Source code for aioxmpp.muc.xso

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see
# <>.
import enum

import aioxmpp.forms
import aioxmpp.stanza
import aioxmpp.stringprep
import aioxmpp.xso as xso

from aioxmpp.utils import namespaces

namespaces.xep0045_muc = ""
namespaces.xep0045_muc_user = ""
namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin = ""
namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner = ""
namespaces.xep0249_conference = "jabber:x:conference"

[docs]class StatusCode(enum.IntEnum): """ This integer enumeration (see :class:`enum.IntEnum`) is used for the status codes defined in :xep:`45`. Note that members of this enumeration are equal to their respective integer values, making it ideal for backward- and forward-compatible code and a replacement for magic numbers. .. versionadded:: 0.10 Before version 0.10, this enum did not exist and the numeric codes were used bare. Since this is an :class:`~enum.IntEnum`, it is possible to use the named enum members and their numeric codes interchangably. .. attribute:: NON_ANONYMOUS :annotation: = 100 Included when entering a room where every user can see every users real JID. .. attribute:: AFFILIATION_CHANGE :annotation: = 101 Included in out-of-band messages informing about affiliation changes. .. attribute:: SHOWING_UNAVAILABLE :annotation: = 102 Inform occupants that room now shows unavailable members. .. attribute:: NOT_SHOWING_UNAVAILABLE :annotation: = 103 Inform occupants that room now does not show unavailable members. .. attribute:: CONFIG_NON_PRIVACY_RELATED :annotation: = 104 Inform occupants that a non-privacy related configuration change has occured. .. attribute:: SELF :annotation: = 110 Inform that the stanza refers to the addressee themselves. .. attribute:: CONFIG_ROOM_LOGGING :annotation: = 170 Inform that the room is now logged. .. attribute:: CONFIG_NO_ROOM_LOGGING :annotation: = 171 Inform that the room is not logged anymore. .. attribute:: CONFIG_NON_ANONYMOUS :annotation: = 172 Inform that the room is now not anonymous. .. attribute:: CONFIG_SEMI_ANONYMOUS :annotation: = 173 Inform that the room is now semi-anonymous. .. attribute:: CREATED :annotation: = 201 Inform that the room was created during the join operation. .. attribute:: REMOVED_BANNED :annotation: = 301 Inform that the user was banned from the room. .. attribute:: NICKNAME_CHANGE :annotation: = 303 Inform about new nickname. .. attribute:: REMOVED_KICKED :annotation: = 307 Inform that the occupant was kicked. .. attribute:: REMOVED_AFFILIATION_CHANGE :annotation: = 321 Inform that the occupant was removed from the room due to a change in affiliation. .. attribute:: REMOVED_NONMEMBER_IN_MEMBERS_ONLY :annotation: = 322 Inform that the occupant was removed from the room because the room was changed to members-only and the occupant was not a member. .. attribute:: REMOVED_SERVICE_SHUTDOWN :annotation: = 332 Inform that the occupant is being removed because the MUC service is being shut down. .. attribute:: REMOVED_ERROR :annotation: = 333 Inform that the occupant is being removed because there was an error while communicating with them or their server. """ NON_ANONYMOUS = 100 AFFILIATION_CHANGE = 101 SHOWING_UNAVAILABLE = 102 NOT_SHOWING_UNAVAILABLE = 103 CONFIG_NON_PRIVACY_RELATED = 104 SELF = 110 CONFIG_ROOM_LOGGING = 170 CONFIG_NO_ROOM_LOGGING = 171 CONFIG_NON_ANONYMOUS = 172 CONFIG_SEMI_ANONYMOUS = 173 CREATED = 201 REMOVED_BANNED = 301 NICKNAME_CHANGE = 303 REMOVED_KICKED = 307 REMOVED_AFFILIATION_CHANGE = 321 REMOVED_NONMEMBER_IN_MEMBERS_ONLY = 322 REMOVED_SERVICE_SHUTDOWN = 332 REMOVED_ERROR = 333
[docs]class History(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc, "history") maxchars = xso.Attr( "maxchars", type_=xso.Integer(), default=None, ) maxstanzas = xso.Attr( "maxstanzas", type_=xso.Integer(), default=None, ) seconds = xso.Attr( "seconds", type_=xso.Integer(), default=None, ) since = xso.Attr( "since", type_=xso.DateTime(), default=None, ) def __init__(self, *, maxchars=None, maxstanzas=None, seconds=None, since=None): super().__init__() self.maxchars = maxchars self.maxstanzas = maxstanzas self.seconds = seconds self.since = since
[docs]class GenericExt(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc, "x") history = xso.Child([History]) password = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc, "password"), default=None )
aioxmpp.stanza.Presence.xep0045_muc = xso.Child([ GenericExt ]) aioxmpp.stanza.Message.xep0045_muc = xso.Child([ GenericExt ])
[docs]class Status(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "status") code = xso.Attr( "code", type_=xso.EnumCDataType( StatusCode, xso.Integer(), allow_coerce=True, pass_unknown=True, ) ) def __init__(self, code): super().__init__() self.code = code
class StatusCodeList(xso.AbstractElementType): def unpack(self, item): return item.code def pack(self, code): item = Status(code) return item def get_xso_types(self): return [Status]
[docs]class DestroyNotification(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "destroy") reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None ) jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None )
