_codes: mode = LeaveMode.ERROR elif muc_xso.StatusCode.REMOVED_KICKED in status_codes: mode = LeaveMode.KICKED elif muc_xso.StatusCode.REMOVED_BANNED in status_codes: mode = LeaveMode.BANNED elif muc_xso.StatusCode.REMOVED_AFFILIATION_CHANGE in status_codes: mode = LeaveMode.AFFILIATION_CHANGE elif (muc_xso.StatusCode.REMOVED_NONMEMBER_IN_MEMBERS_ONLY in status_codes): mode = LeaveMode.MODERATION_CHANGE elif muc_xso.StatusCode.REMOVED_SERVICE_SHUTDOWN in status_codes: mode = LeaveMode.SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN result = ( _OccupantDiffClass.LEFT, ( mode, actor, reason, ) ) elif (existing.presence_state != info.presence_state or existing.presence_status != info.presence_status): to_emit.append((self.on_presence_changed, (existing, None, stanza), {})) if existing.role != info.role: to_emit.append(( self.on_muc_role_changed, ( stanza, existing, ), { "actor": actor, "reason": reason, "status_codes": stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes, }, )) if existing.affiliation != info.affiliation: to_emit.append(( self.on_muc_affiliation_changed, ( stanza, existing, ), { "actor": actor, "reason": reason, "status_codes": stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes, }, )) if to_emit: existing.update(info) for signal, args, kwargs in to_emit: signal(*args, **kwargs) return result def _handle_self_presence(self, stanza): info = Occupant.from_presence(stanza, True) self._monitor.ping_address = stanza.from_ if not self._active: if stanza.type_ == aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE: self._service.logger.debug( "%s: not active, and received unavailable ... " "is this a reconnect?", self._mucjid, ) return self._service.logger.debug("%s: not active, configuring", self._mucjid) self._this_occupant = info self._joined = True self._active = True self._state = RoomState.HISTORY self.on_muc_enter( stanza, info, muc_status_codes=frozenset( stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes ) ) self.on_enter() return existing = self._this_occupant mode, data = self._diff_presence(stanza, info, existing) if mode == _OccupantDiffClass.NICK_CHANGED: new_nick, = data old_nick = existing.nick self._service.logger.debug("%s: nick changed: %r -> %r", self._mucjid, old_nick, new_nick) existing._conversation_jid = existing.conversation_jid.replace( resource=new_nick ) self.on_nick_changed(existing, old_nick, new_nick) elif mode == _OccupantDiffClass.LEFT: mode, actor, reason = data self._service.logger.debug("%s: we left the MUC. reason=%r", self._mucjid, reason) existing.update(info) self._monitor.disable() self.on_exit(muc_leave_mode=mode, muc_actor=actor, muc_reason=reason, muc_status_codes=stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes) self._joined = False self._active = False def _inbound_muc_user_presence(self, stanza): self._service.logger.debug("%s: inbound muc user presence %r", self._mucjid, stanza) self._monitor.enable() self._monitor.reset() if stanza.from_.is_bare: self._service.logger.debug( "received muc user presence from bare JID %s. ignoring.", stanza.from_, ) return if self._state == RoomState.HISTORY: # WORKAROUND: prosody#1053; AFFECTS: <= 0.9.12, <= 0.10 self._service.logger.debug( "%s: received presence during history replay: " "assuming that server is buggy and replay is over.", self._mucjid, ) self._enter_active_state() if (muc_xso.StatusCode.SELF in stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes or (self._this_occupant is not None and self._this_occupant.conversation_jid == stanza.from_)): self._service.logger.debug("%s: is self-presence", self._mucjid) self._handle_self_presence(stanza) return info = Occupant.from_presence(stanza, False) try: existing = self._occupant_info[info.conversation_jid] except KeyError: if stanza.type_ == aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE: self._service.logger.debug( "received unavailable presence from unknown occupant %r." " ignoring.", stanza.from_, ) return self._occupant_info[info.conversation_jid] = info self.on_join(info) return mode, data = self._diff_presence(stanza, info, existing) if mode == _OccupantDiffClass.NICK_CHANGED: new_nick, = data old_nick = existing.nick del self._occupant_info[existing.conversation_jid] existing._conversation_jid = existing.conversation_jid.replace( resource=new_nick ) self._occupant_info[existing.conversation_jid] = existing self.on_nick_changed(existing, old_nick, new_nick) elif mode == _OccupantDiffClass.LEFT: mode, actor, reason = data existing.update(info) self.on_leave( existing, muc_leave_mode=mode, muc_actor=actor, muc_reason=reason, muc_status_codes=stanza.xep0045_muc_user.status_codes ) del self._occupant_info[existing.conversation_jid] def _handle_role_request(self, form): def submit(fut): data_xso = fut.result() msg = aioxmpp.Message( to=self.jid, type_=aioxmpp.MessageType.NORMAL, ) msg.xep0004_data.append(data_xso) self._service.client.enqueue(msg) fut = asyncio.Future() fut.add_done_callback(submit) self.on_muc_role_request(form, fut)
