
This section defines terms used throughout the aioxmpp documentation.

A context for communication between two or more entities. It defines a transport medium (such as direct XMPP or a Multi-User-Chat), a set of members along with their addresses and possibly additional features such as archive access method.
Conversation Member
Representation of an entity which takes part in a Conversation. The actual definition of “taking part in a conversation” depends on the specific medium used.
Tracking Service
A Service which provides functionality for updating aioxmpp.tracking.MessageTracker objects.
A subclass of aioxmpp.service.Service which supplements the base aioxmpp.Client with additional functionality. Typically, a service implements a part of one or more XEPs.
Service Member

A Conversation Member representing the service over which the conversation is run. For example, some XEP-0045 multi-user chat service implementations send messages to all occupants as a service user. Those messages appear in aioxmpp.muc as coming from the service member.

Relevant entities:

XMPP Extension Proposal
An XMPP Extension Proposal (or XEP) is a document which extends the basic RFCs of the XMPP protocol with additional functionality. Many important instant messaging features are specified in XEPs. The index of XEPs is located on