[docs]class Decline(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "decline") from_ = xso.Attr( "from", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) to = xso.Attr( "to", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None )
[docs]class Invite(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "invite") from_ = xso.Attr( "from", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) to = xso.Attr( "to", type_=xso.JID(), default=None ) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None ) password = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "password"), default=None )
class ActorBase(xso.XSO): jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None, ) nick = xso.Attr( "nick", type_=xso.String(aioxmpp.stringprep.resourceprep), default=None ) class ItemBase(xso.XSO): affiliation = xso.Attr( "affiliation", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "admin", "member", "none", "outcast", "owner", None, }), validate=xso.ValidateMode.ALWAYS, default=None, ) jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None, ) nick = xso.Attr( "nick", type_=xso.String(aioxmpp.stringprep.resourceprep), default=None ) role = xso.Attr( "role", validator=xso.RestrictToSet({ "moderator", "none", "participant", "visitor", None, }), validate=xso.ValidateMode.ALWAYS, default=None, ) def __init__(self, affiliation=None, jid=None, nick=None, role=None, reason=None): super().__init__() self.affiliation = affiliation self.jid = jid self.nick = nick self.role = role self.reason = reason @property def bare_jid(self): """ Return the bare jid of the item or :data:`None` if no JID is given. Use this to access the jid unless you really want to know the resource. Usually the information given by the resource is meaningless (the resource is randomly picked by the server). """ if self.jid: return self.jid.bare() else: return None
[docs]class UserActor(ActorBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "actor")
[docs]class Continue(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "continue") thread = xso.Attr( "thread", type_=aioxmpp.stanza.Thread.identifier.type_, default=None, )
[docs]class UserItem(ItemBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "item") actor = xso.Child([UserActor]) continue_ = xso.Child([Continue]) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "reason"), default=None )
[docs]class UserExt(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "x") status_codes = xso.ChildValueList( StatusCodeList(), container_type=set ) destroy = xso.Child([DestroyNotification]) decline = xso.Child([Decline]) invites = xso.ChildList([Invite]) items = xso.ChildList([UserItem]) password = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_user, "password"), default=None ) def __init__(self, status_codes=[], destroy=None, decline=None, invites=[], items=[], password=None): super().__init__() self.status_codes.update(status_codes) self.destroy = destroy self.decline = decline self.invites.extend(invites) self.items.extend(items) self.password = password
aioxmpp.stanza.Presence.xep0045_muc_user = xso.Child([ UserExt ]) aioxmpp.stanza.Message.xep0045_muc_user = xso.Child([ UserExt ])
[docs]class AdminActor(ActorBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "actor")
[docs]class AdminItem(ItemBase): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "item") actor = xso.Child([AdminActor]) continue_ = xso.Child([Continue]) reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "reason"), default=None )
[docs]@aioxmpp.stanza.IQ.as_payload_class class AdminQuery(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_admin, "query") items = xso.ChildList([AdminItem]) def __init__(self, *, items=[]): super().__init__() self.items[:] = items
[docs]class DestroyRequest(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "destroy") reason = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "reason"), default=None ) password = xso.ChildText( (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "password"), default=None ) jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), default=None )
[docs]@aioxmpp.stanza.IQ.as_payload_class class OwnerQuery(xso.XSO): TAG = (namespaces.xep0045_muc_owner, "query") destroy = xso.Child([DestroyRequest]) form = xso.Child([aioxmpp.forms.Data]) def __init__(self, *, form=None, destroy=None): super().__init__() self.form = form self.destroy = destroy
[docs]class DirectInvite(xso.XSO): TAG = namespaces.xep0249_conference, "x" # JEP-0045 v1.19 §6.7 allowed a mediated(!) invitation to contain a # (what is now) DirectInvite payload where the reason is included as # text (and not as attribute). # # Some servers still emit this for compatibility. We ignore that. _ = xso.Text(default=None) jid = xso.Attr( "jid", type_=xso.JID(), ) reason = xso.Attr( "reason", default=None, ) password = xso.Attr( "password", default=None, ) continue_ = xso.Attr( "continue", type_=xso.Bool(), default=False, ) thread = xso.Attr( "thread", default=None, ) def __init__(self, jid, *, reason=None, password=None, continue_=False, thread=None): super().__init__() self.jid = jid self.reason = reason self.password = password self.continue_ = continue_ self.thread = thread