[docs] def send_message(self, msg): """ Send a message to the MUC. :param msg: The message to send. :type msg: :class:`aioxmpp.Message` :return: The stanza token of the message. :rtype: :class:`` There is no need to set the address attributes or the type of the message correctly; those will be overridden by this method to conform to the requirements of a message to the MUC. Other attributes are left untouched (except that :meth:`~.StanzaBase.autoset_id` is called) and can be used as desired for the message. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.send_message` for the full interface specification. """ msg.type_ = aioxmpp.MessageType.GROUPCHAT = self._mucjid # see # NOQA # for a full discussion on the rationale for this. # TL;DR: we want to help entities to discover that a message is related # to a MUC. msg.xep0045_muc_user = muc_xso.UserExt() result = self.service.client.enqueue(msg) return result
def _tracker_closed(self, tracker): try: id_key, body_key = self._tracking_metadata[tracker] except KeyError: return self._tracking_by_id.pop(id_key, None) self._tracking_by_body.pop(body_key, None)
[docs] def send_message_tracked(self, msg): """ Send a message to the MUC with tracking. :param msg: The message to send. :type msg: :class:`aioxmpp.Message` .. warning:: Please read :ref:`api-tracking-memory`. This is especially relevant for MUCs because tracking is not guaranteed to work due to how :xep:`45` is written. It will work in many cases, probably in all cases you test during development, but it may fail to work for some individual messages and it may fail to work consistently for some services. See the implementation details below for reasons. The message is tracked and is considered :attr:`~.MessageState.DELIVERED_TO_RECIPIENT` when it is reflected back to us by the MUC service. The reflected message is then available in the :attr:`~.MessageTracker.response` attribute. .. note:: Two things: 1. The MUC service may change the contents of the message. An example of this is the Prosody developer MUC which replaces messages with more than a few lines with a pastebin link. 2. Reflected messages which are caught by tracking are not emitted through :meth:`on_message`. There is no need to set the address attributes or the type of the message correctly; those will be overridden by this method to conform to the requirements of a message to the MUC. Other attributes are left untouched (except that :meth:`~.StanzaBase.autoset_id` is called) and can be used as desired for the message. .. warning:: Using :meth:`send_message_tracked` before :meth:`on_join` has emitted will cause the `member` object in the resulting :meth:`on_message` event to be :data:`None` (the message will be delivered just fine). Using :meth:`send_message_tracked` before history replay is over will cause the :meth:`on_message` event to be emitted during history replay, even though everyone else in the MUC will -- of course -- only see the message after the history. :meth:`send_message` is not affected by these quirks. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.send_message_tracked` for the full interface specification. **Implementation details:** Currently, we try to detect reflected messages using two different criteria. First, if we see a message with the same message ID (note that message IDs contain 120 bits of entropy) as the message we sent, we consider it as the reflection. As some MUC services re-write the message ID in the reflection, as a fallback, we also consider messages which originate from the correct sender and have the correct body a reflection. Obviously, this fails consistently in MUCs which re-write the body and re-write the ID and randomly if the MUC always re-writes the ID but only sometimes the body. """ msg.type_ = aioxmpp.MessageType.GROUPCHAT = self._mucjid # see # NOQA # for a full discussion on the rationale for this. # TL;DR: we want to help entities to discover that a message is related # to a MUC. msg.xep0045_muc_user = muc_xso.UserExt() msg.autoset_id() tracking_svc = self.service.dependencies[ aioxmpp.tracking.BasicTrackingService ] tracker = aioxmpp.tracking.MessageTracker() id_key = msg.id_ body_key = _extract_one_pair(msg.body) self._tracking_by_id[id_key] = tracker self._tracking_metadata[tracker] = ( id_key, body_key, ) self._tracking_by_body.setdefault( body_key, [] ).append(tracker) tracker.on_closed.connect(functools.partial( self._tracker_closed, tracker, )) token = tracking_svc.send_tracked(msg, tracker) self.on_message( msg, self._this_occupant,, tracker=tracker, ) return token, tracker
