Source code for aioxmpp.blocking.service

# File name:
# This file is part of: aioxmpp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see
# <>.
import asyncio

import aioxmpp
import aioxmpp.callbacks as callbacks
import aioxmpp.service as service

from aioxmpp.utils import namespaces

from . import xso as blocking_xso

[docs]class BlockingClient(service.Service): """ A :class:`~aioxmpp.service.Service` implementing :xep:`Blocking Command <191>`. This service maintains the list of blocked JIDs and allows manipulating the blocklist. Attribute: .. autoattribute:: blocklist Signals: .. signal:: on_initial_blocklist_received(blocklist) Fires when the initial blocklist was received from the server. :param blocklist: the initial blocklist :type blocklist: :class:`` of :class:`~aioxmpp.JID` .. signal:: on_jids_blocked(blocked_jids) Fires when additional JIDs are blocked. :param blocked_jids: the newly blocked JIDs :type blocked_jids: :class:`` of :class:`~aioxmpp.JID` .. signal:: on_jids_blocked(blocked_jids) Fires when JIDs are unblocked. :param unblocked_jids: the now unblocked JIDs :type unblocked_jids: :class:`` of :class:`~aioxmpp.JID` Coroutine methods: .. automethod:: block_jids .. automethod:: unblock_jids .. automethod:: unblock_all """ ORDER_AFTER = [aioxmpp.DiscoClient] def __init__(self, client, **kwargs): super().__init__(client, **kwargs) self._blocklist = None self._lock = asyncio.Lock() self._disco = self.dependencies[aioxmpp.DiscoClient] on_jids_blocked = callbacks.Signal() on_jids_unblocked = callbacks.Signal() on_initial_blocklist_received = callbacks.Signal() @asyncio.coroutine def _check_for_blocking(self): server_info = yield from self._disco.query_info( self.client.local_jid.replace( resource=None, localpart=None, ) ) if namespaces.xep0191 not in server_info.features: self._blocklist = None raise RuntimeError("server does not support blocklists!") @service.depsignal(aioxmpp.Client, "before_stream_established") @asyncio.coroutine def _get_initial_blocklist(self): try: yield from self._check_for_blocking() except RuntimeError: "server does not support block lists, skipping initial fetch" ) return True if self._blocklist is None: with (yield from self._lock): iq = aioxmpp.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.IQType.GET, payload=blocking_xso.BlockList(), ) result = yield from self.client.send(iq) self._blocklist = frozenset(result.items) self.on_initial_blocklist_received(self._blocklist) return True @property def blocklist(self): """ :class:`` of JIDs blocked by the account. """ return self._blocklist
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def block_jids(self, jids_to_block): """ Add the JIDs in the sequence `jids_to_block` to the client's blocklist. """ yield from self._check_for_blocking() if not jids_to_block: return cmd = blocking_xso.BlockCommand(jids_to_block) iq = aioxmpp.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.IQType.SET, payload=cmd, ) yield from self.client.send(iq)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def unblock_jids(self, jids_to_unblock): """ Remove the JIDs in the sequence `jids_to_block` from the client's blocklist. """ yield from self._check_for_blocking() if not jids_to_unblock: return cmd = blocking_xso.UnblockCommand(jids_to_unblock) iq = aioxmpp.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.IQType.SET, payload=cmd, ) yield from self.client.send(iq)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def unblock_all(self): """ Unblock all JIDs currently blocked. """ yield from self._check_for_blocking() cmd = blocking_xso.UnblockCommand() iq = aioxmpp.IQ( type_=aioxmpp.IQType.SET, payload=cmd, ) yield from self.client.send(iq)
@service.iq_handler(aioxmpp.IQType.SET, blocking_xso.BlockCommand) @asyncio.coroutine def handle_block_push(self, block_command): diff = () with (yield from self._lock): if self._blocklist is None: # this means the stream was destroyed while we were waiting for # the lock/while the handler was enqueued for scheduling, or # the server is buggy and sends pushes before we fetched the # blocklist return if (block_command.from_ is None or block_command.from_ == self.client.local_jid.bare() or # WORKAROUND: ejabberd#2287 block_command.from_ == self.client.local_jid): diff = frozenset(block_command.payload.items) self._blocklist |= diff else: self.logger.debug( "received block push from unauthorized JID: %s", block_command.from_, ) if diff: self.on_jids_blocked(diff) @service.iq_handler(aioxmpp.IQType.SET, blocking_xso.UnblockCommand) @asyncio.coroutine def handle_unblock_push(self, unblock_command): diff = () with (yield from self._lock): if self._blocklist is None: # this means the stream was destroyed while we were waiting for # the lock/while the handler was enqueued for scheduling, or # the server is buggy and sends pushes before we fetched the # blocklist return if (unblock_command.from_ is None or unblock_command.from_ == self.client.local_jid.bare() or # WORKAROUND: ejabberd#2287 unblock_command.from_ == self.client.local_jid): if not unblock_command.payload.items: diff = frozenset(self._blocklist) self._blocklist = frozenset() else: diff = frozenset(unblock_command.payload.items) self._blocklist -= diff else: self.logger.debug( "received unblock push from unauthorized JID: %s", unblock_command.from_, ) if diff: self.on_jids_unblocked(diff) @service.depsignal(, "on_stream_destroyed") def handle_stream_destroyed(self, reason): self._blocklist = None