aioxmpp.Message.xep0249_direct_invite = xso.Child([DirectInvite])
[docs]class ConfigurationForm(aioxmpp.forms.Form): """ This is a :xep:`4` form template (see :mod:`aioxmpp.forms`) for MUC configuration forms. The attribute documentation is auto-generated from :xep:`45`; see there for details on the semantics of each field. .. versionadded:: 0.7 """ FORM_TYPE = '' maxhistoryfetch = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#maxhistoryfetch', label='Maximum Number of History Messages Returned by Room' ) allowpm = aioxmpp.forms.ListSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_allowpm', label='Roles that May Send Private Messages' ) allowinvites = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_allowinvites', label='Whether to Allow Occupants to Invite Others' ) changesubject = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_changesubject', label='Whether to Allow Occupants to Change Subject' ) enablelogging = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_enablelogging', label='Whether to Enable Public Logging of Room Conversations' ) getmemberlist = aioxmpp.forms.ListMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist', label='Roles and Affiliations that May Retrieve Member List' ) lang = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_lang', label='Natural Language for Room Discussions' ) pubsub = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_pubsub', label='XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node' ) maxusers = aioxmpp.forms.ListSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_maxusers', label='Maximum Number of Room Occupants' ) membersonly = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_membersonly', label='Whether to Make Room Members-Only' ) moderatedroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom', label='Whether to Make Room Moderated' ) passwordprotectedroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom', label='Whether a Password is Required to Enter' ) persistentroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_persistentroom', label='Whether to Make Room Persistent' ) presencebroadcast = aioxmpp.forms.ListMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast', label='Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted' ) publicroom = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roomconfig_publicroom', label='Whether to Allow Public Searching for Room' ) roomadmins = aioxmpp.forms.JIDMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_roomadmins', label='Full List of Room Admins' ) roomdesc = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_roomdesc', label='Short Description of Room' ) roomname = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_roomname', label='Natural-Language Room Name' ) roomowners = aioxmpp.forms.JIDMulti( var='muc#roomconfig_roomowners', label='Full List of Room Owners' ) roomsecret = aioxmpp.forms.TextPrivate( var='muc#roomconfig_roomsecret', label='The Room Password' ) whois = aioxmpp.forms.ListSingle( var='muc#roomconfig_whois', label='Affiliations that May Discover Real JIDs of Occupants' )
[docs]class InfoForm(aioxmpp.forms.Form): FORM_TYPE = '' maxhistoryfetch = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#maxhistoryfetch', label='Maximum Number of History Messages Returned by Room' ) contactjid = aioxmpp.forms.JIDMulti( var='muc#roominfo_contactjid', label='Contact Addresses (normally, room owner or owners)' ) description = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roominfo_description', label='Short Description of Room' ) lang = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roominfo_lang', label='Natural Language for Room Discussions' ) ldapgroup = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roominfo_ldapgroup', label='An associated LDAP group that defines room membership; this ' 'should be an LDAP Distinguished Name according to an ' 'implementation-specific or deployment-specific definition of a group.' ) logs = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roominfo_logs', label='URL for Archived Discussion Logs' ) occupants = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roominfo_occupants', label='Current Number of Occupants in Room' ) subject = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roominfo_subject', label='Current Discussion Topic' ) subjectmod = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#roominfo_subjectmod', label='The room subject can be modified by participants' )
[docs]class VoiceRequestForm(aioxmpp.forms.Form): FORM_TYPE = '' role = aioxmpp.forms.ListSingle( var='muc#role', label='Requested role' ) jid = aioxmpp.forms.JIDSingle( var='muc#jid', label='User ID' ) roomnick = aioxmpp.forms.TextSingle( var='muc#roomnick', label='Room Nickname' ) request_allow = aioxmpp.forms.Boolean( var='muc#request_allow', label='Whether to grant voice' )