[docs] async def set_nick(self, new_nick): """ Change the nick name of the occupant. :param new_nick: New nickname to use :type new_nick: :class:`str` This sends the request to change the nickname and waits for the request to be sent over the stream. The nick change may or may not happen, or the service may modify the nickname; observe the :meth:`on_nick_change` event. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.set_nick` for the full interface specification. """ stanza = aioxmpp.Presence( type_=aioxmpp.PresenceType.AVAILABLE, to=self._mucjid.replace(resource=new_nick), ) await self._service.client.send( stanza )
[docs] async def kick(self, member, reason=None): """ Kick an occupant from the MUC. :param member: The member to kick. :type member: :class:`Occupant` :param reason: A reason to show to the members of the conversation including the kicked member. :type reason: :class:`str` :raises aioxmpp.errors.XMPPError: if the server returned an error for the kick command. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.kick` for the full interface specification. """ await self.muc_set_role( member.nick, "none", reason=reason )
[docs] async def muc_set_role(self, nick, role, *, reason=None): """ Change the role of an occupant. :param nick: The nickname of the occupant whose role shall be changed. :type nick: :class:`str` :param role: The new role for the occupant. :type role: :class:`str` :param reason: An optional reason to show to the occupant (and all others). Change the role of an occupant, identified by their `nick`, to the given new `role`. Optionally, a `reason` for the role change can be provided. Setting the different roles require different privilegues of the local user. The details can be checked in :xep:`0045` and are enforced solely by the server, not local code. The coroutine returns when the role change has been acknowledged by the server. If the server returns an error, an appropriate :class:`aioxmpp.errors.XMPPError` subclass is raised. """ if nick is None: raise ValueError("nick must not be None") if role is None: raise ValueError("role must not be None") iq = aioxmpp.stanza.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.structs.IQType.SET, to=self._mucjid ) iq.payload = muc_xso.AdminQuery( items=[ muc_xso.AdminItem(nick=nick, reason=reason, role=role) ] ) await self.service.client.send(iq)
[docs] async def ban(self, member, reason=None, *, request_kick=True): """ Ban an occupant from re-joining the MUC. :param member: The occupant to ban. :type member: :class:`Occupant` :param reason: A reason to show to the members of the conversation including the banned member. :type reason: :class:`str` :param request_kick: A flag indicating that the member should be removed from the conversation immediately, too. :type request_kick: :class:`bool` `request_kick` is supported by MUC, but setting it to false has no effect: banned members are always immediately kicked. .. seealso:: :meth:`.AbstractConversation.ban` for the full interface specification. """ if member.direct_jid is None: raise ValueError( "cannot ban members whose direct JID is not " "known") await self.muc_set_affiliation( member.direct_jid, "outcast", reason=reason )
[docs] async def muc_set_affiliation(self, jid, affiliation, *, reason=None): """ Convenience wrapper around :meth:`.MUCClient.set_affiliation`. See there for details, and consider its `mucjid` argument to be set to :attr:`mucjid`. """ return await self.service.set_affiliation( self._mucjid, jid, affiliation, reason=reason )
[docs] async def set_topic(self, new_topic): """ Change the (possibly publicly) visible topic of the conversation. :param new_topic: The new topic for the conversation. :type new_topic: :class:`str` Request to set the subject to `new_topic`. `new_topic` must be a mapping which maps :class:`~.structs.LanguageTag` tags to strings; :data:`None` is a valid key. """ msg = aioxmpp.stanza.Message( type_=aioxmpp.structs.MessageType.GROUPCHAT, to=self._mucjid ) msg.subject.update(new_topic) await self.service.client.send(msg)
[docs] async def leave(self): """ Leave the MUC. """ fut = self.on_exit.future() def cb(**kwargs): fut.set_result(None) return True # disconnect self.on_exit.connect(cb) presence = aioxmpp.stanza.Presence( type_=aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE, to=self._mucjid ) await self.service.client.send(presence) await fut
[docs] async def muc_request_voice(self): """ Request voice (participant role) in the room and wait for the request to be sent. The participant role allows occupants to send messages while the room is in moderated mode. There is no guarantee that the request will be granted. To detect that voice has been granted, observe the :meth:`on_role_change` signal. .. versionadded:: 0.8 """ msg = aioxmpp.Message( to=self._mucjid, type_=aioxmpp.MessageType.NORMAL ) data = aioxmpp.forms.Data( aioxmpp.forms.DataType.SUBMIT, ) data.fields.append( aioxmpp.forms.Field( type_=aioxmpp.forms.FieldType.HIDDEN, var="FORM_TYPE", values=[""], ), ) data.fields.append( aioxmpp.forms.Field( type_=aioxmpp.forms.FieldType.LIST_SINGLE, var="muc#role", values=["participant"], ) ) msg.xep0004_data.append(data) await self.service.client.send(msg)
async def invite(self, address, text=None, *,, allow_upgrade=False): if mode == msg = aioxmpp.Message( type_=aioxmpp.MessageType.NORMAL, to=address.bare(), ) msg.xep0249_direct_invite = muc_xso.DirectInvite( self.jid, reason=text, ) return self.service.client.enqueue(msg), self if mode == invite = muc_xso.Invite() = address invite.reason = text msg = aioxmpp.Message( type_=aioxmpp.MessageType.NORMAL, to=self.jid, ) msg.xep0045_muc_user = muc_xso.UserExt() msg.xep0045_muc_user.invites.append(invite) return self.service.client.enqueue(msg), self
def _connect_to_signal(signal, func): return signal, signal.connect(func)
[docs]class MUCClient(, aioxmpp.service.Service): """ :term:`Conversation Implementation` for Multi-User Chats (:xep:`45`). .. seealso:: :class:`~.AbstractConversationService` for useful common signals This service provides access to Multi-User Chats using the conversation interface defined by :mod:``. Client service implementing the a Multi-User Chat client. By loading it into a client, it is possible to join multi-user chats and implement interaction with them. Private Messages into the MUC are not handled by this service. They are handled by the normal :class:`.p2p.Service`. .. automethod:: join Manage rooms: .. automethod:: get_room_config .. automethod:: set_affiliation .. automethod:: set_room_config Global events: .. signal:: on_muc_invitation(stanza, muc_address, inviter_address, mode, *, password=None, reason=None, **kwargs) Emits when a MUC invitation has been received. .. versionadded:: 0.10 :param stanza: The stanza containing the invitation. :type stanza: :class:`aioxmpp.Message` :param muc_address: The address of the MUC to which the invitation points. :type muc_address: :class:`aioxmpp.JID` :param inviter_address: The address of the inviter. :type inviter_address: :class:`aioxmpp.JID` or :data:`None` :param mode: The type of the invitation. :type mode: :class:`.im.InviteMode` :param password: Password for the MUC. :type password: :class:`str` or :data:`None` :param reason: Text accompanying the invitation. :type reason: :class:`str` or :data:`None` The format of the `inviter_address` depends on the `mode`: :attr:`` For direct invitations, the `inviter_address` is the full or bare JID of the entity which sent the invitation. Usually, this will be a full JID of a users client. :attr:`` For mediated invitations, the `inviter_address` is either the occupant JID of the inviting occupant or the real bare or full JID of the occupant (:xep:`45` leaves it up to the service to decide). May also be :data:`None`. .. warning:: Neither invitation type is perfect and has issues. Mediated invites can easily be spoofed by MUCs (both their intent and the inviter address) and might be used by spam rooms to trick users into joining. Direct invites may not reach the recipient due to local policy, but they allow proper sender attribution. `inviter_address` values which are not an occupant JID should not be trusted for mediated invites! How to deal with this is a policy decision which :mod:`aioxmpp` can not make for your application. .. versionchanged:: 0.8 This class was formerly known as :class:`aioxmpp.muc.Service`. It is still available under that name, but the alias will be removed in 1.0. .. versionchanged:: 0.9 This class was completely remodeled in 0.9 to conform with the :class:`` interface. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 This class now conforms to the :class:`~.AbstractConversationService` interface. """ # NOQA: E501 ORDER_AFTER = [,, aioxmpp.tracking.BasicTrackingService, aioxmpp.DiscoServer, ] ORDER_BEFORE = [, ] on_muc_invitation = aioxmpp.callbacks.Signal() direct_invite_feature = aioxmpp.disco.register_feature( namespaces.xep0249_conference, ) def __init__(self, client, **kwargs): super().__init__(client, **kwargs) self._pending_mucs = {} self._joined_mucs = {} def _send_join_presence(self, mucjid, history, nick, password): presence = aioxmpp.stanza.Presence() = mucjid.replace(resource=nick) presence.xep0045_muc = muc_xso.GenericExt() presence.xep0045_muc.password = password presence.xep0045_muc.history = history self.client.enqueue(presence) @aioxmpp.service.depsignal(aioxmpp.Client, "on_stream_established") def _stream_established(self): self.logger.debug("stream established, (re-)connecting to %d mucs", len(self._pending_mucs)) for muc, fut, nick, history in self._pending_mucs.values(): if muc.muc_joined: self.logger.debug("%s: resuming", muc.jid) muc._resume() self.logger.debug("%s: sending join presence", muc.jid) self._send_join_presence(muc.jid, history, nick, muc.muc_password) @aioxmpp.service.depsignal(aioxmpp.Client, "on_stream_destroyed") def _stream_destroyed(self): self.logger.debug( "stream destroyed, preparing autorejoin and cleaning up the others" ) new_pending = {} for muc, fut, *more in self._pending_mucs.values(): if not muc.muc_autorejoin: self.logger.debug( "%s: pending without autorejoin -> ConnectionError", muc.jid ) fut.set_exception(ConnectionError()) else: self.logger.debug( "%s: pending with autorejoin -> keeping", muc.jid ) new_pending[muc.jid] = (muc, fut) + tuple(more) self._pending_mucs = new_pending for muc in list(self._joined_mucs.values()): if muc.muc_autorejoin: self.logger.debug( "%s: connected with autorejoin, suspending and adding to " "pending", muc.jid ) muc._suspend() self._pending_mucs[muc.jid] = ( muc, None,, muc_xso.History( since=datetime.utcnow() ) ) else: self.logger.debug( "%s: connected with autorejoin, disconnecting", muc.jid ) muc._disconnect() self.logger.debug("state now: pending=%r, joined=%r", self._pending_mucs, self._joined_mucs) def _pending_join_done(self, mucjid, room, fut): try: fut.result() except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError) as exc: room.on_failure(exc) if fut.cancelled(): try: del self._pending_mucs[mucjid] except KeyError: pass unjoin = aioxmpp.stanza.Presence( to=mucjid, type_=aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE, ) unjoin.xep0045_muc = muc_xso.GenericExt() self.client.enqueue(unjoin) def _pending_on_enter(self, presence, occupant, **kwargs): mucjid = presence.from_.bare() try: pending, fut, *_ = self._pending_mucs.pop(mucjid) except KeyError: pass # huh else: self.logger.debug("%s: pending -> joined", mucjid) if fut is not None: fut.set_result(None) self._joined_mucs[mucjid] = pending def _inbound_muc_user_presence(self, stanza): mucjid = stanza.from_.bare() try: muc = self._joined_mucs[mucjid] except KeyError: try: muc, *_ = self._pending_mucs[mucjid] except KeyError: return muc._inbound_muc_user_presence(stanza) def _inbound_presence_error(self, stanza): mucjid = stanza.from_.bare() try: pending, fut, *_ = self._pending_mucs.pop(mucjid) except KeyError: pass else: fut.set_exception(stanza.error.to_exception()) @aioxmpp.service.depfilter(, "presence_filter") def _handle_presence(self, stanza, peer, sent): if sent: return stanza if stanza.xep0045_muc_user is not None: self._inbound_muc_user_presence(stanza) return None if stanza.type_ == aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.ERROR: self._inbound_presence_error(stanza) return None return stanza @aioxmpp.service.depfilter(, "message_filter") def _handle_message(self, message, peer, sent, source): if message.xep0045_muc_user and message.xep0045_muc_user.invites: if sent: return None invite = message.xep0045_muc_user.invites[0] if # outbound mediated invite -- we should never be receiving this # with sent=False self.logger.debug( "received outbound mediated invite?! dropping" ) return None # mediated invitation self.on_muc_invitation( message, message.from_.bare(), invite.from_,, password=invite.password, reason=invite.reason, ) return None if message.xep0249_direct_invite: if sent: return None invite = message.xep0249_direct_invite try: jid = invite.jid except AttributeError: self.logger.debug( "received direct invitation without destination JID; " "dropping", ) return None self.on_muc_invitation( message, jid, message.from_,, password=invite.password, reason=invite.reason, ) return None if (source == and message.xep0045_muc_user): return None mucjid = peer.bare() try: muc = self._joined_mucs[mucjid] except KeyError: return message if (message.type_ == aioxmpp.MessageType.NORMAL and not sent and peer == mucjid): for form in message.xep0004_data: if form.get_form_type() != muc_xso.VoiceRequestForm.FORM_TYPE: continue form_obj = muc_xso.VoiceRequestForm.from_xso(form) muc._handle_role_request(form_obj) return None if message.type_ != aioxmpp.MessageType.GROUPCHAT: if muc is not None: if source == return None # tag so that p2p.Service knows what to do message.xep0045_muc_user = muc_xso.UserExt() return message muc._handle_message( message, peer, sent, source ) def _muc_exited(self, muc, *args, **kwargs): try: del self._joined_mucs[muc.jid] except KeyError: _, fut, *_ = self._pending_mucs.pop(muc.jid) if not fut.done(): fut.set_result(None) def _cycle(self, room: Room): try: room, fut, nick, history = self._pending_mucs[room.jid] except KeyError: # the muc is already joined nick = # we do not request history for cycle operations; there is no way # to determine the right amount. this could be changed in the # future. history = muc_xso.History() history.maxchars = 0 history.maxstanzas = 0 unjoin = aioxmpp.stanza.Presence( type_=aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE, to=room.jid.replace(resource=nick), ) unjoin.xep0045_muc = muc_xso.GenericExt() self.client.enqueue(unjoin) room._suspend() room._resume() self._send_join_presence( room.jid, history, nick, room.muc_password, ) def get_muc(self, mucjid): try: return self._joined_mucs[mucjid] except KeyError: return self._pending_mucs[mucjid][0] async def _shutdown(self): for muc, fut, *_ in self._pending_mucs.values(): muc._disconnect() fut.set_exception(ConnectionError()) self._pending_mucs.clear() for muc in list(self._joined_mucs.values()): muc._disconnect() self._joined_mucs.clear()
[docs] def join(self, mucjid, nick, *, password=None, history=None, autorejoin=True): """ Join a multi-user chat and create a conversation for it. :param mucjid: The bare JID of the room to join. :type mucjid: :class:`~aioxmpp.JID`. :param nick: The nickname to use in the room. :type nick: :class:`str` :param password: The password to join the room, if required. :type password: :class:`str` :param history: Specification for how much and which history to fetch. :type history: :class:`.xso.History` :param autorejoin: Flag to indicate that the MUC should be automatically rejoined after a disconnect. :type autorejoin: :class:`bool` :raises ValueError: if the MUC JID is invalid. :return: The :term:`Conversation` and a future on the join. :rtype: tuple of :class:`~.Room` and :class:`asyncio.Future`. Join a multi-user chat at `mucjid` with `nick`. Return a :class:`Room` instance which is used to track the MUC locally and a :class:`aioxmpp.Future` which becomes done when the join succeeded (with a :data:`None` value) or failed (with an exception). In addition, the :meth:`~.ConversationService.on_conversation_added` signal is emitted immediately with the new :class:`Room`. It is recommended to attach the desired signals to the :class:`Room` before yielding next (e.g. in a non-deferred event handler to the :meth:`~.ConversationService.on_conversation_added` signal), to avoid races with the server. It is guaranteed that no signals are emitted before the next yield, and thus, it is safe to attach the signals right after :meth:`join` returned. (This is also the reason why :meth:`join` is not a coroutine, but instead returns the room and a future to wait for.) Any other interaction with the room must go through the :class:`Room` instance. If the multi-user chat at `mucjid` is already or currently being joined, the existing :class:`Room` and future is returned. The `nick` and other options for the new join are ignored. If the `mucjid` is not a bare JID, :class:`ValueError` is raised. `password` may be a string used as password for the MUC. It will be remembered and stored at the returned :class:`Room` instance. `history` may be a :class:`History` instance to request a specific amount of history; otherwise, the server will return a default amount of history. If `autorejoin` is true, the MUC will be re-joined after the stream has been destroyed and re-established. In that case, the service will request history since the stream destruction and ignore the `history` object passed here. If the stream is currently not established, the join is deferred until the stream is established. """ if history is not None and not isinstance(history, muc_xso.History): raise TypeError("history must be {!s}, got {!r}".format( muc_xso.History.__name__, history)) if not mucjid.is_bare: raise ValueError("MUC JID must be bare") try: room, fut, *_ = self._pending_mucs[mucjid] except KeyError: pass else: return room, fut try: room = self._joined_mucs[mucjid] except KeyError: pass else: fut = asyncio.Future() fut.set_result(None) return room, fut room = Room(self, mucjid) room.muc_autorejoin = autorejoin room.muc_password = password room.on_exit.connect( functools.partial( self._muc_exited, room ) ) room.on_muc_enter.connect( self._pending_on_enter, ) fut = asyncio.Future() fut.add_done_callback(functools.partial( self._pending_join_done, mucjid, room, )) self._pending_mucs[mucjid] = room, fut, nick, history if self.client.established: self._send_join_presence(mucjid, history, nick, password) self.on_conversation_new(room) self.dependencies[ ]._add_conversation(room) return room, fut
[docs] async def set_affiliation(self, mucjid, jid, affiliation, *, reason=None): """ Change the affiliation of an entity with a MUC. :param mucjid: The bare JID identifying the MUC. :type mucjid: :class:`~aioxmpp.JID` :param jid: The bare JID of the entity whose affiliation shall be changed. :type jid: :class:`~aioxmpp.JID` :param affiliation: The new affiliation for the entity. :type affiliation: :class:`str` :param reason: Optional reason for the affiliation change. :type reason: :class:`str` or :data:`None` Change the affiliation of the given `jid` with the MUC identified by the bare `mucjid` to the given new `affiliation`. Optionally, a `reason` can be given. If you are joined in the MUC, :meth:`Room.muc_set_affiliation` may be more convenient, but it is possible to modify the affiliations of a MUC without being joined, given sufficient privilegues. Setting the different affiliations require different privilegues of the local user. The details can be checked in :xep:`0045` and are enforced solely by the server, not local code. The coroutine returns when the change in affiliation has been acknowledged by the server. If the server returns an error, an appropriate :class:`aioxmpp.errors.XMPPError` subclass is raised. """ if mucjid is None or not mucjid.is_bare: raise ValueError("mucjid must be bare JID") if jid is None: raise ValueError("jid must not be None") if affiliation is None: raise ValueError("affiliation must not be None") iq = aioxmpp.stanza.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.structs.IQType.SET, to=mucjid ) iq.payload = muc_xso.AdminQuery( items=[ muc_xso.AdminItem(jid=jid, reason=reason, affiliation=affiliation) ] ) await self.client.send(iq)
[docs] async def get_room_config(self, mucjid): """ Query and return the room configuration form for the given MUC. :param mucjid: JID of the room to query :type mucjid: bare :class:`~.JID` :return: data form template for the room configuration :rtype: :class:`aioxmpp.forms.Data` .. seealso:: :class:`~.ConfigurationForm` for a form template to work with the returned form .. versionadded:: 0.7 """ if mucjid is None or not mucjid.is_bare: raise ValueError("mucjid must be bare JID") iq = aioxmpp.stanza.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.structs.IQType.GET, to=mucjid, payload=muc_xso.OwnerQuery(), ) return (await self.client.send(iq)).form
[docs] async def set_room_config(self, mucjid, data): """ Set the room configuration using a :xep:`4` data form. :param mucjid: JID of the room to query :type mucjid: bare :class:`~.JID` :param data: Filled-out configuration form :type data: :class:`aioxmpp.forms.Data` .. seealso:: :class:`~.ConfigurationForm` for a form template to generate the required form A sensible workflow to, for example, set a room to be moderated, could be this:: form = aioxmpp.muc.ConfigurationForm.from_xso( (await muc_service.get_room_config(mucjid)) ) form.moderatedroom = True await muc_service.set_rooom_config(mucjid, form.render_reply()) .. versionadded:: 0.7 """ iq = aioxmpp.stanza.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.structs.IQType.SET, to=mucjid, payload=muc_xso.OwnerQuery(form=data), ) await self.client.send(iq)